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Question #1238324464Sunday, 29-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!!
This was a comment before. But its about my uncertainity with Socionics and all typing systems, because of my uncertainity with my type. Please read, it would be so helpful to have new perspective. Its very long, but there is alot to it that you might have thought of, but never gotten far in trying to fully understand. [[[[[[[[Well, I'm an INT-something, or something something rather; who knows what? You sound like your preference as being an INTJ is clean-enough cut. Good for you. I'm going to be 17 soon and from when I was 14-15, I wasted my life contemplating socionics. Socionics is an interesting structure to such a grabbing concept. Most of the people who are on here for so long must be strong INTJs, maybe I am too, I'm just deficient and don't understand and comprehend things well enough, so I have to adopt the seeking behaviors of other types. I used to be really shy, wouldn't talk to anyone, but I love attention and I love people, I love it when people like me. But I'm in-my-own-head and shy all the same, I'm a freakin' mess. I scored INTP almost everytime I took the socionics test, but I fit the notion of dominant Ti better than Ni I think, though I get confused and am never sure. I'm super serious and intense; at my best I can appear very casual but still extremely intense, and have learned to be Chameleon-like in many different settings. I can never commit to anything. I also don't get good grades, and can talk intelligently and understand alot of things(though math is tricky unless it has to do with Classical Music) to an extent that I could be most genuinely thoughtful sounding speaker in a good sized collection of people. But I'm lazy and useless, in some ways I feel incredibly stupid. But, but but, but, I feel like I have a characteristic perspective to me that is very rare, and gives me the potential for a lot of ego and a lot of humility all the same, but coexisting and conflicting. Tangents. Well, my goal was to offer you some perspective, usually I have some pretty unusual perspectives. Socionics, I don't get it, I more about it than most people who claim to get it know, but, I don't have a type to confidently call my own. So, either I discredit it, or stubbornly hope it will work.]]]]]]]] What do you guys think? Do I just have ambiguous preferences, am I a confused member of a distinct type, or is Socionics just not that deeply applicable and somewhat faulty and not very scientific? Thats my current story with Socionics as best as I will be able to describe it right now. Don't call me any type please unless you are totally convinced and think you can sort of ADD to my knowledge, and NOT indescriminately OVERIDE it. In someways, Ne seems to be me because I like really wierd things and I indulgently dig into any concept I come across(I think refinement between intuition types is concept of faulty logic, its all the same..prove me wrong?). I'm also very charismatic when in a good mood, but I often feel like I have a puny presence. I don't think I'm "right brained" enough to be an ENTP. INTP, they seem too rigid and strategic at the expense of deep understanding. ENTJs are too tough and regular. INFJs, too naturally tranquil. INFPs, I can't manipulate my emotions very quickly. ENFPs, I'm too slow witted, even though I love social things, plus I'm too deep. ENFJs, too good socially and too energetic. INTJs, too linnear, but maybe that how I was born and I grew around it. ISTJs, too practicle. ISTPs too cool and cold. ISFJs, god, sometimes I feel dangerously close to being one, they describe them so much as what I aspire not to be but might actually be deep down; they are so lamely described, I have a strong mind! ISFPs, maybe when I have some twisted perspective, I'll believe it, same for all other unmentioned sensates. Please Help People, try my thinking on, if you think you have the type for me nailed, go for it. If you can't decide, start thinking about what I could actually be in a more flexible sense. I don't know what I mean really, just use your intuition to give me a wholesome, truly wholesome answer if you can. -- Grant
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A25 Yeah, I don't know, like I said, the first time I took an MBTI test blind without knowing what it was, regardless of how illogical my thought process in answering the questions, I nonetheless scored ISTJ. I noticed my teacher scored ISTJ as well, and I didn't like her very much at the time, I thought she was harsh and socially quite forceful(this is a very well noticed character in my life), like someone I didn't want to admit was a bit like myself(though people have talked to me as though I'm like that, except I'm usually aware of how I might appear a bit socially innapropriate at times, I worked really hard to gain the skill of being widely socially acceptable to kids my age atleast, but I'm talking about idiot highschool students here, not adults, who tend to like me(this definately points to introvert, feeling a need to work to be accepted if it is so desired); I declined from "claiming" INTj, because they don't seem to care about acceptance, I declined from ISTj because they seem harsh and they don't seem to be described as having good artistic sensibilities, I have an exceptional ability to appreciate art, particularly music, and I love the sciences, as a child I was incredibly advanced and intricate about my knowledge pertaining to specific topics in science, like astronomy, paleontology, pretty much any naturalistic science(people would wonder why I knew what I knew, how I ever gained that knowledge in the first place, I always thought they gave me more credit than I deserved for being intelligent, and now I feel like they don't give me enough) I found a naturalistic aspect to just about everything, I liked partical physics due to the different particals I could think about or something) I could tell I was much more sensitive than her, plus I had very well developed interests, certainly not very intellectual in the way I approached them, but very "intellectual" topics. If I'm an ISTj, a personality typing system that lumps a large number of totally insensitive robots together with myself is flawed. Even ISTj's who seem to appreciate art, just like it due to its "meaning" or something dumb like having a hobby because they think they ought to as its part of their pretentious attempt at having a philosophy(did you get that, if you translate that to socionics, might it mean that I am not very appreciative of "meaning"(ni) unless I'm sure its genuine, it has to be interesting and amusing, not falsely heavy and stupid) not because they actually appreciate it. Classical music is currently my greatest passion, if I was born a few hundred years ago in the right place, I might've found my niche talking about music, science, architecture, animals, and scenarios, and I might have had a life free enough of distractions to emerge as a respected artist at a relatively young age, I might have to wait a long time now; ideally a composer or a writer. I'm not sure whether this points to INFp or not, I was actually not writing under that premise. Thank you for the message Esiz, though now that I noticed the significance of what you meant when you said "brief and factual questions"... well, didn't I only post one asking what shez's type was, maybe another somewhere else? My thought process for posting that brief question was longer than you wouldn've guessed, I actually deleted a huge message and just asked shez the question; I couldn't figure out how to ask my really big questions(plus I didn't want to just keep rambling about the same stuff for too long, someone is bound to criticize that as not learning from my mistakes, ooh that gets me), often numerous, so I literally just do stream of consciousness. If I were to do this completely, it would take alot of time and energy, and I don't think I have the discipline to wrap my thoughts around alot of things, so I just come up with analogies as opposed to handling any bit of information directly(I don't entirely know what I mean by this). Its funny because I claim to have a ridiculous amount of questions, and yet I'm often not aware of them well enough to ask them when it would have been opportune; I often didn't pay attention well enough to have any coherent questions on a particular topic, thus someone might think I have nothing to say; people who I consider to be ISTj's often seem to say the same thing to everything across a wide variety of topics, a simple pattern is blatantly apparent in how they think. When in the face of someone who doesn't struggle with this at all, I often feel that I go through an initial phase of proving to an "original person" that I'm not your "typical person" either, that I'm quite unique and am perfectly capable of altering my thought process, and have peculiar interests just like them. The only thing is, I still feel I have to prove myself to someone, I can't just play by my own rules. The most basic knowledge of jungian based typing systems will tell you that this trait is indicative of a dominant judging preference. I also want to say that the values of the delta quadra have always been most appealing to me, not pretentious seriousness, but just emotional maturity that doesn't threaten to suffocate the life out of others that aren't(gammas I believe). So, I'm working towards INFj or ISTp here(ISFp has occured to me as they have been described as artists, but I appreciate art better than I create it, I can't cook very well at all if I don't find my "groove" which is often hard for me to grasp, nor can I draw very well, and I'm completely NOT stout or chubby, I'm quite lean, I have an athletic body type, and I'm not a jolly fellow, I'm quite melancholy though I can be very warm and occasionally will light up) they are about the only things that make sense if I'm right in designating ENFp's as my best friends(ironically, I believe I was complaining about ISTj's in that other post, my teacher in particular, who has alot of energy for an ISTj, but is nonetheless, still almost certainly one, I don't know why I though he was an ENFp, I certainly had a skewed definition, I was also complaining about the shallowness of people that might be ENFj's). I know I'm not an ENFp, from what I know of a dominant Ne type, they are extremely unpredictable to most, and though I have many secrets that will surprise your average joe, I just don't have that incessant energy. I also have always thought that my childhood best friend was an ENFp, such a crazy imagination and he would still listen to anything I had to say. I like your description of Fi as being naturalistic Esiz, I had thought of that before. Part of the reason I'm so disorganized and lazy is not because I don't think its useful to try to be, but because I just don't have it in me to unsettle my self with an overly systematic lifestyle. I feel like I'll suffocate, its always been that way. ISTp doesn't seem likely because I don't think of myself as someone who is good at operating equipment at all. Why do I stray from INFj? Well, I'm not exactly a really nice person all the time, nor do people think of me as someone who is outwardly harsh but inwardly strong of principle, nor am I a fast processor of information like I would associate with Ne, I am a slow and deep processor. Why don't I think I'm an INFp? Well, Beta quadra value's, theatrics, I mean at home my parents think I'm way too dramatic, but in the outside world, I'm very reasonable and know how to be taken seriously, and attempt to be a sincere person through and through; I am really hard on myself to make up for my inablity to always keep myself morally in check, and I can be a bit disagreable, I'd rather be right than nice actually. I scored INTp last time with a semi ambiguous thinking feeling preference, though not as close as you might think; and I try to answer as honestly as I think I can. As for beta's again, I know I like to pretend I'm something else, but isn't that a bit of a universal human trait? That is about the only way I can relate to the beta quadra, though people I have considered to be INFj's(though this might actually be INTj's or is there a "hard" INFj, and a "soft" INFj?(I would actually be the latter)) seem to be critical of me, and I find it hard not to write them off as concieted untill I make my way into their "okay" zone, then I find them to be very nice people. People who I have thought to be INFp's seem silly and goofy to me at first, and I find it hard to take them seriously even though I know they have good abilities; they don't seem to have much common sense because there is this often unnecessary delay to everything they do. ISFJ? They seem like modest socialitic types, people who just want to get along with everybody, and that isn't me, I'd rather stand up for myself. Esfp's, I tended to think of them as being very sunny and likeable, like a rockstar or something, a bit of a boring affect, but a very nice person. (you should not that I am very insecure about my affect, I am critical of others for having a boring one, and am sometimes worried that I myself might have one). ESTp, they tend to try to look really cool don't they, this type of person seems like a total joker to me, not even worth paying attention to at first, though I realize they are human beings with feelings that are equal, though perhaps less of what I consider to be meaningfully contrived). Like Shez I certainly have some borderline issues if that is what you want to call it, I have to act according to a situation, and my persona changes completely according to my environment, really, way more than it should. -- Grant
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