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Question #1238324464Sunday, 29-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!!
This was a comment before. But its about my uncertainity with Socionics and all typing systems, because of my uncertainity with my type. Please read, it would be so helpful to have new perspective. Its very long, but there is alot to it that you might have thought of, but never gotten far in trying to fully understand. [[[[[[[[Well, I'm an INT-something, or something something rather; who knows what? You sound like your preference as being an INTJ is clean-enough cut. Good for you. I'm going to be 17 soon and from when I was 14-15, I wasted my life contemplating socionics. Socionics is an interesting structure to such a grabbing concept. Most of the people who are on here for so long must be strong INTJs, maybe I am too, I'm just deficient and don't understand and comprehend things well enough, so I have to adopt the seeking behaviors of other types. I used to be really shy, wouldn't talk to anyone, but I love attention and I love people, I love it when people like me. But I'm in-my-own-head and shy all the same, I'm a freakin' mess. I scored INTP almost everytime I took the socionics test, but I fit the notion of dominant Ti better than Ni I think, though I get confused and am never sure. I'm super serious and intense; at my best I can appear very casual but still extremely intense, and have learned to be Chameleon-like in many different settings. I can never commit to anything. I also don't get good grades, and can talk intelligently and understand alot of things(though math is tricky unless it has to do with Classical Music) to an extent that I could be most genuinely thoughtful sounding speaker in a good sized collection of people. But I'm lazy and useless, in some ways I feel incredibly stupid. But, but but, but, I feel like I have a characteristic perspective to me that is very rare, and gives me the potential for a lot of ego and a lot of humility all the same, but coexisting and conflicting. Tangents. Well, my goal was to offer you some perspective, usually I have some pretty unusual perspectives. Socionics, I don't get it, I more about it than most people who claim to get it know, but, I don't have a type to confidently call my own. So, either I discredit it, or stubbornly hope it will work.]]]]]]]] What do you guys think? Do I just have ambiguous preferences, am I a confused member of a distinct type, or is Socionics just not that deeply applicable and somewhat faulty and not very scientific? Thats my current story with Socionics as best as I will be able to describe it right now. Don't call me any type please unless you are totally convinced and think you can sort of ADD to my knowledge, and NOT indescriminately OVERIDE it. In someways, Ne seems to be me because I like really wierd things and I indulgently dig into any concept I come across(I think refinement between intuition types is concept of faulty logic, its all the same..prove me wrong?). I'm also very charismatic when in a good mood, but I often feel like I have a puny presence. I don't think I'm "right brained" enough to be an ENTP. INTP, they seem too rigid and strategic at the expense of deep understanding. ENTJs are too tough and regular. INFJs, too naturally tranquil. INFPs, I can't manipulate my emotions very quickly. ENFPs, I'm too slow witted, even though I love social things, plus I'm too deep. ENFJs, too good socially and too energetic. INTJs, too linnear, but maybe that how I was born and I grew around it. ISTJs, too practicle. ISTPs too cool and cold. ISFJs, god, sometimes I feel dangerously close to being one, they describe them so much as what I aspire not to be but might actually be deep down; they are so lamely described, I have a strong mind! ISFPs, maybe when I have some twisted perspective, I'll believe it, same for all other unmentioned sensates. Please Help People, try my thinking on, if you think you have the type for me nailed, go for it. If you can't decide, start thinking about what I could actually be in a more flexible sense. I don't know what I mean really, just use your intuition to give me a wholesome, truly wholesome answer if you can. -- Grant
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A31 Well, shez, thank you for all the attention and thought you've offered me. My understanding is not as limited as you might think though, I just take pleasure in expressing every thought I've gone through, surely you've realized this, I just run out of space and am poorly organized, so I often don't get my point across. Well you've realized my limitations with organization, but my inability to organize stems from the sheer amount of raw information I absorb and can't handle, regulation is a better way to describe it, stopping my incessant consumption. What exactly is an ISTj and what is and ENFp? I just don't see distinct characters like this? My teacher, in the classroom setting is quite verbal and seems to need a fast paced classroom to keep himself going; he's also a rigid tightwad workoholic, but you wouldn't guess it if you just saw him. He scored ISTj on a myerrs briggs, he strikes me as being quite superficial and not milking the content of the subject matter for what its worth, just using it, he seems like such a puppet and he is never as accurate in his moral judgements as he thinks he is. Well, can you see how I can never find a true grounding to start confidently piecing my understanding together, I(think I) try hard to monitor myself so I don't get too far in making a foolish conclusion based on faulty premises, I cut myself off before I can go too far unless I'm sure its worthwhile, because I know that I don't have as much conscious maneuverability with abstraction at high speeds. I'm not asking you to look at this in terms of functions, though this is a kernel of common sense that many intuiters(perhaps defined as extraverted intuiters) don't have, perhaps because they never needed it, they were never distracted by unnecessary and incoherent sensations and images. Does introverted intuition(provided it does exist), tend to be the sourse of pessimism and extraverted the source of optimism? Or is intuition in general a source of optimism? If so, though I am capable of being optimistic, I often can't be because I have an overpowering sense and anxiety that I'm going to do only so well, or just flat out fail, or that its going to be extremely strenuous, ect. The thing is, I'm not confined to this mode of perception, I am quite strong willed, though I use to have extreme doubts about how resourceful I was, I thought I couldn't handle things. Intuition is perhaps an ability to recognize patterns of the world and of processes and sensing is a fixed sense of effort or comfort. Intuition is horribly glorified. If I think of it this way, I am almost certainly not an intuitive, everything is about motivation for me. Confusingly, sensates are said to be concrete as though implying they are less intelligent as a result of a reduced capacity for abstraction, and not what they are naturally bound to focus on. Well, I'm not trying to find a nice way to validate the skills of a sensate, I'm trying to prove that they can and do have just as original and powerful of minds as intuitives, just as much creative energy, they just burn out when it comes to trying to refine it into words and mathematical concepts. Some people are just stupid, thus they are sensates? Some people are very intelligent in that they have an incredible capacity to think, but can't situate it to the constant influx of new abstractions, thus they are thought of as stick in the muds, when they are really very contientious people that just can't handle all the information because their working memories become overwhelmed. I don't stubbornly pretend to not have a working memory(this is what introverted intution suggests to me) for abstract concepts I could see in the world around me, I simply don't; but this does not mean that I am "concrete" and limited, in fact, because I lack this capacity, the inner workings of my mind are quite intricate and multilayered. I'm not sure if that is your definition of introverted intuition of not, but what authority do you consider yourself to just accept every new understanding you come to as the law, you should always regard things with skepticism, I suppose you don't have to if you understand something as it is presented in its entirity better than I do, but because you don't, you don't have as many tricks of thoughts to cope with your limitations because you don't have to hit them. I hit them all the time, and this is why I am incredibly clever at devising unusual ways to think about things. I don't know what that means in terms of functions, perhaps because functions to me just seem like descriptions of what the underlying process is, which is a mystery and for all I know, doesn't exist or could be an analogue to a virtual reality in that it works exclusively within its closed system. I postulate that I am very good at thinking, I am very well put together, I simply hit my limitations and seek to progress further because I am not stupid; or conversely, it could be that I pretend I have limitations when I don't, I don't really know, and that in and of itself is my limitation, my inability and need to figure this out, its probably an ego thing(that reference was only partly intended). Do you atleast have sympathy for this weakness of mine, its not that I can't think logically, its that I can't situate myself to outside information due to limited raw mental working memory, so my internal thought processes become alienatingly intricate and removed from reality. I pretend that I am weak willed and irresponsible when I am not; I have trouble digesting that I'm so limited because it is in my nature to be intelligent and thougtful. This is why I think its possible that I might be an ISTj. I don't really care at this point whether I am or not, my emotions are managed sufficiently I think, unless I don't know for sure, I just want to cleanse my mind of any notion that this system is significant, but it might actually be truthful, so I'm indecisive. Of course, there are loopholes that you could use, but I did try to express that I don't depend on reassurance as much as it might seem. And I'm not criticizing you at all shez, I'm amazed at how well you seem to understand some of my difficulties and how experienced you are, whether you actually empathise or not, I am glad someone cares and I don't doubt your eventual ability to fully and acurately empathise with as much information as I can communicate via internet(whew!), communications over the internet just get confusing. Thank you very much. I think I have a very flexible personality as a whole though there is something stubborn about me that I consider the core of my identity, you seem to think this can be called Ni. I think I killed a good degree of my superficial inflexibility ages ago, I used to be forceful and arrogant but overly sensitive at the same time, a combination that is bound to cause turbulence and I think I had to revert to inertia because I exhausted myself and have been unable to activate since. I don't know what you call that, but it certainly makes me an enigma, though the answer could be quite simple, and probably is, but nonetheless, impossibly complicated to discern. I hope this isn't too long. -- Grant
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