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Question #1238324464Sunday, 29-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!!
This was a comment before. But its about my uncertainity with Socionics and all typing systems, because of my uncertainity with my type. Please read, it would be so helpful to have new perspective. Its very long, but there is alot to it that you might have thought of, but never gotten far in trying to fully understand. [[[[[[[[Well, I'm an INT-something, or something something rather; who knows what? You sound like your preference as being an INTJ is clean-enough cut. Good for you. I'm going to be 17 soon and from when I was 14-15, I wasted my life contemplating socionics. Socionics is an interesting structure to such a grabbing concept. Most of the people who are on here for so long must be strong INTJs, maybe I am too, I'm just deficient and don't understand and comprehend things well enough, so I have to adopt the seeking behaviors of other types. I used to be really shy, wouldn't talk to anyone, but I love attention and I love people, I love it when people like me. But I'm in-my-own-head and shy all the same, I'm a freakin' mess. I scored INTP almost everytime I took the socionics test, but I fit the notion of dominant Ti better than Ni I think, though I get confused and am never sure. I'm super serious and intense; at my best I can appear very casual but still extremely intense, and have learned to be Chameleon-like in many different settings. I can never commit to anything. I also don't get good grades, and can talk intelligently and understand alot of things(though math is tricky unless it has to do with Classical Music) to an extent that I could be most genuinely thoughtful sounding speaker in a good sized collection of people. But I'm lazy and useless, in some ways I feel incredibly stupid. But, but but, but, I feel like I have a characteristic perspective to me that is very rare, and gives me the potential for a lot of ego and a lot of humility all the same, but coexisting and conflicting. Tangents. Well, my goal was to offer you some perspective, usually I have some pretty unusual perspectives. Socionics, I don't get it, I more about it than most people who claim to get it know, but, I don't have a type to confidently call my own. So, either I discredit it, or stubbornly hope it will work.]]]]]]]] What do you guys think? Do I just have ambiguous preferences, am I a confused member of a distinct type, or is Socionics just not that deeply applicable and somewhat faulty and not very scientific? Thats my current story with Socionics as best as I will be able to describe it right now. Don't call me any type please unless you are totally convinced and think you can sort of ADD to my knowledge, and NOT indescriminately OVERIDE it. In someways, Ne seems to be me because I like really wierd things and I indulgently dig into any concept I come across(I think refinement between intuition types is concept of faulty logic, its all the same..prove me wrong?). I'm also very charismatic when in a good mood, but I often feel like I have a puny presence. I don't think I'm "right brained" enough to be an ENTP. INTP, they seem too rigid and strategic at the expense of deep understanding. ENTJs are too tough and regular. INFJs, too naturally tranquil. INFPs, I can't manipulate my emotions very quickly. ENFPs, I'm too slow witted, even though I love social things, plus I'm too deep. ENFJs, too good socially and too energetic. INTJs, too linnear, but maybe that how I was born and I grew around it. ISTJs, too practicle. ISTPs too cool and cold. ISFJs, god, sometimes I feel dangerously close to being one, they describe them so much as what I aspire not to be but might actually be deep down; they are so lamely described, I have a strong mind! ISFPs, maybe when I have some twisted perspective, I'll believe it, same for all other unmentioned sensates. Please Help People, try my thinking on, if you think you have the type for me nailed, go for it. If you can't decide, start thinking about what I could actually be in a more flexible sense. I don't know what I mean really, just use your intuition to give me a wholesome, truly wholesome answer if you can. -- Grant
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A15 INFp. I stand solidly by that verdict. the more you write, the more apparent it becomes how indecisive you are, how vacillating in thought you are, how weak your Ti and Te are, how much your reasoning lacks qualification (you tend to reason in an all or nothing manner, I think you yourself can see that), how much you lack the ability to evaluate and resolve contradictory evidence and arguments, how doubtful of yourself you are, how little emotional control you have, how deeply self-reflective you are, how uneasy you feel about your identity and your self-worth, and how important it is to yourself that you are a type that you actually like. I will even go so far as to label these 'the INFp syndrome'. I suspect you won't like this verdict but....NEWSFLASH: the truth is not always what you want it to be MR INFp. Also, it's clear that you only have a really superficial understanding of the functions, basing your knowledge of them on basic stereotypical phenotypes, and not the deeper underlying processes. I will say then, you're definitely not Ti - there is little to no systematicity in your understanding or your thinking. but your iNtuition is very strong - you seemed to have grasped a feel for socionics and what the diff functions MIGHT entail, but find it hard to grasp the intricate details. You are definitely a p - you lack evaluation skills, and i'll bet you're disorganized judging by the way you write. Plus you are always doubting the verity of your own and others' observations - your level of obsession with your own uncertainty, and your intense need to reach a truth that you're comfortable with is almost scary - quite clear indication of dominant Ni. You are obsessed with being a 'worthwhile person' and having 'an innate uniqueness to me that these jerks could never emulate'. This sentiment is so INFp it's not funny....Also you, like a lot of INFp's, are really confident that you understand or know something, but based on what you've written about socionics, it's clear that your understanding is vague at best, and full of holes. Obviously i haven't gone over every detail of your posts (that would take too long); i've just picked out the most salient features of your communications to talk about. Cheers. -- Shez
A16 Yup, I agree...INFp. Give yourself a few years, dude...the other functions will fill in. In the meantime, enjoy what's already right in front of you. -- INFp guy
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A17 Well, out of curiousity, what is your type? -- Grant
A18 I honestly don't know anymore. I don't trust self questionnaire results because it's too easy to boil those tests, and answer in such a way so as to get the result one wants...I think, however, my type is one of ENFp, INFp, INTp, INFj, INTj. But i have a tendency towards borderline personality disorder ('a weak and variable self concept' is a more apt description, since most of the time, i'm quite functional and content, i.e. not 'disordered'), and that probably skews the phenotypic expression of my socionics type towards a less typical phenotype, possibly even making me resemble a completely different type(s). -- Shez
A19 For anyone interested in trying to type people solely by the words they use (as we've been doing here), I've found this page to be very helpful: -- Krig (INTj)
A20 Shez: if I had to guess from your posts, I would say you are INTj. Your precise grammar, your confidence in making assertions based on logical deduction and classification, your objective analysis of subjects, all point toward strong Ti. Your A15 post above is basically one long exercise in Ti, assessing the possibilities offered by Ne and whittling them down to one logical conclusion... Plus, personally speaking, I've never heard any type other than we INTjs use words like "verity" and "salient" in such a casually correct manner. -- Krig (INTj)
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