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Whether you are a newbie or someone who is already familiar with Types, this guide should help you to get the most out of this site promptly and efficiently. Think of this guide as a simple digest of what is available on this site.

Here, on, we talk a lot about Socionics and Types. Socionics is in fact an alternative theory of Types similar to Myers-Briggs and Keirsey theory of Types, but being the closest to Jung's Psychological Types. Besides, any theory that entertains the idea that people showing similar behavioural traits supposedly have similar personality types and that there are 16 mostly recognisable patterns of such behaviour, usually interrelates with Socionics to a certain degree.

The name Socionics comes from socio-, which obviously means "social" or "society", and Socionics itself is a study of social interactions within a society. You can find out a little bit of history of Socionics in here.

Of course, there would be no Socionics if not for works of C.G. Jung on Psychological Types. Although the Swiss psychiatrist is more known for his works on archetypes, the Psychological Types that he wrote in 1921, was perhaps the greatest achievement of his career. You can find an abridged explanation of psychological Types here as well as what acronyms such as ISTp or ESFj mean for example, since you will encounter much more of these acronyms on this website.

You may wonder by now if you have Type and what it is, if you have not discovered it already of course. Theoretically, the easiest way to find out your Type is to take a psychometric test. In practice however this is not that simple and you will most likely need to study the theory a bit deeper in order to discover your correct Type. It all depends on whether you really want to know it. Having said that, you can find a very short test here or fun one here that might give you a rough idea about your Type.

The psychometric tests (sometimes called personality tests) work better for some people than the other. So if you would like to try a bit longer and more serious test, you can find it here.

You can also take a professional psychometric assessment, for which you most likely will have to pay, however there is no guarantee you will receive either accurate or more accurate results than a free test could provide. In any case, whether it is commercial or free, reading a corresponding Type description after the test is a common practice of verifying the test results.

The thing you have to bear in mind is that the description of your Type will not be describing you, but will be a cumulative description describing general traits peculiar to one Type. So it won't be your personal description and something may not match. You may also find that by reading descriptions of other Types you may recognise some traits that would also apply to you. This is why testing and then reading the descriptions is not very reliable method of Type verification, let alone type identification. However, if you would like to have a go at this, you can find various Type descriptions here as well as which famous people you share your Type with here.

Now, back to the question of usefulness of knowing your own Type with a degree of certainty.

First of all we all have strong and weak points, and some of those points are linked with Type. These strong and weak points are not genetic, but are the result of Type development process, when we consciously or subconsciously decide to disregard some areas but give priority to other areas. So knowing your Type would help you to understand what assets you have and what areas you might want to improve. That's why there are benefits of knowing your own Type if you are looking for self-improvement.

However, there is an even more interesting area of human relationships, where the Type plays quite an important role.

As you may have noticed there is a reference to Intertype Relations on this website. This is the greatest achievement of Socionics. No other Type theory has explored the dynamics of Type interactions to the degree that Socionics has. There is a very specific and a little complicated mechanism of intertype interactions, which is not included in the scope of this website, but would most likely be available as a separate publication. Be aware for now - knowing your correct Type is crucial if you decide to enter the area of Intertype Relations as the mechanics of Type interactions is very precise.

If anything, the Intertype Relations give a good indication of long term compatibility between people. This means that some Types get along with each other better than the other. You can read more about Intertype Relations here.

Unlike with other Type theories, in order to be able to take full advantage of Socionics, you need to know your Type and the Types of other people with confidence. Learn how to convert between different systems here. There are different methods you can employ to identify Types, some are better than the other. You can find an overview of these methods here. All the methods require time to master, but most controversial of them, Visual Identification, is the most difficult as it requires much more knowledge, time and experience. The overview of this method you can find here.

Please don't be confused by the availability of this test to test VI skills on this website. There are visitors to this site that have been going here since this site appeared in 1997, and some of them have already accumulated enough experience in order to see VI patterns. Please don't think that this website is trying to promote this method as the only method of Type identification. This is not true, VI cannot be mastered without mastering all other methods, plus it requires a great deal of experience.

Anyhow, if you're still around because you find it interesting, there is also the Q&A section here, where you can ask some questions and the Articles section here, where you can find out slightly more advanced materials on Socionics as well as more other pages of interest.

Oh, and don't forget there is Google search available at the top-right of every page, which does quite remarkable job of indexing this site. There is also the RSS feed, which is constantly updated with new additions to the site.

Well, that's it for now. We hope this simple guide to was helpful to you.


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Psychological Types