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Question #1238324464Sunday, 29-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!!
This was a comment before. But its about my uncertainity with Socionics and all typing systems, because of my uncertainity with my type. Please read, it would be so helpful to have new perspective. Its very long, but there is alot to it that you might have thought of, but never gotten far in trying to fully understand. [[[[[[[[Well, I'm an INT-something, or something something rather; who knows what? You sound like your preference as being an INTJ is clean-enough cut. Good for you. I'm going to be 17 soon and from when I was 14-15, I wasted my life contemplating socionics. Socionics is an interesting structure to such a grabbing concept. Most of the people who are on here for so long must be strong INTJs, maybe I am too, I'm just deficient and don't understand and comprehend things well enough, so I have to adopt the seeking behaviors of other types. I used to be really shy, wouldn't talk to anyone, but I love attention and I love people, I love it when people like me. But I'm in-my-own-head and shy all the same, I'm a freakin' mess. I scored INTP almost everytime I took the socionics test, but I fit the notion of dominant Ti better than Ni I think, though I get confused and am never sure. I'm super serious and intense; at my best I can appear very casual but still extremely intense, and have learned to be Chameleon-like in many different settings. I can never commit to anything. I also don't get good grades, and can talk intelligently and understand alot of things(though math is tricky unless it has to do with Classical Music) to an extent that I could be most genuinely thoughtful sounding speaker in a good sized collection of people. But I'm lazy and useless, in some ways I feel incredibly stupid. But, but but, but, I feel like I have a characteristic perspective to me that is very rare, and gives me the potential for a lot of ego and a lot of humility all the same, but coexisting and conflicting. Tangents. Well, my goal was to offer you some perspective, usually I have some pretty unusual perspectives. Socionics, I don't get it, I more about it than most people who claim to get it know, but, I don't have a type to confidently call my own. So, either I discredit it, or stubbornly hope it will work.]]]]]]]] What do you guys think? Do I just have ambiguous preferences, am I a confused member of a distinct type, or is Socionics just not that deeply applicable and somewhat faulty and not very scientific? Thats my current story with Socionics as best as I will be able to describe it right now. Don't call me any type please unless you are totally convinced and think you can sort of ADD to my knowledge, and NOT indescriminately OVERIDE it. In someways, Ne seems to be me because I like really wierd things and I indulgently dig into any concept I come across(I think refinement between intuition types is concept of faulty logic, its all the same..prove me wrong?). I'm also very charismatic when in a good mood, but I often feel like I have a puny presence. I don't think I'm "right brained" enough to be an ENTP. INTP, they seem too rigid and strategic at the expense of deep understanding. ENTJs are too tough and regular. INFJs, too naturally tranquil. INFPs, I can't manipulate my emotions very quickly. ENFPs, I'm too slow witted, even though I love social things, plus I'm too deep. ENFJs, too good socially and too energetic. INTJs, too linnear, but maybe that how I was born and I grew around it. ISTJs, too practicle. ISTPs too cool and cold. ISFJs, god, sometimes I feel dangerously close to being one, they describe them so much as what I aspire not to be but might actually be deep down; they are so lamely described, I have a strong mind! ISFPs, maybe when I have some twisted perspective, I'll believe it, same for all other unmentioned sensates. Please Help People, try my thinking on, if you think you have the type for me nailed, go for it. If you can't decide, start thinking about what I could actually be in a more flexible sense. I don't know what I mean really, just use your intuition to give me a wholesome, truly wholesome answer if you can. -- Grant
Your Answers: 1+ 4+ 9+ 12+ 14+ 15+ 21+ 24+ 25+ 26+ 28+ 29+ 30+ 31+ 32+ 36+
A4 Sorry for posting too much... ENTJs seem very cool as well, but they are pretty organized aren't they? I'm very methodical actually. But I'm always throwing away old methods in favor of new ones, thus I'm never settled, which is probably why I'm so disorganized. So many funky impressions, I don't know which are right. I'm always trying to prove to myself that I'm a good person too, and I always want to be "awesome", but then realistic, then humble again. Also when I talked about day dreaming, I meant seeing if I could count to one million, looking at numbers on calenders, obsessing over geography and science, and thinking up stories relating strictly to these topics, similar to building towns with blocks. Precision was what I was all about. I think my best friends were usually ENFPs though, they were always ruining my ideas, would never listen to me much, and then make me laugh about things. I was more of a follower around ENFPs. They thought I was wierd and too intense. I also despise "shallow people" when they parade over my thoughtful ideas. People nowadays frequently comment on my ability to get to the core of things and cut through nonsense, at how tactfully blunt I am. I'm obsessing and being cocky, I know, but I'm excited. -- Anonymous
A5 My advice is to forget about socionics all together, never come here again, and start living! Find the courage to grow, and focus on becoming a well-rounded individual, and do what makes you happy. -- ISTp
A6 Actually, now that I think of it, I am definately not an ENTJ...the way i'm defining them now, they scare the **** out of me. INFP? I hope the moderators accept this, its a neccessary update. -- Anonymous
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A7 What type does the TURBO test give you? Note: the questions should be answered using your gut impressions; don't go over-analyzing them. -- INFp guy
A8 A2 and A3: I am not especially skilled with the internet, my only idea is to create a throw-away Facebook identity and post a video there. As to my impression from your posts, it is pretty much NFp-ish. Personally, I would consider INFp more than ENFp for you. Unlike ENFps, you make impression of a patient person. And also INFps tend to have these "looking too common" issues. ENFps, when criticized, are considered to be "shooting without aiming", "crazy", "hyperactive" "too talkative", "too cheerful" etc. etc., not "ordinary". ISps are also sometimes called ordinary but they dont mind that terribly. - There is a problem with this site that the INFp type description seems to me like INFj and vice versa. The INFj description here sounds like that of my semi-dual. Which is someone with introverted intuition, extroverted feeling and introverted thinking hidden agenda, while the INFp description here sounds very Fi-ish. Btw, if you really end up being an INFp, the introverted thinking hidden agenda might explain your need for precision. Hidden agenda is a function that is not in our ego-block, that is, we dont accept it as completely ours and have difficulties managing it, so it emerges in the least expected moments, but we still very much tend to search for topics of this kind, often clumsily. That might explain this issue with precision that is obviously present in you in spite of the fact that you dont seem like a pedant. The Lithuanian socionics site also mentions that INFps value openness and straightforwardness. That might correspond to your hatred of being called insincere. Thats also why I doubt your being ENTj - so far my impression of them was that they are able to create a crazy and totally unreal story in less than three minutes and enjoy this ability of theirs so much that they dont have time to be worried that someone might consider them insincere. ENTjs are neither totally organized, nor hopelessly chaotic. - Most of the topics you mention in A4 could be related to INps = introverted intuition and extroverted sensing, with the former being stronger: finding new methods, always wanting to be awesome, despising shallow people, being "too intense", getting to the core of things. All this I find in my INTp friends, but you seem a bit different, so all in all, my conclusion is INFp. Basic functions introverted intuition, extroverted feeling, introverted thinking, extroverted sensing. Described here as INFj. But one cannot learn to know someone from four paragraphs, so please take this as just one persons opinion. -- Ezis (ESFp)
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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