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Question #1238324464Sunday, 29-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!!
This was a comment before. But its about my uncertainity with Socionics and all typing systems, because of my uncertainity with my type. Please read, it would be so helpful to have new perspective. Its very long, but there is alot to it that you might have thought of, but never gotten far in trying to fully understand. [[[[[[[[Well, I'm an INT-something, or something something rather; who knows what? You sound like your preference as being an INTJ is clean-enough cut. Good for you. I'm going to be 17 soon and from when I was 14-15, I wasted my life contemplating socionics. Socionics is an interesting structure to such a grabbing concept. Most of the people who are on here for so long must be strong INTJs, maybe I am too, I'm just deficient and don't understand and comprehend things well enough, so I have to adopt the seeking behaviors of other types. I used to be really shy, wouldn't talk to anyone, but I love attention and I love people, I love it when people like me. But I'm in-my-own-head and shy all the same, I'm a freakin' mess. I scored INTP almost everytime I took the socionics test, but I fit the notion of dominant Ti better than Ni I think, though I get confused and am never sure. I'm super serious and intense; at my best I can appear very casual but still extremely intense, and have learned to be Chameleon-like in many different settings. I can never commit to anything. I also don't get good grades, and can talk intelligently and understand alot of things(though math is tricky unless it has to do with Classical Music) to an extent that I could be most genuinely thoughtful sounding speaker in a good sized collection of people. But I'm lazy and useless, in some ways I feel incredibly stupid. But, but but, but, I feel like I have a characteristic perspective to me that is very rare, and gives me the potential for a lot of ego and a lot of humility all the same, but coexisting and conflicting. Tangents. Well, my goal was to offer you some perspective, usually I have some pretty unusual perspectives. Socionics, I don't get it, I more about it than most people who claim to get it know, but, I don't have a type to confidently call my own. So, either I discredit it, or stubbornly hope it will work.]]]]]]]] What do you guys think? Do I just have ambiguous preferences, am I a confused member of a distinct type, or is Socionics just not that deeply applicable and somewhat faulty and not very scientific? Thats my current story with Socionics as best as I will be able to describe it right now. Don't call me any type please unless you are totally convinced and think you can sort of ADD to my knowledge, and NOT indescriminately OVERIDE it. In someways, Ne seems to be me because I like really wierd things and I indulgently dig into any concept I come across(I think refinement between intuition types is concept of faulty logic, its all the same..prove me wrong?). I'm also very charismatic when in a good mood, but I often feel like I have a puny presence. I don't think I'm "right brained" enough to be an ENTP. INTP, they seem too rigid and strategic at the expense of deep understanding. ENTJs are too tough and regular. INFJs, too naturally tranquil. INFPs, I can't manipulate my emotions very quickly. ENFPs, I'm too slow witted, even though I love social things, plus I'm too deep. ENFJs, too good socially and too energetic. INTJs, too linnear, but maybe that how I was born and I grew around it. ISTJs, too practicle. ISTPs too cool and cold. ISFJs, god, sometimes I feel dangerously close to being one, they describe them so much as what I aspire not to be but might actually be deep down; they are so lamely described, I have a strong mind! ISFPs, maybe when I have some twisted perspective, I'll believe it, same for all other unmentioned sensates. Please Help People, try my thinking on, if you think you have the type for me nailed, go for it. If you can't decide, start thinking about what I could actually be in a more flexible sense. I don't know what I mean really, just use your intuition to give me a wholesome, truly wholesome answer if you can. -- Grant
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A14 Also, I am totally unconfident in my ability to type other people and myself. You probably realized this. I guess if you have a good grasp of the typing systems, just know that it would probably be best not to put so much weight on types I'm referring to and even description of myself that seem to bluntly an analog to socionics. I wonder how telling it is to type someone based on how they seem to present their thoughts. I have been reading your posts in other places, you've said that Exxps can appear less extraverted, and you said something about ExFps being possibly even more this way, due to their creative Fi and uncertainity as to whether their input will be appreciated in some settings. I appreciate how you can say things that many of us have thought very descriptively complete...but I'm still uncertain about this. Well, if that is so, then there is probably no way I'm an INFp. Ni types are supposed to be oblivious anyways, I may play absent minded, I may even be off in my turbulent emotional world, but I often find it tricky to escape the reality of the situation, though as I've gotten older, I've developed emotional tricks to help me avoid an excess of sensory stimulus and enjoy what used to be too much for me. And I say "sensory stimulus" with reference more to the fact that I am very perceptive, I'm not trying to pin myself to socionics Se, I want to see what someone else does with that. For example, as a little kid, I couldn't stand tags in my shirt or clothes that were even slightly itchy, I preferred to wear yellow and refused to wear red(though I don't remember why, but I think it was a pretty instictive reaction), and I tended to associate colors consitently with different types of music, different chords, and keys. If something was too loud, I would freak out, but I was still loved to be excited, I can think and day dream best when I'm hopping on furniture around a room as somehow the motion allows my mind to work. As social pressures hit me, I felt like my very essense became corrupted. Just so I don't appear wierd or crazy, I carefully watch other people around me to see if its appropriate to display the insane amound of energy I might have. Generally, I can never show what I'm truly like, I always used to dream of a moment where I could be "myself", and still able to see that I wasn't impossile to contain. When I was "dreaming", I was always keenly aware that I was doing so and my rhythym could easily be upset if there was an environmental disturbance. Social pressures obviously made it hard for me to continue my thinking, I often just find myself gaping and listening, fidgeting with various objects to keep myself steady. People are always really surprised when they find I'm a fast runner and I'm very agressive and bold in athletics, I often feel like I'm gauging the skill level of others in sports, and then turning up my "notch" accordingly, I can never totally outshine my competition unless its that easy, but I can compete with alot. Additionally, I have a massive memory for facts simply because I like them, not through any sort of complicated process of asociation and meaning, science was always really easy for me untill it came to the math part, then I'd get stuck because I had relied on my visual memory abilities and math was just too cryptic, I usually found ways around math. In low level physics, all answers to problems that had equations and theorems, I preferred just to figure out visually because the math, though necessary at higher levels, felt like rocket science and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I also often knew the subject matter almost completely beforehand, and the teacher was impressed with this and thought I could help them teach the class. And I'm obsessed with science fiction and different sciences, though I read Isaac Assimov almost exclusively through middle school, and he's about the only one I've read more than one book of(I've read most of his novels). Science fiction was the only fiction that was tolerable to me, because I for some reason found fiction, though nice to be heard, a drag to read when there were science books with cool pictures, captions, and more facts to learn. I would love a subject because I was totally obsessed with facts, particularly the solar system, celestial bodies, paleantology, biology, evolution, geology, history of the earth, and ancient humans, classical music, biographies, particle physics, cats, lots of other things, some of which were quite specific. Additionally, adults always thought I was great, they loved to hear me talk and thought I was charming, and though it was hilarious that I would bluntly correct them and speak my mind so clearly, but be so sincere and nice about it without even thinking. Along with being competetive and sensitive, I was afraid of alot of things and terrified of death and anything that felt dangerous, though I often got hurt and injured because I was jumping around and falling on the ground, bruises didn't bug me one bit and I had them all the time because I was so active, it was just the possibility of extreme pain and death. I was also did not like scary movies and stories, though now I'm indifferent to these things, I have alot more armor and I'm almost ashamed of it. -- Grant
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