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Question #1204446496Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: ENTp
ENTps, could you please give me an in depth description of yourself? Thanks. -- nachos
Your Answers: 1+ 26+ 32+ 38+ 46+ 54+
A54 Clever, witty, zany. I get on with most people, except for one who isn't willing to learn or care. I have a lot of friends, but very few close ones. When I'm comfterable with the situation around me, I feel like the life of the party. When I'm not, I probably come off a bit awkward. In school I got A's in the hard classes, and B's in the easy classes cause I slacked off. I'm also a really good test taker, because I understand what the maker of the test was trying to get at, and can pick out trick answers. I have a tendency to eavesdrop, lose things, break things, get really caught up in something (sociology for instance) for about a week. Physically I fit the description perfectly, with my piano fingers and ridiculously tiny wrists. Have no ability to make decisions, because I see too many sides and don't want to make the wrong choice. I don't like to think I procrastinate or am lazy, I truly believe that when I leave something till later it is for a perfectly logically, sound reason. I enjoy looking into religion and psychology, because it puts backbone into discussions (debates/arguments, whatever). I have a tendency to go for girls with bangs and a smile. Have a feeling its all cause im crazy, I mean ENTP. -- Anonymous
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A55 Somehow I come off as very eccentric and shy at the same time. I'm attracted to pretty much anything offbeat, counter-culture, alternative. I have a mental "system" of information I'm always adding too and changing, that I relate to all my areas of interest/expertise. And for the record, it's mainly stuff no one cares or knows about. I have a bunch of weird, seemingly unrelated and sometimes contradictory interests. I'm kind of immature acting/looking for my age - people think I'm lot younger than I am. I'm independent, but have trust issues, relationship issues, emotionally distant, kinda paranoid, etc. But I love meeting new people, opening more doors, forming connections. Can get along with mostly anyone, on a distant level. And very talkative. I test authority, and push limits as a game. I tend to be the exception to many rules In a group at work, I'm the miracle worker of the bunch. They come up with the general ideas, but I take their ideas, and play with a bunch of different possibilities. I tend to put everything off 'til the last second, and come up with a masterpiece of work in the nick of time (but I usually cut a few corners). Generally disorganized, late. It's amazing how I survive day to day -- Loki
A56 Responses A7+10-13 are manufactured and/or full of it, has nothing to do with how ENTPs view themselves nor really are. -- Anonymous
A57 I am a prototypical ENTP, so naturally I think you're all "doing it wrong". Having read all of your posts I've come to the conclusion that most of you use the criterion analysis as a crutch for your laziness. Shame on all of you. Having read your posts, I know I'd be hard-pressed to find any onlookers interpret any of you as anything other than egocentric, basket-cases...instead of the quixotical geniuses we should be seen as. We are not messy, we just don't follow the same rules of organization that the other groups do. It may look to be in disarray to the untrained conformists, but if one were to look closely at the pile of philosophy books, Criterion Collection DVDs, and notebooks of essays they would find a highly sophisticated system of organization. I'm getting the feeling that most of you are immature Innovators, and you all have a lot of work to do. A true ENTP doesn't have to come here for reassurance, they're self-evident, they can't be anybody but themselves. The ignorance you all have displayed is inexcusable. A-18, you above all others, are a disgrace to the type... -- Anonymous
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