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Question #1204446496Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: ENTp
ENTps, could you please give me an in depth description of yourself? Thanks. -- nachos
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A32 I like to socialize and am pretty good at it, but am much more comfortable alone with my thoughts. I also have this innate sense of rebellion and stubbornness. If I’m told to accomplish something and to do it a certain way, then just to spite them, I will purposefully find a way to accomplish the task *without* doing it the way I was told. I hate ultimatums. If the ultimatum is to do something reasonable another person wants or cut off my nose to spite my face, I will ask for the knife. My nickname is "google-lady" among my friends and family because they can ask me about anything and I know it. All this vast amount of knowledge I have stored in my head, I then use to argue and debate. It doesn’t matter what we’re discussing; in fact, I’ve been known to switch sides halfway through just for the hell of it or to explore the other person’s position a bit better… sometimes even because I can do a better job arguing their position than they are. I love being intellectually challenged and feel energized when discoursing with other intelligent people. I’m very organized, but that’s because I’ve made organization a rule to follow. I also have rules about socializing because I normally don’t invest time or energy into people. Without the rules, I’d get focused on some idea or concept and it could be months before I even remember to clean my car or to interact with another human being. Even with my rules, I’m still very good at accidentally terminating relationships by “growing apart.” I am completely self-conscious. I don't understand “normal” people or feelings and emotions. I watch people constantly to memorize their mannerisms and patterns so I can mimic them in similar situations. On the BF/SO front, I know I’m physically attractive, but for some reason, I intimidate guys. The few guys I don’t scare off always end up as friends. I have a tendency to pull away when things get too intimate because I know they’ll end up loving me more than I could ever love them. I do have feelings, but they’re secondary (and will ALWAYS be secondary) to logic and reasoning. You can’t trust feelings, but you can trust facts. I see patterns in everything. I can look at anything and soon have it figured out and all its secrets exposed to me. I use that to my advantage and have found nothing to be impossible. I’ve never doubted I would perfectly finish whatever I set out to do. Any time I want anything, I will strategize and plot and plan to make it happen. This can include the innocent alignment of right people, right places, and right times to the not-so-innocent manipulation of those people, places, and times to suite my needs. Oftentimes, my original goal changes in the journey to get to it, but either way, I reach the end successfully. This tends to make me a bit self-assured. I know I’m smart. I know I’m perfect. I know I’m right. I’ve worked on it for years. But I’m more than happy to graciously accept your compliment if you notice how witty, smart, and perfect I am. -- Anonymous
A33 I'm an ENTP female from the Philippines too! I'm disorganized, if it weren't for our maid, the room will be a pigsty. I'm clumsy and may seem flighty but I won't let anyone walk over me. I'm bubbly, perky and enthusiastic. I get along well with guys mostly because I find it hard to relate to fellow females and I feel ostracized around most females, its so rare for me to hang out with girl cliques, I'm usually out with my male buddies in a computer shop playing online or network games. I'm told that I'm charming and I get my fair share of guys who approach me. But most would either turn out to be my friends or would then stop courting me since they felt that I was too different from what they imagined me to be. I suppose my face looks delicate, but once they got to know me better, I'm not the damsel in distress they thought I would be. -- Nikka
A34 I'm an ENTP to the bone. I frequently describe myself as a pseudo sociopath, an airhead, a blonde, "a prodigy" (which is what my ex referred to me as).. I'm a complete non-conformist, though I tend to be facetious (often). Its extrememly hard to open up. I do argue, and if you've ever heard the term "devil's advocate" thats me. I can see all sides to situations. People constantly spot me out in crowds, I guess I have a pretty unique look. I'm tiny and blonde but my style gives me away almost automatically.. And sloppy is right! Im always disheveled looking in some way or another. I love it though. Its totally swagger. My taste in music is so particular and varied over different genres and eras... but I only like certain songs. I always have been like that. I'm extremely particular. My major is philosophy/social sciences.. transferring to philosophy/prelaw. I love theories and drawing paralells, like someone else said. I can get into almost anything as long as it strikes my interest- which is why I am terrible at making friends! Because genuine "cool" laid back best-friend-type people dont normally interest me.. lol. I'm terrible at attaining goals unless I somehow stumble upon an opportunity that lasts. Oh well. Thats me. I think its important that we all embrace this rareness and use it to the best of our abilities! I am also a leo/virgo. -- Britney
A35 Fascination with the supernatural, paranormal, all things that aren't explained. No patience for conservatives. I irritate most people and they think I'm insane at times - especially the stupid ones. I often seem like an introvert because I realize this and just stfu... or I get bored with people easily and lose interest in them. I don't date anyone who is too far beneath my intelligence level. Always thinking, always bored so I switch projects. Have an irreverent sense of humor.. nothing is scared. Very colorful person, very protective of my friends. Laugh a lot, mostly at the absurd (which others are taking seriously in the moment). Not interested in children as they have nothing to say that's relevant to my interests. Love risk taking, trespassing (exploring), sex, drinking, and fantasizing. Horrible fashion sense but obsessed with personal hygiene and good hair. Never stop thinking. Clever, even using it for manipulation. Passionate towards the few that I have really fallen for, but again quick to leave them behind once I get bored or once something more interesting comes along. Need lots of variety, time to think, and stimulation. Appear as a sociopath or narcissist often. -- ENTP!
A36 I'm awesome. The best at pretty much anything I put effort into and I'll make sure you know how much better I am than you. -- Anonymous
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A37 Regarding Introversion Although I agree with many of the introverted comments regarding ENTPs, I beleve that introverted nature is only evident when one is alone. I like thinking about myself and my surroundings.This seems to be a key part of the ENTP. We think introvertedly- very intense, rational, intellectual thoughts- but we act extrovertedly. Relationships My romantic experiences have tended to be very one-sided. The other always becomes obsessive and I tend to become more withdrawn. My most successful relationship has been with what I assume to be an INTP. EGO Cont. A12 "i secretly wish that people would see things the way i do, although when some of them do, i have that nagging fear that they could be smarter than me. " I definitely regard Intellect as one of the highest virtues. I have tried to learn to live with the notion of others being more intelligent than I, but I have trouble coping with that. I am also very dominant. In all situations. But sometimes I make the dominance subtle, so that I can win, but no one else percieves my motives. However, I listen to others' opinions, I take what parts I like, and then present a new idea. Friends Cont. A12 "i have an aversion to groups of females and rarely choose to hang out with girls because they demand too much time, get really loud, noisy, and irritating, and connect too much on an emotional level. i love my boy-space-friends and family to bits because they respect my independence and need for time alone. i like it when people find me funny." find myself to make deep connections with other people and I have a lot of friends. However, there are always different circles of friends. There are the lesser friends (acquaintences), friends, good friends, and best friends. Although this seems ambiguous, each category is very specific in the way that I interact with the people. I am always aware of alterior motives for friendships. I am also very manipulative and I know how close I need to get to people to get something from them. I can literally become anyone's best friend. Random Although I can be messy, I am only messy because I have a very specific way of organizing things. I know exactly how and where something should go. I love orderly and neat. I am a bit OCD with this, however, because my follow through is poor, this neatness is only sometimes obvious. Lifestyle/Career I had trouble deciding on a path for myself- I excelled at nearly everything, I enjoyed everything. However, I finally chose to go towards Law. I was also on my high-school debate team, and we nationally competed and did quite well. However, I am also a photographer part time. I’d like to think that I am very creative, yet rational. It’s almost as if the characteristics of ENTPs conflict. On every level, there is an exception to the way they work. -- Nadia
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