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Question #1204446496Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: ENTp
ENTps, could you please give me an in depth description of yourself? Thanks. -- nachos
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A46 Well Hell.. I'm an ENTP female and I'm actually a little ****ed off right now that there are so many of you! wtf, I thought ENTP Females were like 1% of the pop. (relatively speaking). Anyway, us uber cool chicks should start a social group, because I also find myself more comfortable with men. By the way... WHITE SPACE... Please people <ahem> ~ Very messy! Seriously, who has time to waste cleaning?? ~ I somehow just spent 6 hrs. trying to figure out how to get a 135mb (either mov or m4v) small enough to email, not to mention viewable by PC's!! ~ wtf? It was just freaking like & (after stumbling upon this site- while waiting for the damn video file to compress) it's almost 10 hrs. later ~ Hate Grammar, LOVE words and each words 'feeling' - Hah, think about that one ~ I DO have feelings, but by the time I'm done analyzing what the the hell I'm feeling, I realize it's a stupid irrational feeling. Although I'm pretty good about knowing when I feel ****ed about something... righteously so! ~ I finally gave in to my messiness and have wicker baskets all over the place so as I'm walking by I can throw whatever it is that I don't need anymore into the basket to maintain some semblance of tidiness. Problem is the aisleway between the baskets is getting harder to navigate. hahahah ~ I AM FUNNY ~ People are irritating sheep for the most part. ~ I HATE small talk ~ I find myself asking the 5 w's when in conversation with people. Interrupting their stories to make sure I'm understand what they're saying. ~ As soon as they go off on a tangent answering my 'W' question, I am ****ed at myself for asking, cuz in the grand scheme of things.... I really don't care...and I have just prolonged this freakin conversation! ~ Do NOT ever tell me what I can or cannot do. ~ I find that I am uncomfortable being the center of attention unless I'm with very close friends or drunk. ~ Once I found out I was an ENTP, it was like angels singing... I've always felt a bit out of place even though I am quite popular, if I do say so myself. ~ I love being outrageously stupid in conversations at times, JUST to see the look on the faces. Ex. Someone was telling me that a certain color was maize. To which I responded in a quite superior manner something along the lines of, 'Maize? What the hell ru talking about? Granted it's not bright yellow, but it's definitley more like a corn on the cob color, you idiot!' hahahahahaha ~ Married twice, low tolerance for stupidity or the boys will be boys ****. ~ ummm, my intelligence is the ONLY thing that has kept me employed over the years cuz I will be late, no matter what time I leave, something always happens. ~ I lose track of time ~ I am incapable of writing anything less than a paragraph to anything. When we had essays to write (approx 200 words) While everyone was bemoaning the amount of work, I was bemoaning the amount of editing I would have to do. ~ Get bored very easy. Once 'IT' is figured out, I'm done. Doesn't matter if it's a process, person, place, etc... ~ The human condition... Religion... Politics... Time Travel... These are not taboo topics, this is what I consider small talk. ~ Very competitive, physically AND mentally... Winning is everything. ~ Forget Fame or money, I want Power! ~ I want to get paid to think ~ HATE hypocrites ~ Can win any 'argument' either through logic or using their emotions. ~ I am pretty congenial, but when attacked, I know what each person's core of insecurity is and how to make them feel utterly insignificant. It's actually pretty cruel, so I try to warn people when they don't know when to stfu. ~ I am rarely offended by anything anyone says, I don't take things personally ~ I bet most of us are air signs... Gemini, Libra, Aquarius -- ~ Libra chick
A47 Yea, i'm an entp with some sensing characteristics. I am good looking, i work out, but i am utterly oblivious to practical everyday tasks. I lost my car keys 3 times in as many days >< I am extremely disorganized (externally) and very unconcerned with the world around me at times. I'm in a relationship with an isfp (long distance) and like her a lot, but don't honestly think it's going to work out. She is too far away, and too unwilling to make any changes to fix that. Anyways, back to me. I am extremely outgoing, and LOVE attention. I have been in several sales related professions and am currently in a premed program at a university. I can be offensive and caustic, but most ppl who know me like me a lot and appreciate the humor in my nonchalant behavior. Hope this helps. It is 2:30 am as i type this. Good night. -- Entp guy
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A48 Wow. A3, you just made me laugh SO HARD. -- ENFP
A49 I can relate mostly with ENTP, though I am not exactly sure about my type, but I think I am at least xNxP. I definitely think too much - everything has to be analyzed in human relationships. Everything what people do or say has a meaning, and I like to think why they are doing the things they do. I can make new friends easily, but I usually don't bother to keep up with these relationships. I always expect people to call me, I never call them back, unless they are really close friends. It's not uncommon to feel emotionally detached. I know what people are feeling, and I know I would be like **** if I'd feel the same way, but I really don't care about their feelings that much - I can pretend that I care, but I really don't. In school my life was a bit mixed up. Before puberty, me being the oldest within my group of friends, I was kind of a natural leader. After that, I hanged with geeks and nerds. In high school, i was one of the cool guys hanging with jocks. Nothing really special, but I think that hanging with geeks was not that bad, it taught a lot and I can respect all kinds of people. I am definitely searching for a perfect relationship. That is a hard one to find. Sometimes I think if there's really something wrong with me, but then I realized that I am the one finding faults in everyone else - commitment issues? Don't know, anyways, still searching. Learning is my thing. I spend too much time reading Wikipedia. My current career choice sucks, so I don't really bother with "real" studying - just doing what I need to graduate. I like to study on my own, not someone telling me what I need to know. Otherwise I'm pretty awesome. -- Anonymous
A50 I'm going to add that ENTPs like to hear themselves talk or see their words written down. Honestly. Can't you tell from this very long stream of responses? That's not to say that it is a bad thing, just an observation. -- entpreter
A51 I am interested in philosophy (the more french the better), music (the more complex, atonal, yet striving for melody the better), fine arts, politics, theoretical engineering and physics, bird watching, theology, Tolkien, anthropology. I have three degrees in biological sciences, medico-social sciences and humanities - with credits in mathematics and statistics. never tell me it can't be done. i play with ideas ad infinitum. i am currently reading 6 book simultaneously - most of the time with my workman at near highest volume. also, i have 8 half finished research and project proposals and two that i just posted yesterday - the ration is more or less always like that... with quarterly cycles. i am actually at my most intellectual rev-up when i am among other people (i.e. interacting with them... sometimes while reading). a friend once reprimanded me for deconstructing harvey cox (while arguing that he could have made more money and attained more fame if he joined the cultural studies bandwagon and dumped theology- which i still arue he is not good at) during a beer session .... with one positive comment that i still kept my logic even after that 40+ minutes discourse, but then all the other were bored ( i do not think they were bored, they were more annoyed at their inability to follow and the projected it in a way the freudians wold find difficult to unpack). yes, i have a family. why we describe ourselves as though we are introverts? well, put intuition and thinking into one pot, then we can disconnect (from our surroundings) to the point of fooling everyone around us into believing that we are introverts. but take the surroundings ... then somehow we do not manage to keep especially our intuition running... and therefore have little to think about. if you want to frustrate an ENTp ask them not to party or similar ... or ask them to leave the party early. nevermind they are not always appropriately dressed - who said parties are about dresses anyway? hint; if you want your ENTps to write books, do not put them in a library or a study, leave them at the nearest bar or night/jazz club and stop making fun of them! might also work better to arrange a secretary for them (probably with a sickeningly high IQ and infinite patience - anything less will not do). then you will see how sickeningly extroverted we are! last point, it is not really that we are oblivious to our surroundings, we just don't take you seriously when you say "this is a canteen, keep your conversations simple!" or "this is your kitchen, and such and such is its purpose." we bend space as we bend ideas. only that bending space (and leaving it half bent as we usually leave ideas) annoys everybody else around us. to us it is a sign that those annoyed are not intelligent enough. not that mess is a sign of intelligence, but over tidiness smacks of dullness (as in lack of mental and other types of motion) to us. what other call mess we see as either creative/atonal or ... we simply do not see it!we just don't have eyes to see mess! so, either you leave us alone (and we will always find new friends!) or subject yourself to my latest theories (that will not amount to a journal article, unless you sponsor a secretary as said earlier. wonna be my friend? -- Anonymous
A52 i left medicine. it bored me to death. why does everyone think that medical schools are teeming with the "cream of the nation!" ex-med ENTp -- Anonymous
A53 @A46: I am a Pisces ENTp. My best friend says I must be the one that swims in the wrong direction. I think she is right! -- Anonymous
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