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Question #1204446496Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: ENTp
ENTps, could you please give me an in depth description of yourself? Thanks. -- nachos
Your Answers: 1+ 26+ 32+ 38+ 46+ 54+
A38 I agree with what you said about characteristics of ENTPs conflicting. It can be really hard to pinpoint how I'm wired, especially if you look at the right brain, left brain kind of stuff. For instance, I'm really artistic/creative, but I love being analytical. Some would say that these are supposedly apposing. I like being around people, but I prefer doing things by myself. I guess if the person thinks similarly to me we can work together, but other wards just leave me alone and let me do it. In classes everyone always wanted to be my partner for projects because I would do everything, partly because I didn't trust their quality of work. Or how about this one, and I think it's true for most ENTPs, a lot of times I'm pretty goofy, and like to joke around, but then a few seconds later I'll want to talk seriously about some abstract subject. Friends that don't know me as well are always surprised when all of a sudden they have a serious conversation with me, or see the kinds of books that I read, because normally I'm pretty carefree. And then there's the T/F category. I know quite a few people who are ENTPs who have really been unsure of their T. I don't know if this always true of the type, but I'm a really loving person, and concerned with how people feel, but logic works within it. One more, with the mess thing. It's weird I think we're naturally really messy with the NP and all, but our problem solving creativity helps us come up with systems to keep ourselves organized so we can seem to be pretty neat orderly people. Is this true for the rest of you? -- Anonymous
A39 @A1 Jesus Christ we're not that bad. -- Anonymous
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A40 we are really funny. we say really clever things. we are crap at relationships. we are probably bad friends too. -- Anonymous
A41 I'd say that functional analysis of ENTP sociotype is very much correct, as also the type profile is. But my college, whom I typed as INTP, says I shouldn't believe this system and put myself in a box. Well, kind of, I think ENTP sociotype is very interesting and I shouldn't believe in it. But, somehow, after I read every sociotype's profile, I put every person I meet into some sociotype box, which is kind of stupid because I never really know the person: who is he/she, where does he/she live and how long, what were good experiences in life and what were bad, when did the person broke the law and which law and how and why... I analyze persons and ask questions - but they're nothing special to me. I never feel anything towards them and if I do, I don't know how to name the feeling - what it is actually? is my weak spot and I know it, but living with it and managing it is something totally different. It's also very different how to manage , because I do read a lot about everything and I may lose my base interest if I don't use more in my thought process... It's really f***ed up to be me when I have the system which describes me functionally very much in a correct manner. -- RedCardinal
A42 i think i'm an absolute entp. i have a lot of friends and always bump on ppl everyday. i am very friendly and likes to meet new people. always hop around from one group to another. regularly go parties and always updated on new things. socializing for me is just for a tool, so that i can achieve what i want or gain more admiration from ppl. sounds bad but i can be a really really good caring friend to certain people. i hate to be with dumb people who don't know what they doing. i'm easily get bored and always interest on new things. i am narcissist yeah but i don't really show it obviously, i do it my way. i AM ALWAYS RIGHT. if i'm not, i'll find good excuse to make me sounds smart back. eventhough i'm self-centered i actually care about the world and want to make change. i like theories and psychology. dating matters... i believe i am quite popular amongst guys. they said i'm a, not bragging myself, just mentioning what people say really for example. but... i'm 20 now and have been single for almost 4 years. lot of guys ask why so but i, myself, don't really know the answer. only dating and flinging around. perhaps cos i easily get bored and guys don't really understand me cos i wear mask. not easily to be open and starting to think that i don't know how to love someone. i am fun to be around with but most of the time i am somewhere else, looking for something else which is hard to be described. -- jess
A43 Im a female entp... i love anything unusual and most mysteries. i get into trouble often, mainly because i dont like following rules. my motto is "im always right" =) i love arguing and proving people wrong. I am sarcastic and to very sensitive people my sense of humor is sometimes hurtful. i love adventure and changes in scedule. i space out allll the time and people say it looks like im in my own world. I am usually very laid back and do good under pressure. i love solving problems and thinking of different solutions. i tend to not have many emotions. I think very rationally and it takes a lot to keep me upset for a period of time. most people consider me a one-of-a-kind. i love "getting into people's minds" and manipulating them for the fun of it haha. -- an ENTP
A44 it's interesting that a lot of the negatives of being an entp are written up here...i get annoyed at how the personality type descriptions tend to only talk about the positives - for one thing I think that leads to people identifying with the wrong type... I Love to socialize but actually don't have all that many acquaintances...I often force myself into introversion in order to be successful in school/work...I'm extremely disorganized and messy...I've been in a relationship for five years, but have cheated and generally womanized for its entirety...I am very affable and likable but don't pursue many friendships...Most people who know me think I lack the abilities to feel emotions and sympathize with others...I am as nice and talkative to my mother and my friends as I am to random crazy homeless people on the street...I'm much better with projects and papers than I am with tests, particularly math tests...I have a HORRENDOUS memory and almost no attention to detail...I have horrible observation skills...Still, I have a 4.0 at an ivy league school (largely due to my conceptual strengths and logical way of thinking common to the type) ...There are probably a million things I can say that all or most of the other ENTPS would identify with...but at this point I think people are sick of reading the same things over and over! -- Anonymous
A45 In my youth I was very confused and depressed. So many things seem very illogical to me growing up. I felt like I was the only sane person in a world of idiots. I also felt depressed because I was unable to feel things the way everyone else did. For a long time I figured I was broken somehow. In my twenties I stop caring about the idiots and gave up the whole feeling things correctly bit. I accepted the walking contradiction that I was. People frustrated me but I needed to be around them. Even though I considered myself a good person, I always saw the validity of evil. When I help people with their problems it was just something to do, yet people confuse me being a very caring and emphatic person. I felt like a hypocrite and yet every thing I did was out of logic and reason. Stumbling across this whole Myer Briggs thing has really open my world. It is such a relief to read so many other ENTPs. I've decided it's not my lack of faith or determination to play the Devil's Advocate (sometimes with myself). To accept that my good deeds are not tainted because it lacked the emotion behind it. To understand that I will never find an off switch to constant rapid fire synaptic storm that keeps my brain filled with ideas, thoughts, and dreams. What I use to consider my weakness are just variants. What I thought were my oddities are my strengths. Thank you all ENTPs that posted. -- Xander ENTP
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