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Question #1187466381Saturday, 18-Aug-2007
Category: ENTp Hidden Agenda
Can someone please explain to me in simple laymans terms the achille's heel of an ENTP in terms of their feelings? -- anon
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Your Answers: 1+ 13+ 28+ 41+ 45+
A45 People often take advantage of the ENTPs. In many posts, ENTPs are described as capable of being villians. This is only superficial because ENTPs can see both the sides of an issue. When they act in an unethical/immoral way (could even be lying about an issue), They tend to discuss or openly commit on their stand.Also it is the quality of the ENTP to talk about their way of reasoning, it allows people to clearly see the immoral doing of the ENTP and it appears exagerated. It must be noted that most other types do this without giving consideration and often intentionally for creating harm but go scott free. I go with A41. The cookie jar analogy is also very true. Most types know that they are stealing the ideas from ENTP, but they ensure they cover it up well or downplay it. -- Anonymous
A46 ad A 41, this got to be one of the top notched type-behaviour analysis ever written and presented on this website, obviously authored by a very resourceful individual. I copied and pasted the whole thing, and the more I read, the more I learn, the more I want to change and adapt quite a few things about my existance. That was a super - ''saturated'' wake up call, if I ever saw(heard) one. -- ENTp
A47 Did you write A41 and is that really true? I've been wondering that for 2 months. I really love you. I hope you're not buttering things up too much when we talk. -- Anonymous
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