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Question #1187466381Saturday, 18-Aug-2007
Category: ENTp Hidden Agenda
Can someone please explain to me in simple laymans terms the achille's heel of an ENTP in terms of their feelings? -- anon
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A28 oh man! this has been the most entertaining thread i've read on entp's. very insightful. having lost rack of all the A#'s that i disagreed with, i'll just say that we (ENTP's) are just fine accepting and giving complements, apologies, and being all kinds of 'expressive' without necessarily being desparate attention whores (especially the mature well-adjusted ones). i am a female ENTP and am a great dancer/performer in my spare time from being a scientist. i also liked the villan examples, but i do not consider that a true description of our achilles' heel. what i see as achilles' heel for us is hurts us in our relationship more than our partners (potentially). and here i agree with A8 and the following posts that agree and restate views in A8. we have NO INTROVERTED FEELING function (MB), so although we can read others very well, we can't always be true to our own feelings. Hence, we do not "do right by ourselves" and by our mates, consequently, in our relationships. i am not so sure it's a typical GUARD for our feelings. that implies very deep understanding and protection of our Feelings to begin with... i think it may be that TO UNDERSTAND OURSELVES, WE USE OUR INTROVERTED THINKING FUNCTION INSTEAD OF FEELING, so we logically SUPPRESS any voice of feeling or gut feeling (also having the "S" deficiency) if it doesn't have solid rational merit. we can't fathom allowing oursleves to make some decisions based on pure emotion from within, because it is our weak functions and we SIMPLY DO NOT TRUST IT enough. Therefore, we just DISMISS IT and go on masking some feelings, which can only lead to our own dissatisfaction or anxiety or a sense of somehow NOT BEING TRUE TO OURSELVES. the i first noticed this hndicap in myself is when i realized that i dismissed a lot of urges to act based on F in my previous relationship... because i resent giving impression of a nag or a cry-baby or the emotional girlfriend type, "talking Feelings" without solid facts or complete rational justification at hand. LETER... i noticed that to acknowledge my Feelings i basically had to use my iT function to make sense of my OWN BEHAVIOR, which would lead me to believe that "I MUST BE FEELING THIS OR THAT WAY"!!! - almost like from the outside looking in. for example, i will act all cool about a situation, until upon some conversation, i look back and say to myself "hmmm, if i am as happy in this realtionship as i think i am, i should be excited if anything to talk about how we met... or how cute our kids may be... or what i like about my man... this is no exactly the way i act when i am HAPPY... so, something MUST BE OFF" (sounds crazy to some, maybe) and only then, i go back and force myself to re-evaluate what and where went wrong, and how serious it is, and what could be done to fix it... all this time, still sort of using the rational function(s) more than the F. this has happened to me in a similar way in my professional life, but in terms of my happiness with the job itself, but my ability to confront my feelings about my relationship with my boss, and how much abuse i was willing to take. sometimes, i found, it is worthy of acknowledging that little nagging voice inside sooner than later, because LATER, when u've convinced yourself that the voice was right and you've collected your 'evidence', it may be too late to change anything (if u could have fixed something that is... but if it was not fixable to begin with, could've saved some time moving on quicker). does anyoneexprience our ACHILLES HEEL the same way i do???????????? thanks! PS: wanted to say thanks to all the amazing and/or quircky female ENTP's who posted here about our not-so-popular-among-guys stereotypic doom of being too rational, or too much T for the tastes of many men, and moreover, being so EXTROVERTED ABOUT IT, TOO! hahaa... oh my! i don't buy the duality stuff, by the way, either! so all the lonely ISFP's - save yoursleves, because we ENTP's (at least in my experience, or at least female ENTP's) will not be right for you and will not be happy with ourselves as long as we're with you. lol so, how about them INTJ's?????? what do u all think??????? -- FeminENTP
A29 A28: I completely agree with the weak introverted feeling point. I often find myself thinking "how should I feel about this?" and using rational to come to a conclusion on my inner feelings. Which is very backwards when looked at objectively. We are outsiders to our inner emotions if they are never developed. Being in a relationship with a strong ENFP has really helped develop my iF side but the downside is that they will sure smother you to death! -- ENTP
A30 To actually be understood.. and appreciated by someone who is on the same level intellectually. -- entp
A31 i hate relationships. i hate the whole emotion side... being pressured into emotional stuff just makes entp fake it. brains are better. think about what you are doing. where it is going. who you are. your compatibility. why should feelings matter? talk rationally about the relationship. i dont care if your stupid little heart skips a beat now, or if you spend your whole day at work thinking about me.. does that mean you wont leave me when i have saggy boobs? isfp's are evil. all these stupid feelings, keeping them to themselves. i hate people right now. see what even a mention of emotion does to us poor little entp's hehehe -- Anonymous
A32 I only have a couple of ISFp aquaintances, so not much material to build general conclusions. But, as an ENTp I have seen a pattern, a pattern of consistency; 1; They tend to put my guard down, better than most, 2; They love fun, but risika low fun, 3; appearantly I can talk about most things with them, although there is usually no substantial backflow, 4; when I provide solutions to some of their relationship problems, they resist the proposed action due to behaviour outlined in point 2, 5; they are generally uninspiring when it comes to ideas and activities which involves some degree of risk or complexity, ( means slightest), 6; they are less than desirable dependable, 7; easy to hurt, even when constructive criticism are applied. The latter I find especially uninspiring. But they are probably not alone here, as type is concerned. Conclution; I have accepted the following; Two different worlds, hard to unite. Sporadic activities with them, OK, day to day, NO. -- entp
A33 @A15: I am an ENTp and I can dance the night away. My girl is ENTp too and she too can dance! And we dance well actually... not as good as my sister though lol! -- Anonymous
A34 ENTp's achilles heel is ; terribly bad on psychological distance. e.g. etiquette. I always thought that ENTp's like titles (prof, Dr, etc.) because they are inherently proud, but no. I have come to think that they need these and similar (feelings that they are more intelligent than everybody) as a power tactic to stay clear of having to etiquetiously bow to anybody - which they know they are going to get wrong. So, if you can't satisfy the professor or know how to relate to him/her, BE ONE and mess the rules up. At least you have the power and authority to show that it is not necessary to respect professors and intelligent people. Be the crazy Dr! ... and then show very little care for it... because hierarchy is something the ENTp is also bad at! Make sure no one will command you, but also realise that you should not put anybody under your reckless excuse for leadership! so, the Achille's heel -- Anonymous
A35 As an ENTP I do have strong emotions, and I do cry sometimes(as much as I hate doing it in public). My ISFJ mother will ask what the problem is, and I have no clue. When my introverted feeling goes, I have never thought about why I'm sad (or mad) before my feelings come out. This usually (of always) results in me getting angry at my ISFJ mother for not leaving me alone to think about my feelings, and her asking too many questions to questions I don't know the answer too. On a sidenot, she knows something is wrong, but doesn't have the intuition to know what it is. My INFJ sister does, but she usually understands enough to leave me alone. Hope my part on my introverted intuition helps. -- MENtp
A36 totally agree with A12. ENTp's are almost afraid of emotion, I think its because they dont understand it -- Anonymous
A37 A3, and any others who don't want to like their duals....duals aren't the exact opposite EXCEPT both easy-going or liking things settled, in dual relationships one is easy-going while one likes things settled. Technically speaking, ISFP's r actually ISFJ's coz their dominant function is judging feeling. Therefore duals r Exact opposites! The j/p's are switched because when around people, introverts use their secondary function most the time, so they look like they'r perceivers instead of judgers or judgers instead of perceivers. -- Anonymous
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A38 A3: So maybe you'r an ISFj? Haha -- Anonymous
A39 A24 & A32: Dual doesn't mean perfect. Again, I feel Duality allows for the natural state to come out between two individuals. Other factors like similar values and wants in life NEED to be there. The ISFP you've dated doesn't sound very mature, hence why he cries and doesn't have the same wants/views as you. Culture, I've noticed also plays a big part here. Society nowadays values NT (for money, science, blah blah) and less of others. So often times (for better or worse) ENTPs excel neurotically 'well' into society while ISFPs less so. There's also a birth ratio difference. Now, as much as I want a Dual relationship and maturely can see the value I'd give/receive with an ENTP, I have to point something out: ENTPs are OVERLY intelligent. I mean so smart they usually outsmart themselves. I can very accurately see where your emotional state is at and where it will go. But they are fools and are oblivious to this. ENTPs will create amazing LOGICAL strategies, but often times strategies that will never/poorly solve their future inner feeling state. So, solutions for you troubled ENTPs: find mature, intelligent ISFPs; find ISFPs you share interests/values/views with; stop talking for 10 minutes out of the hour you do and ask & gauge what the ISFP thinks about what you're saying (let him/her be comfortable to speak as we are still metabolizing your previous words, our weak-er side); & know in terms of life comfort ~ we are the most comfortable. -- jezroue, isfp
A40 A12: I'm an ENTP and I love to be hugged and complimented. o_o -- Anonymous
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