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Question #1177616185Thursday, 26-Apr-2007
Category: ENTp Hidden Agenda
How do ENTps experience their hidden agenda? Why is it so hard for them to "be loved"? Also, how do ENTp-ISFp relationships tend to develop, particularly when the ENTp is a woman and ISFp, a man? -- anonymous
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A30 I am a female ENTP who is just learning about these personality types. I agree with everyone about ENTPs lack of ability to present themselves as "emotional" (once, I was at a bar with a friend and some guys were chatting us up. I was described as being like a Russian KGB agent who would take some guy home only to slit his throat. Needless to say, we left that bar). But, I think ENTPs have a great ability to Charm. Perhaps that is our greatest social asset. Our ability to research and generate ideas combined with our social proclivity means, if we set our sights on someone, we can easily deduce what makes them tick and us that to our advantage. The reverse is also true, of course, and when we use our powers to negative ends, we can probably be quite destructive. This is why we're hard to trust I think. -- Anonymous
A31 Interesting, old thread but I just saw A-30's comment. The description of her at the bar. Male ENTp here, I'have had numerous similar descriptions and comments from people in bars; Asked if I am a boxer, a bodyguard, a mobster, undercover police, beating up people for money, rock star ( really)!, security person, numerously asked for drugs, commented on that I look strong and agile an dangerous, crocodile hunter ala Dundee, Bruce Willis face, etc. Just to mention a few. Suffice to say, occupations, activities and personalities starfields away from what I do and what I am. I am ordinary dressed, ordinary bodyfigure, and I percieve I look ordinary. And no, I dont look like Dundee or Willis. Far from it. All of this is just a temporary reality distortion going on in those peoples minds when they're facing personalities that is incomprehendable to them. Something like ; "I dont understand this, since I dont understand this, it must be something bad or bordering to bad, or at least threatening mysterious, let me come up with a quick solution." Along those lines. My theory. But, it still amazes me from time to time, even after growing up with that stuff. So you're not alone with that A-30. Take it as a complement, not the descriptions as such, but that they so misinterprets your personality. That is something you can exploit strategically in other scenarios. A huge asset, if you ask me. Extract the gold from the dirtpile. -- Anonymous
A32 I'm worst at what I want the most. Being loved. -- Anonymous
A33 @A3: I am an ENTp and feel exactly he same way! Only that I have found someone who really knows how to love me. Funny enough another ENTp. It is usually said that identical types are comfy with each other, but can never help solve each other problems... for fairly obvious reasons: they see the world similarly and have similar struggles. However, I found in her someone who like me have realised that moaning will not get us anywhere! That was important... we have almost banned worrying! I love the way she speak about everything and she does the same for me. We are not threatening to each other and we do not view the other as tool to solve life problems. We love each other ... nearly to the point of wondering if we are really thinking types (lol!)... we are both crazy and we know it and quite frankly don't care much what everybody thinks... because we have found love in each other and our hidden agenda does not have to be hidden anymore! -- Anonymous
A34 concerning why isfp is a dual: with being thr isfp's creatve function, they are best suited ... gentle enough, but strong enough a rsponse to the mobilising (hidden agenda function) of the entp. An dominant would be to overpowering since these are delicate matters. isfp responds creatively to the entp's hidden agenda... socionics-wise -- Anonymous
A35 A29 sounds ENTJ, not ENTP! -- ENFP
A36 ENTp's, such as myself, hate to make anyone around them angry or upset with them personally. We have a difficult time confronting people (especially those we care about) on personal things. We love conflict but only when the conflict is in logical discourse or policy matters, never in interpersonal interaction! I experience my hidden agenda as trying to be liked by all, and failing to be respected by those who know me very well. Oftentimes, pent up frustration with another person builds up in me, and i find myself talking about those feelings with someone else, later to find out that people think i talk about them behind their backs! It isn't our intention to be sneaky! We genuinely just don't want there to be bad blood between us and anyone! This is especially frustrating with loved ones and significant others... -- ENTroP
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A37 This hidden agenda thingie, it seems that some are handling this as a ' manifest and command ' kind of thing and not the wakeup call I considered it to be after a while, that is, in short form, determinism vs revelation of change. Hate to confront loved ones? why? Oh, yes, I know why... the hidden agenda " want to be loved by everyone" OK, I was in that trap myself, I wasnt smart enough to realise the ambiguity, euphemistically tweaked here, in the non rational coexistance of the urge to be loved by everyone, and the preferred automony in decisions, the dislike to be controlled by anyone, and detesting hierarchies of power. Socionics had to tell me, and for that I am immensely grateful, because now I know the ambiguity, and I can choose for a change. " Want to be loved by everyone" why is that? and for what? What is giving you(pre socionics, us) this urge? Interesting, especially when you pair it with why you want to have autonomy, dislike people having control of you etc. Talk about layered personalities. What does this give? ...Is this a desirable trait to flourish further on? Maybe, personally I do not prefer it, it spells inconsistency, and I like consistency. I believe that is a trait quite attractive for many types so ENTp's are not alone here, I cherish consistency though, so I might have taken it to a higher level of appreciation than most. And when consistency rules, there is absolutely no place for thriving on other peoples attention, while at the same time pride myself with the autonomy in human interaction as described. If preferring to thrive on other people, OK, no problem, but then autonomy is jeopardized, be aware of that. Likewise with preference for autonomy, then the thriving on people stuff is jeopardized, if a shred of consistency is maintained. When seeing this, lots of doors are opened. Now I can criticize people, matter of factly, closed and remote ones alike, if objectivity calls for it, no matter how I might ' pre socionics ' called it confrontational. Just one of the huge array of benefits the hidden agenda aided in revealing. What I have synthesised so far from the hidden agenda, the urge to be loved, rather "motivated by a starvation for attention", is something that plays with my subjective uncorrected essence of mind, and I need to remind once again, why this urge to be loved, what's igniting it? And when on a rational platform of conscience, why in the hell preserving it? How is it possible to let it stay there? Beats me. Sounds like some form of schizoid behaviour. I must admit also, that after hitting the warning and accept button preceding the uncovered profile page for the first time, and subsequently reading, I was more and more left with the impression that the descriptions lined out a personality infested with all kinds of flawed self reliance issues. And that just have to be worked on. Not deterministically accepted. Makes you humble though, that is also a good thing about the hidden agenda. Man! that was ugly reading until I saw the benefits. -- ENTP(p) until further notice
A38 @I/O ask the ENTP what makes him/her to confront directly,could be his tactic/strategy,priciple,religion,book,motivation you know sometimes a judge cann't judging complex mind like us,for me i would'nt confront directly because my solution is too extreme to applies,and it would jeopardize my future,when we want to solve problem we always applying our functional analysis on the top of our base/fundamental filter(religion,book,quote,experience,etc),if you want to see how the ENTP at it's full anger,take a look at joker,so do you want hell or heaven on earth?you are really lucky the ENTP that you hate didn't confront you directly,believe it's not just public humiliation but could be the entire planet humiliation for you. For your judging suspecting his/her backup maybe it just your misunderstanding,entp do have many branch network of social connection in their life,i mean friends,colleague,families,as for me also i have varied kind of friends,from crooks into my own religion scholar.Maybe at that time it just your emotion has clouding your judging for accusing him/her using a backup behind him/her.My solution for you is easy,if you are close enough to him/her why you are not ask/discuss him directly about your matter?because you cann't make hypothesis without having good variable to judge on,entp just too complex to judge. -- Eyes[ENTP]
A39 Here are the top ten reasons why SEI is better than you. 1) They love us! 2) They like to listen to our ideas, even if they're sometimes crazy 3) They like to understand things, and we're good at that! 4) They help us understand our feelings so we can share them 5) When we get sad because we're letting our feelings out, they make us cookies so we'll feel better, and then we know they love us 6) Instead of telling us how they feel, they show us, which is way more believable and so much easier to understand 7) They like adventures! 8) Their creativity is inspirational, even if it's sometimes bogged down with way too much emotional hoo-ah 9) They know how to make our ideas look attractive to others since we're too busy finding a way to make it work to really care if it fits with anything else. 10) They're as lazy as we are, so they won't rush our procrastination and make us lose track of our important ideas 11) They keep track of everything we need to know. 12) They give us credibility when we make up stories to mess with people since everyone trusts them! 13) They know how to say they're sorry- and mean it. this is where i stole this from -- ENTPee
A40 ...I'm interested in hearing from an ENTp female who has actually had a relationship with an ISFp. I'm still semi=convinced it's a myth that this works best. But it's possible that I've never met a real ISFp? -- Anonymous
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