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Question #1134432848Tuesday, 13-Dec-2005
Category: INTp ESFp Intertype Relations Duality
Yet another question on dual relations. Reading up on the profile for my dual (ESFP) I can appreciae the general concept behind the theory (the weaknesses of one are the strengths of the other, etc.) In an ideal world these two types would come to acommodate one another and become dualized. On paper it seems fine, but I don't see how it could be applied to the real world. For example: From what I'm reading ESFPs are high-energy people who actively seek out stimulation and new experiences. This is a weakness for INTPs who can become very pedantic and unmotivated. ESFps are rarely pessimistic, INTps are rarely not pessimistic. INTps seek rationality, ESFps are highly irrational and fickle. It seems like instead of trying to complete one another they would quickly grow tired of their differences-although not as quickly as out-and-out opposite types might-and simply end the relationship. I'd think that an ESFp would rightfully become bored with the INTps aloof behavior and negative attitude. As an INTp the description of ESFps reminded me of a lot of former coworkers who were more loud, in-your-face, bouncy, walking headaches to me than pleasant company. I don't think I could be around someone like that for very long and I don't imagine an INTp would sound very appealing to an ESFp, no matter how similar our individual tastes. Perhaps I'm not fully understanding the mechanics that would want to keep these divergent personalities comming back for more rather than going at each other's throats or simply looking elsewhere. -- Anonymous
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Your Answers: 1+ 14+ 22+ 34+ 39+
A39 I am in total agreement with A34. I am an ESFp female in a 6 month, exclusive relationship with an INTp. It's the best relationship I've ever had (and that's saying something!). He tells me all the time, "you make me really happy". I am not sure if he has been this happy before? He always seems surprised about this when he says it! We have a wonderful dynamic. I tell him things I'd like to do, or my observations, or things I have swirling around in my head and can't decide on, and he usually turns everything into a theory that I completely understand and guides me in the right direction. Or, I notice things he doesn't and we talk about it. Or, he will be in a negative mood, over something silly (in my eyes) and I can have him smiling with one joke. I notice he will declare something that happened in his day...and I will have a bunch of follow up questions. For example, he will say "I had to deal with a crazy person at work today" and my brain will explode into question BOOM! I have 27 questions about this crazy person now, tell me everything please. Why do you think they are crazy? What happened? etc He doesn't take my playful insults seriously. I'm used to having to reel myself in a bit. He's not good at performing on the spot, and I can pretty much jump into any situation and "save" him, lol. It's great. -- Honeygal
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