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Question #1134198568Saturday, 10-Dec-2005
Category: INFj Supernatural Intuition Dreams
I have just become interested in personality types. I always come up an INFJ-rare type from the reading I've done thus far. I was especially interested in reading about INFJs and the area of psychic phenomena. I personally have been having premonition dreams since childhood, I "know" many things before they happen. I feel the pain(physical & emotional)of others-even from a distance. Words jump out at me in print to give answers to questions...Many strange occurances over the years. These things at one time frightened me, but over time I have come to accept this, and only wonder even more about so many more possibilities.... I now heed the warnings in my dreams, and have people who trust me when I tell them to "be aware". To be able to open the mind of others to the same "possiblities" that I ponder is a real gift-but also a challange. Do other intuitive types have these types of strong intuitive abilities? Or is it found predominately in INFJ types? -- aj
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A28 aj you confuse me too, lol. I am by no means an expert, barely more than an acquaintance, with socionics. I don't know if this applies, but if we are Quasi-Identicals we're supposed to find each other's writing ridiculous and hard to understand, yet I don't feel that way about what you write at all. Maybe you haven't written enough Maybe "Hidden Agenda" can help here, I personally don't feel the need to find meaning within everything. Only people, and their motives, really intrigue me. As far as health goes, I have chronic allergies and asthma, both of which would be debilitating without medicine. (Well the asthma would be lethal, and the allergies are sometimes debilitating even with drugs.) My wife, also an INFj, has extreme IBS, she's nauseous almost 24/7 and the doctor's have no idea why, she's also deathly allergic to mushrooms. My dad, an INTj, has chronic incapacitating back pain, he sleeps or lays down about 20 hours out of the day. So my question is how much do you struggle with health? Is it more or less than your struggle with understanding? I've become very curious about this because I really want to know if it is the Ni or Fi that is causing people to believe they are having (or have) psychic phenomena. Lastly, INFj's almost exclusively back the underdog's of the world. That is where our empathy shines. ESTp's are not, usually, underdogs. Our empathy disappears when someone picks on someone else, we can't stand bullies or unwarranted meanness. -- Azure
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A29 Azure, I think you understand me. lol. I am often misunderstood by others, especially when speaking. When speaking to others, I too am intriqued by them, to the point of having an inner "scanning process" going on during the conversation. "Why do they say that? Why do they do that?" Suddenly the empathy kicks in, and I become them in a sense-I begin to feel their loneliness, their pain, their joy, etc. I look as though I'm listening, but I get lost in the conversation and may say something "out there". I get ahead of myself, and people don't know where I'm coming from. When I read, the same process occurs. I want to understand, and try to figure things out to the point of getting lost in the process-having to start all over again. I assume others want to understand also, and can ramble....I do back the underdogs. I don't like bullies, but can't walk away from them. I want to understand why they do what they do-and help them. My favorite saying is "I want to help others help themselves." I want to guide others, not do the work for them. As far as how much I struggle with health. I suffer from agoraphopia and intense health anxiety(hypochondria). To be healthy is huge with me-to the point of not being healthy because I need to understand why..Why does this hurt today, why do I feel this way today? Because of all the psychic phenomonon in my life, I am very afraid of many things. If I think it, it happens. If I think about a tooth ache, I have one, for example. Did I forsee it-or make it happen? If I dream it, it happens. I have to understand in order to be healthy. -- Anonymous
A30 I'm only 14 years old and ive been having these "dreams" of actual events that happen later on. When I was 8 i had a dream of planes crashing into 2 tall buildings in a big city, 2 weeks later 9-11 happened. So im a big believer in all this. Ive had these "dreams" since i was 3 years old. i dont know what they mean but they happen all the time. -- Kathy Akers
A31 hah, well, its definitely not just the INFj. -- Anonymous
A32 My take on having premon. dreams: it's an effect, nothing mythical though. INFJs can easily see patterns, structures where other types rather look for details or the practical side of the problem and so on. I have my senses and thoughts quite everywhere all the time - and I ponder a lot about the way of the world and human kind in the past, and where it would go in the future. My premon. dreams were warnings and ideas, consequences my mind subconsciously madeup because it had enough all-around-information to do so. I once dreamt of our cat messing around with our fish tank, and about two weeks later, when my dad took the cover to work to fix it it really did happen. But to me it was some kind of logical: of course, what else does a cat do if it has the chance to go fishing? I should have warned my dad and the cat Later i dreamt about our class field day at school, that there will be an accident with some truck and some pupils. When we wereactually out for our field day, we came to that cross-way and the situation reminded meon my dream. Beware: it was just similar, not the same as in my dream. So I looked to the left, knowing I'd dreamt of the truck come speeding from the left - and right there in reality it came on rather quickly. I yelled, so everybody would be aware, but they looked at me like I was a fool I can't tell if anything had happened if I hadn't yelled. Most of the ppl never seem to mind those similarities. I guess infjs are able to see the magic in the world, because they have that wide awareness. That's a great gift, and we should train it and try to keep the facts straight though. Go out there, watch the world, watch the people, listen, read a lot resourceful books or homepages for that matter, just train your senses and your mind, and you will be astonished with the result. It then will be prophetic, but then again: don't expect the rest of the world feeling the same way. It just isn't so. -- me
A33 I have recently been typed and INFj and have have vivid psychic dreams, daydreams and "feelings" of the future. I see now that I am not alone in feeling empathy for others and sensing when they are sad, sick, etc.... One of the earliest examples I can remember is from childhood. When I was 7 years old my parents divorced. My mother immediately began another relationship with the man she would end up marrying. Every weekend I would go to visit my dad and then would be returned to my uncles for pick up by my mother on Sunday night. One Sunday I KNEW something was wrong. I knew my mother had gotten married. I was never told and it was NEVER discussed in front of me, in fact they had just decided to get married the Friday I left. I went wild and started screaming and crying that they had gotten married without telling me. People witnessed this and still talk about it to this day. Since then there are countless times things like this have happened. I am still scared of the visions and dreams and dread them happening (they are usually things I consider unsavory). Does this get easier? I guess what I hate the most is feeling sad when others do and sensing pain. When I know someone is hurting another person I can't get over it and get involved.... That is something I wish I could stop. I sense when women are pregnant, what sex the baby is, etc. I have never been wrong. I think about someone and they come through the door 9or call, etc.) A LOT. Does anyone else here have an abnormal memory? -- jb
A34 A25/Azure I think you're onto something. I can't imagine INFJ's thinking they have special psychic abilities or are the masters of empathy, if anything, we tend to undermine such things as they would go against our sense of rationality. INFJ's are not dreamy, romantic or flighty, that's INFP. E*TJ's would never put up with the flighty INFPness of a lot of the supposed INFj's here -- Anonymous
A35 I am fairly certain that I am an ISTj, but I, too, occasionally have these dreams. Once in a dream, I saw several questions that were on a test I had a few days later, in the exact wording, with the same numbers. I can also sense someone's presence, and the location of most any object (as long as I'm not facing it). I am fairly certain that I am an ISTj, I've gotten that result on every test I've ever taken for socionics. By the way, why do you people place so much importance on health? I find the matter rather unimportant. I do apologize if I'm getting a tad off topic here. -- ISTj
A36 A35, I had a possibly ISTj friend with the same gift (dreaming things). I say "possibly" because he's not around for me to type, save by discussed memories. Anyway...I'm also a probable xNFp who doesn't dream about the future but is sensitive to...otherworldly stuff. So was my ENFp friend. And I know an ISFj who is as well. That help any? -- Kanerou
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