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Question #1134198568Saturday, 10-Dec-2005
Category: INFj Supernatural Intuition Dreams
I have just become interested in personality types. I always come up an INFJ-rare type from the reading I've done thus far. I was especially interested in reading about INFJs and the area of psychic phenomena. I personally have been having premonition dreams since childhood, I "know" many things before they happen. I feel the pain(physical & emotional)of others-even from a distance. Words jump out at me in print to give answers to questions...Many strange occurances over the years. These things at one time frightened me, but over time I have come to accept this, and only wonder even more about so many more possibilities.... I now heed the warnings in my dreams, and have people who trust me when I tell them to "be aware". To be able to open the mind of others to the same "possiblities" that I ponder is a real gift-but also a challange. Do other intuitive types have these types of strong intuitive abilities? Or is it found predominately in INFJ types? -- aj
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A37 I have always assumed that personality does come into play with premonitions, as some just refuse what they see whereas others accept it. To be blunt i theorise all have psychic abilities, but in the same way that some people just don't draw or write poetry because they don't feel the need or want to, even though everyone can draw and write poetry does not necessarily mean they want to. as an INFJ i also put my hand up and say this happens to me, A24/dustbunny has already put my scenario foward, that everything i see in my dreams after interpretation (After i have placed everything in order and remember collective details) I am able to go about my day without anything surprising happening, because I already know whats around the corner. But additionally i have a strange way with electrical equipment, I recently touched a broken streetlamp which was flickering on and off, the moment i touched it, it worked perfectly. I click my fingers to change traffic lights, I once got beaten (well, crushed) on a football game round a friends and just before i gave up the power in the house switched off, I giigled for five seconds and said 'sorry'. the moment that word came out of my mouth, the electrics came back on. But furthermore, I can make headaches go away, just by touch and directed thought. I don't know the full answer to what this is and I go against my nature not to question it, putting it down to karma or some other source. I'm 20 and have experienced these things for the past 7 years, i could say 16 years as the first experience occured at the age of 4, where i could account for a life before birth, where i stated having parents before my actual parents, and that i described them as alien and dressed in white. Throughout my childhood i was certain that i was not the same as everybody else, to the extent that i declared myself as alien in front of the entire neighbourhood. By coming here I thought I would get some answers, only to find more questions posed, but i can assure you on my part, psychic phenomena can spread like wildfire through a INFJ's brain, and I'm betting a lot of them disintegrate under the insanity of it all or do not expose their feelings on the subject and probably cover it up, which is why INFP's and INFJ's don't account for much of the population. But my question is this; how can I stop it happening without changing who i am? I like who I am but people fear what I am. -- 169
A38 This is an interesting thread. I'm intutive as well, although I tend to brush off most negative 'premonitions' sometimes when I shouldn't. -- Anonymous
A39 I'm an 42 yr old female INFJ (both MB and Socionics) and what a few people have stated is fact in regards to the whole premonition, precognition, dreams, and intuitive feelings subject. But as to where some INFJs seem to find this trait a "gift" to delve into, I, on the other hand, am not overly fond of it. (although the rare feelings of something good approaching, is always nice!) But for the most part, when a wave of intuition hits, it sends me into a tailspin. It's not fun, "knowing" that someone you care about is going to be in a car accident, in an intersection, because someone else blows through a red light. What am I supposed to do? Call everyone I care about and tell them to be careful at intersections? They'll think I'm nuts.. What do you do when you intuit that one of your parents is going to pass on, quite unexpectantly, and you'll find out via a phone call from a relative. (and btw, my foreknowledge ranges anywhere from an hour up to 5 months) I can't stop these things from taking place, I can only brace myself for the impact. But as a friend of mine pointed out, "maybe it's on purpose that you aren't given enough information to stop these things from taking place. Maybe these intuitions are for you alone. For you to experience these things in advance, to prepare yourself and be ready to take care of the others who will need someones strength and support to get them through it." I'm not sure which is better, ignorance followed by impact. Or foreknowledge and waiting for the impact... And don't even get me started on the problems this "psychic" hypersensitivy has caused in my relationships. Everyone is entitled to their private emotions and coping skills. My own swirling thoughts and feelings are bad enough. Feeling theirs floating in and out, is simply maddening. Over the years, I've learned to stop and ask myself "where did these feelings come from? Are they yours? Or are you picking up what Jeff (who is an ESFJ) is going through? It ain't fun folks.. Be thankful if you don't believe it. And if you do, understand that when your INFJ friend "goes underground" or "off the radar" more that usual, it means that he or she is being bombarded with information that makes no rational sense, has no grounding in current reality, and he/she is trying to come to terms with something they can do nothing about.... Except be there to help, when it does happen. -- The reluctant mystic..
A40 Frankly it sounds like you guys don't put a great deal of effort into preventing these negative premonitions from coming true, instead using your weak Se as an excuse for inaction, and lamenting 'whoa me'. You all sound more sorry for yourselves than for the bad things that happen to other ppl, which is the classic reaction of a narcissist. 'I've always known I was different to everyone else....people are afraid of me' - classic narcissist speak. Plus most of the posters on this thread seem to have really weak or impaired critical, logical thought (Ti), attributing bizarre 'psychic' events to the supernatural, or to yourselves, before exploring the more realistic, rational explanations. Based on this, I'd say a large proportion of you are actually INFp's (Ti as HA). INFj's tend to have a healthy scepticism. -- You wish
A41 TO: A40, (You wish) If a negative premonition is concise enough to discern whom it relates to, we would definitely tell the person. And I have done so, thus assiting the people & and freaking them out at the same time. The difficulty comes when the premonition is too vague to pin down who it involves, or at the moment the events are actually taking place; leaving no time to help. As far as what you stated as "a classic reaction of a narcissist," that sounds an awful lot like something someone with NPD would say about an INFj. SEE: ESTp's appear to display MANY more narcissistic traits than an INFj could even imagine, let alone understand the pupose of. -- Anonymous
A42 I agree with you A40. A lot of people here come from MBTI so it's only reasonable to assume that many INFj's here are actually Socionics INFp's. Socionics INFj's ignore Ni so while there is still a sense of seeing how something may unfold there's a greater value in the various possibilities that can arise (Ne>Ni), so premonitions are not taken seriously -- An INFj
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A43 to a 41. If the premonitions are too vague to do anything about, that's understandable, but some of the posts on this thread describe otherwise. My statement wasn't directed at INFj's, who are usually remarkably humble and modest. Judging by the lack of critical thought on this thread, I'd say there's a lot of non-INFj's posting here. And I'm guessing you meant SLE and not SEE (being narcissistic)...I've no doubt that some ppl of these types are narcissists, but I wouldn't make such a sweeping statement as you have mind. Usually these types, especially the SLE, are quite open about their narcissism, often unapologetically labelling themselves 'narcissists', which in itself is something a real narcissist probably wouldn't do, since narcissism is regarded as a negative quality. SLE's just don't give a damn what others think. The narcissist, by contrast, cares a lot about what other ppl think...of them. A narcissist might act in a very saintly manner, doing volunteer work at charities etc., but not ultimately to help others, but to make themselves look better. Main point is narcissistic behaviour can manifest in complex, subtle ways that stretch far beyond the conventional or stereotypical/archetypal notions. -- A40
A44 mmm INFj's. You guys are going to have tons of fun during 2012. To answer the question, the INFj is the most likely type to have such visions. It's a use of intuition, without real logic. The hidden agenda does a good job of putting in reasoning behind the madness, but it isn't necessarily quality logic. Each type has its tedencies for certain mental issues. INFj are probably the most likely to be apocolypic schizophenic, ENTp the paranoid one. We're all a little bit crazy, are we not? -- ENTPee
A45 As an INFJ, I tend to think there is some sort of spiritual aspect to the personality type. In a sense, people like me are very weak, easy prey, overly sensitive, fragile... I view the bits of star dust I've known to be a natural foil for for this weaknesses. (i.e. ying and yang concept) And the psychic stuff is NOT careful observation or any of that sort. It's a weird, quiet "knowing". It's also very empathic. It can also be just "stuff" from the ether. I've not experienced a lot of it. It's been very consoling to know that my personality type does "this" and that it is o.k. -- Jada
A46 some were i read that Jesus was an INFj I just remember if it was on socionics but makes sence right? -- musicphilos
A47 Yeah... the people who think that INFjs are all about visions of the future, etc. definitely came from MBTI websites and are talking about INFps. INFjs are more like MBTI INFPs. -- Socionics INFj
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