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Question #1134198568Saturday, 10-Dec-2005
Category: INFj Supernatural Intuition Dreams
I have just become interested in personality types. I always come up an INFJ-rare type from the reading I've done thus far. I was especially interested in reading about INFJs and the area of psychic phenomena. I personally have been having premonition dreams since childhood, I "know" many things before they happen. I feel the pain(physical & emotional)of others-even from a distance. Words jump out at me in print to give answers to questions...Many strange occurances over the years. These things at one time frightened me, but over time I have come to accept this, and only wonder even more about so many more possibilities.... I now heed the warnings in my dreams, and have people who trust me when I tell them to "be aware". To be able to open the mind of others to the same "possiblities" that I ponder is a real gift-but also a challange. Do other intuitive types have these types of strong intuitive abilities? Or is it found predominately in INFJ types? -- aj
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A15 aj (answer to A12), you raise a good issue, I am not always sure about typing anyone but I think the introversion and intuitive preferences are more common than believed due to the influence of the MBTI crowd, especially in the U.S. That said, many INFjs and especially INFj women seem to be found in the human resources arena or in other places in the business world. Also, I realize that my hypotheses about the brain are unfounded but not a person in the world has proven otherwise. Would an ESTp or any other type necessarily not be psychic, or as psychic as any other type? It's possible that the configuration of the INFj brain allows it to be tuned or more readily tuned to what we think of as psychic experiences. Or, maybe the preferences simply influence what we pay attention to. Not really related to the topic, I was in the grocery store not too long ago and I spotted an INFj, hey, good VI! Apparently she thought I was noticing her for different reasons and she was looking for a date. Yikes! -- econdude
A16 I am definately INFJ and since a child have known that I was very sensitive and often misunderstood when I had premonitions of danger. I found it hard to communicate those feeling as a child and was looked upon as very weird as a teenager. I now understand that I have a gift. I am still learning how to let it flow and not be frightened by it but still sometimes visions stop me cold. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I am a grown adult now and still I sense many things and I just write about it. There has been so much to write about. ***CJ -- Anonymous
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A17 My mother and I are INFP's. We both have the remarkable nearly psychic ability to tell what is wrong with someone (if there is anything) when we look at them. My mother saw a photo of a woman she didn't know and said "She's sick" a couple weeks later the woman found out she had cancer. There are also the occassional dreams, strange feelings, etc. I've read about INFJ's though. very interesting stuff. -- -dr
A18 With the emphasis on dreams, premonitions, and what not it seems to me that aj exhibits . Presuming that she is an introverted F type that implies she is , which is a Myers-Briggs INFJ, not a Socionics INFj. -- Anonymous
A19 Is out of body experiences also a part of being INFJ. When I was in high school people used to say I was staring at them when actually I would leave via daydream and only returned when folks began yelling at me. On a first date I asked my date if he'd checked his tires specifically on the passenger side where I was sitting? Before we were a block away from my home the tire blew out. Never asked me out again. What do you call that?***CJ -- CJ
A20 @A19 I'd call it clarvoyance. I myself am skeptical of such things, yet it is stuff like that which Jung had in mind when he described, introverted intuition -- Ni aka -- Anonymous
A21 @A18 I am definitely a MB INFJ, but I am also as (I stated before) always test Socionics INFx-tie breaker leads me to INFj. Also researching the Socionics sights, reading descriptions of INFj & INFp-INFj best describes me. I am definetly an Empath-I feel pain of others, even from a distance..My hidden agenda-to be healthy, oh so true. As we grow we attempt to integrate our personalties and conscious and unconscious psyches. I am aware that the process is occurring for me-many others are probably unaware of this process, or just to young to realize that it is taking place. Some may never integrate, and none of us ever fully integrate. As we strive for wholeness, we do become more spiritual. I am on that path-or rather taking that journey that includes the circle of wholeness. In that journey, I believe our unconscious speaks to us in our dreams. There is a connectiveness to the universe. I believe we can have premonition dreams, but each of those dreams also contain individual messages to us from our psyche and from the collective. When we become aware, our integration process is at work. I guess in asking my original question, what I'm seeing is that this awareness is most likely to happen in the INFj and INFp. Other personality types may resist, either consciously or unconscously the processes that occur within us as individuals and as a whole collective unconscious. @19 I once was asleep and suddenly jumped-I thought I was falling out of bed. I awoke, in the middle of the bed, yet I "saw" myself lying on the edge of the bed. Out of body?? Very real-I will never forget.. -- aj
A22 @A21 I'm the same person who wrote A18. I'm glad you're certain that you're an INFj. I know that it's not always easy for us introverts to decide which side of the fence we belong on. (I am myself score as an M-B INTJ but also as a Socionics INTj.) Nevertheless, Jung described those with spiritually perceptive inclinations: dreams, visions, perceptions of danger, clarvoyant experiences etc. as having introverted intuition. If you are an introverted feeler with introverted intuition then by definition you are - a Socionics INFp. -- Anonymous
A23 I'm an INFJ. I'm strong NF and weak on I and J but still INFJ. Nonetheless, I have had repeated dreams since childhood. They occur several times over the year. The most significant dream I had was clearly a premonition; it was of my father dying. I had the dream on 5-11-02, EXACTLY to the DATE a year prior to when he passed (5-11-03) and he passed almost IDENTICAL in the dream. It's funny because I did not make this connection right away; I was undergoing a lot of stress. I came about the connection though a year after he died, strangly on the 11th again (1-11-04) when I found a journal entry about it. I then remembered it all clearly and getting up and typing it right after I had it. The times were even identical. I finished typing the dream at 7AM and he was officially pronounced dead at 7AM. Very scary. If anyone else wants to chat about this and/or anything else INFJ-related, I would love to chat., or you can IM me at: Not2bforgot10x (AIM). Talk to you later. -Em. -- Emily, 23.
A24 I'm one of those people who dream about it and it happens the next day. My dreams have been like that for the past 8 years. -- DustBunny
A25 INFj here. I'm conviced the majority of the "INFJ"s posting here are INFp as suggested by a few noticing the Ni vs Fi. I personally have had vivid dreams, but have never found a prophetic element in them. Nor any other sort of ESP. I think it would be nearly impossible for an INFj to date an ESTp. Just the thought of "If required they can step on anyone or anything often ignoring ethics completely if the situation calls for it." is mortifying to an INFj. Stepping on others, for any reason is NOT ok. I have an interesting thought to add to this lastly, since the INFp's hidden agenda is to understand, wouldn't it be quite ironic if many of these INFp's are simply misunderstanding socionics? Oh, and by the way, I have to get this off my chest, the poster who said there was a 9/11 conspiracy is nuts. -- Azure
A26 Sounds like you got it hard there. Don't fancy all that mental noise in my head. One of my male friends, I reckon is INTj..I'll try ask him sometime..but he's not likely to come clean about that post of stuff, unless he's waaay drunk, so I salute you for your honesty..and..have you drawn any more conclusions/any more thoughts from this thread and other things? -- Cyclops
A27 Azure,A25, you raise a good point-the hidden agenda of INFp is to understand, and in this qwest to understand, when dreaming we need to find meaning-we need to understand why we dreamt what we did. And when awake why we feel what we feel. So in this qwest to understand, we apply what we see (asleep or in conscious thought) to the reality of daily living around us. I so want to understand-so am I INFp I ask, rather than INFj? I have been dating an ESTp for 9 years-yet I do find much of what he does "mortifying." But I am so filled with empathy that I let it slide with him attributing his behaviour to a sort of compensatory behaviour disorder. Because my empathy is so strong, I feel actual pain of others. I know when others are ill even at a distance-is it the empathy(INFj) or some sort of psychic introverted intuition (INFp)? Needing to understand(INFp) is soooo important to me-and soooo is being healthy(INFj)..Is it possible to have both introverted feeling and introverted intuition? Maybe those of us who are confused by are our type are the true "sensitives" we hear of. Earlier this year I saw clips of the VT shooting in a dream just before waking, and while watching the breaking news unfold-said out loud how many would be dead before it was all over(and was right). Many of my thoughts manifest themselves, and I am finding that these manifestations are connected to how I am feeling at the time. I just see with me, a combination of intuition and feeling... INFp or INFj? All I know is that after reading many of the posts here, confused about type or not-the phenomonom of psychic abilities is real amongst us. -- aj
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