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Question #1134198568Saturday, 10-Dec-2005
Category: INFj Supernatural Intuition Dreams
I have just become interested in personality types. I always come up an INFJ-rare type from the reading I've done thus far. I was especially interested in reading about INFJs and the area of psychic phenomena. I personally have been having premonition dreams since childhood, I "know" many things before they happen. I feel the pain(physical & emotional)of others-even from a distance. Words jump out at me in print to give answers to questions...Many strange occurances over the years. These things at one time frightened me, but over time I have come to accept this, and only wonder even more about so many more possibilities.... I now heed the warnings in my dreams, and have people who trust me when I tell them to "be aware". To be able to open the mind of others to the same "possiblities" that I ponder is a real gift-but also a challange. Do other intuitive types have these types of strong intuitive abilities? Or is it found predominately in INFJ types? -- aj
Your Answers: 1+ 8+ 15+ 28+ 37+
A8 Hello AINFJ. Interesting dream, and I do believe it was a premonition. Like you, I have these types of dreams, usually about 4 days before the event. (Can be as soon as 10 minutes though). J.W. Dunne wrote a book-An Experiment With Time. He had premonition dreams that occurred a few days ahead of time-he would often see headlines in newspapers in his dreams(something I have happen repeatedly). Experiments were done in early 1900s, with several people who had premonition dreams. There was a very high accuracy rate, proving Dunne's theory about prophecy dreams. (Though I'm not sure all scientists would agree). Dunne believed our waking time was linear, but while dreaming we were free to dream of the past and the future, sometimes merging with the present. It is all a matter of time, a matter of perception, and possibly of immortality?... -- aj
A9 Hey, I am looking at myself. Premonition dreams started to visit my sleep 2 years ago. Believing myself to be a rational person (well... I'd like to think that I am :roll eyes:), I was slow to trust them. But what I dreamt of happened two or three weeks later. Ever since then, I've become more attentive of my dreams. Some of them are nothing... but a few foretold future events. I'm usually able to discern whether they are going to happen or not. I do notice that those prophetic dreams mostly concern myself or members of my family. While it is good to know of incidents that could happen to your loved ones, it is also emotionally draining when the dreams are bad. One becomes the bearer of gray news and is subjected to a very tense waiting period. If those events can be avoided- and so far, they haven't been disastrous- I guess it's alright. However, if it involves death... God help, I just hope that such things never appear in my dreams! -- Anonymous
A10 I'm an INTJ and I seem to have an ability to know when other people are looking at me (even when they are not in my field of vision). I have never tested this scientifically. Rupert Sheldrake is a pertinent author to this kind of subject. The types and certain kinds of "psychic" [to me, latent and unused] abilities in humans are probably correlated, but who knows? -- econdude
A11 I am an INTJ and I had a WTC Tower dream too. In my case it was a year ago (2000). I was a little kid then, about 11, and I was day-dreaming my way through the day, when suddenly I saw the two buildings exploding right from the middle and falling down. Interestingly enough, I also KNOW that that's the first time I have ever used the word 'terrorists' in my life. I don't have any earlier recollection of the word. I thought I had made it up after Sept. 11 (as most INTJ's seomtimes make their past up), but I actually remember seeing it perfectly. That's why when I saw the WTC Tower's really falling down, I felt nausea. I have consistently tried to prove to myself that it was just a made up thing, after I watched the movie Armageddon and the scenes of NY being destroyed, but now, I don't think I can deny the possibility that it could have been a vision. -- Abdul
A12 i am glad to see that i am not the only one. it used to scare me sometimes when i was younger. i have dreamed of toys ariving at burger king to vehicles going off of bridges all of my childhood. there were very few of the violent ones and most of them happened two weeks later. some of them took 5 years to manifest though. i am an infj and have been since i was a child. i know that on some other sites they clam that at ages 0-6 i can only have been an xnfx, but after what my parents have told me over the years, and some things i do remember, i was born this way. i have been looking at types for about a year now, due to an introduction in psychology class in college. i find it interesting. i had never heard of MBTI and did not care to try to aim for one type or another. it seems that some people want to be infj, like it is some elite club they want in on. if they only knew, i think they would possibly change there minds. i have always had annoying premonitory dreams here and there until mid puberty (i hear people lose it there often), i have always felt peoples moods, illnesses or injuries by either just looking at them or being in proximity even without sight. i often get washed away by peoples strong feelings. my empathy to the world and others can be tidal waved by one persons love, hate or sadness and i have to wall up and get the hell out of dodge before it takes me over. more thasn one book and web site mention that "mute withdrawl" is a classic defense for infjs. in social and physical settings i heartily agree. being so sensitve, at times is a real curse that noone else seemed to share all through out my youth. it does have some upsides to it. who else can just look at a hundred people and start picking out which people they think they will easily be friendly to them or figure out who has what level of intelligence with out testing them. i do enjoy people watching and seeing people form cliques and relationships before they actually meet and then watching it come together like predestined fate. (which i don't truly believe in, i think, i mean i am kind of witnessing it... i don't know) it always set me apart from others. i could never share such knowledge, people would call me psychic or nuts and the people that would call me psychic, i think are nuts. some people would tell me that i am lucky at avoiding group punishment for one persons failure. (such as in work school and military situations. (yes i was in the service. bad idea. hard to get area from high levels of others stress. but i always knew when some lied about scoring with some girl on the weekend. i could call BS on them so much, but i had already learned that to stand out too much socially as some psychic would only hinder me. noone likes it when you are a walking x-ray machine.) i am curius if there is more research on this. mar 16 07. -- anapuna
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A13 I have noticed that the INFj type may not be so rare, because I am able to type many women as INFjs. I'm not sure if this is because so many INFj women are in the business world or if I'm just good at VI'ing them or whatever. I truly believe that being psychic is not a function of preferences - a person's filter expresses or uses the brain's natural abilities. So the I, N, F, and j preferences of an INFj, for example, relate what the brain is experiencing, not the other way around. I think more INFjs might think of themselves as psychic or be seen as having psychic abilities because of what they naturally pay attention to. Any type can be psychic in my opinion. -- econdude
A14 Hi econdude. Are you sure you are typing these women correctly as INFj? If by business world you mean working in offices, I'm not too sure if they are INFj. Many of us INFj's can't handle the interaction with a lot of people, because we do pick up on everyone elses "hurts". It is exhausting for us and leads to health problems. Two of my friends are INFj-each work from home, as do I. I have a therapist who is INFj, she can only work part time, due to the need to "pace" herself-as do myself and my INFj friends. You won't find us lasting long in an office atmosphere or high stress job. To be healthy, we often are in control of our work environments-dealing with people more on a one to one basis. Helping others through some sort of counselling, using our empathy to connect to others, or using our creativity is a big part of our survival. The quiet girl you are seeing in the "outside" world, may not be the INFj if she is able to sustain a regular scheduled "job". Many women are empathetic, and may look like the INFj, but really listen to them "talk", listen to the conversation-only then can you really pick them out. And about our "psychic" ability-yes, we maybe do pick up the clues naturally. However, imagine this. Your significant other has a dream two nights before you decide to go on a long trip together. In the dream is the complete details of a car accident, the curve of the road, the number of cars that go over a bridge, the lights arranged just so. So now back to reality, two days later as you travel, your partner decides to warn you, at the last minute, to not get back on the interstate just yet. Putting you behind 5 minutes. You get back on the road, you see an accident ahead-had you left 5 minutes earlier-it could have easily been your car that went over the bridge. This happened to me just last month, and it happens a lot. All the intuition in the world can not know about accidents, with details, before even the possiblity of the trip happening. Intuition, which all types could possess if they worked at it, will tell you if someone is telling a lie for example-you begin to "read" people. But prophetic dreams...and consistently-I just don't think all can possess that ability quite as easily as you may think. Like A12 mentioned, most people just think we are nuts for talking about it-and won't even entertain the idea, let alone try to attain the ability-which I believe is just a natural thing for the INFj. As an INFj, we find each other, but others finding us-well, you really have to listen... -- aj
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