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Which Type would you trust to lead your country?
Ethical-Intuitive Extratim - ENFj99610.4 %
Intuitive-Ethical Extratim - ENFp4274.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Extratim - ENTj142714.9 %
Intuitive-Logical Extratim - ENTp7097.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Extratim - ESFj1721.8 %
Sensory-Ethical Extratim - ESFp1521.6 %
Logical-Sensory Extratim - ESTj4434.6 %
Sensory-Logical Extratim - ESTp2963.1 %
Ethical-Intuitive Intratim - INFj8198.6 %
Intuitive-Ethical Intratim - INFp5275.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Intratim - INTj172618.1 %
Intuitive-Logical Intratim - INTp8068.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Intratim - ISFj1861.9 %
Sensory-Ethical Intratim - ISFp1441.5 %
Logical-Sensory Intratim - ISTj4604.8 %
Sensory-Logical Intratim - ISTp2682.8 %
Total Votes: 9558
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 35+ 66+ 84+
C1 Yay for INTJs! The best type ever! -- Anonymous
C2 Having nothing to do with the fact that INTJ's are the most abundant type on socionics sites... To be fair, though, they tend to make good leaders. -- Anonymous
C3 INTjs don't make good leaders at ALL. They are highly influenced by their preference for people they like/dislike; more than they realize. Their addiction to "logic" can also be extremely flawed. The best leaders are, easily, INTps. Only an INTp leads without actually ever wanting to lead - and you can see this in the face of an INTp leader. the best leaders, like the best spiritual gurus, never actually want to be what they are. they just do what they have to do. they'd rather be sitting near the ocean or playing ping pong or doing something that is personally enjoyable. -- Anonymous
C4 I think ENTjs make better leaders. -- Anonymous
C5 @C3. Oh yes! Look at Gordon Brown, the new British leader. He has already managed to ruin relationships with Russia by almost starting the new cold war and that is in just few weeks. Yes INTps rule!!11!!11!! -- Tony B
C6 i voted for infp, because that is my type and i think i am the best and most just leader, but i don't think this is type-related. i think this has more to do with a person's values. i'd trust an intj like thomas jefferson or ayn rand but not like robespierre, it's not that there is anything wrong with robespierre, but power corrupts. certain species are harder to corrupt than others, for example in tolkien's lord of the rings its hobbits, in socionics its infps. i suppose i'd trust an infp. -- kam
C7 Yes, i do agree that INTJ can be the best leaders even though they can be ruthless at times. -- Anonymous
C8 ESTJ'S, cause they have a tremendous presence and do the right thing. Some may call us stupid, but we are the best and most respected leaders period. INTPs go on jeopardy, INTJs are just social retards. Personally, I've been called inhuman, but it's our drive to control our environment and protect those in it. -- Anonymous
C9 ISTp's coz at least they would admit they don't do anything -- Anonymous
C10 Well, I'm an ISTP, and all the only things I do do are steal and commit crimes really. A lot of people think I'm a jerk and emotionally retarded and lazy and all that shit. I cant lie and say wed be good country leaders, but among a group of thugs and drug dealers etc, in my personal experience I can persuade the other dudes to relax and not get in as much trouble. Plus its easy for me to talk to the cops, everyone else gets nervous. -- Anonymous
C11 I myself is an INTP, but voted for INFP. My reason for this choice is that most NTs, especially NTJs, as some mentioned, are ruthless. Nothing would stop them from achieving their goal, even though they would have to tramp a few people down on the way. I also think it would be the best to have an introverted to lead in this extroverted society (USA) which clearly favore extroversion. The most obvious quality in a leader would be Intuition. Of course people with Sensing preference is not a good leader. You need imagination, you need to see the big picture, details is not that important. I chose the F because we need a leader that is considerate and have the people`s best interest at heart. And finally I chose the P because that would probably result in a more laid-back pace than with a judging type. -- Anonymous
C12 This could be incorrect, but i'm sure its been indicated to me hitler could have been infp -- Anonymous
C13 INFps are incredibly jealous people. but i agree that Ni is extraordinarily important for leadership. ENTjs might make good leaders; they wouldn't give in to mercy ethics but would still have strong Ni. -- Anonymous
C14 I don't know if there is such a thing as perfect leader, but re C11 I understand where you are coming from, but I don't believe that the f always would have best interest at heart, certainly from a subjective point of view. Some f people can be quite manipulative and can also be swayed by the majority more easily than a logic based t - meaning some unfashionable minorities could lose out which is not the ideal for democracy (which by the way isn't perfect but people being people its probably the best their is?), also C11, could you please explain why it is obvious that details are not important, and why an s could not come up with good ideas? I'm just a bit lost on this one, thanks. -- A ISTp -erson
C15 I think an INTJ would be most effective. Unfortunately, they would not have enough charisma to get into any office. -- Anonymous
C16 INTjs make best vice-presidents not presidents themselves. An ENTj would be the best choice (Most effective). F people cannot lead a country specially if also a p. Even if really true and benevolent what would happen if an F ruler has to choose between these two options: 1. Lose someone you like but save the lives of thousands of people; 2. Reverse; An xxFp will not decide and this will cause a worse situation. An xxFj might decide the rational action (with a lot of pain) but will feel guilty for the rest of his life which is not a good position for a ruler to be. (An Exception: Am ENFj would make a good initiating leader if devoid of heart-belongings which is nearly impossible.[Think of Gandhi]) Also N people are clearly more suited to macro-management than S people. And also E people are preferred over I types because they are willingly more accessible. p or j has the least important as it will mainly change the management style, but an Exxj ruler is more pragmatic and action and gain-oriented than an Exxp one. So I give a little preference to j types. and also INTj would not be a good choice because of their extreme rigidity about their own perspective about the world. INTps would be great leaders but only in times of great change of direction (because of their extreme ability to foresee the future and thus initiating the right path to follow more correctly [Think about Lincoln, Jefferson]). All in all, an economically minded ENTj would make the best president in 21st cerntury. -- Anonymous
C17 For me the question is most effective at what, I picked INFJ as the most trustworthy to do the best job for all. -- Anonymous
C18 Voted for INTJ, myself, mostly because they're closed-minded but rather intelligent, and can make decisions because of that. The alternative would be an INTP, which, although would have a better grasp on the big picture, would be crippled by the possibilities. -- Anonymous
C19 Certain Persons above seem to be forgetting that we're not talking about MBTI. An INTj is not necessarilly an INTJ. I would HATE to have an INTJ (MBTI: Mastermind) president. Alot. However, I completely agree that an INTj is a perfectly reasonable choice. Then again, I thought this was a nation of the people, for the people, and by the people. Down with kings! -- Anonymous
C20 ESTp - they bring money to the country and would be brilliant in relations with other countries. -- INTp
C21 INTJ lol. Yes, make a great leader but not the "best" type. Best is INFJ -- Anonymous
C22 Wasn't Truman an INTJ? -- Anonymous
C23 I voted for INTps, they seem to be responsible, hard-working, with both ideas and organization talent. An ISTp might not be a bad choice, either. -- Anonymous
C24 I thought intjs had their stab already at politics in the 30's - mid40's haahha -- Anonymous
C25 Right now we need an NF of some kind to help us redefine our moral values, which have suffered under the Bush-Clinton-Bush sandwich. -- Anonymous
C26 ISFJ - They are quiet and caring people possessing an inner strength and depth. I'd trust these people! -- Anonymous
C27 The best leaders I know are ENTjs, INFjs and INTps, each in their own way. -- ESFp
C28 I would have to say ENFJ (ENTJ coming in second for me) because they can reach the people and also see the big picture. -- INTP
C29 the best leaders are idealists because they are guided by their values and act on principles... i voted infj -- some infp
C30 ESFJs make the best leaders,their ability to manage people and ressources is extraordinary! -- Anonymous
C31 INTJ is not the same as INTj. This is a *socionics* website. -- Anonymous
C32 ESTJ is literally the best leader having no real skill exept for leading. they arnt innovative or inventive, they logically make decisions on a standard conventional scale. what the majority rules for they lead lacking any real knowledge or interest in what they lead. -- Anonymous
C33 Wow nobody trusts the SFs, huh? -- Anonymous
C34 C33: Maybe the idea was that they usually are not very much interested in running a country... -- Ezis (ESFp)
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