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Which Type would you trust to lead your country?
Ethical-Intuitive Extratim - ENFj99610.4 %
Intuitive-Ethical Extratim - ENFp4274.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Extratim - ENTj142714.9 %
Intuitive-Logical Extratim - ENTp7097.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Extratim - ESFj1721.8 %
Sensory-Ethical Extratim - ESFp1521.6 %
Logical-Sensory Extratim - ESTj4434.6 %
Sensory-Logical Extratim - ESTp2963.1 %
Ethical-Intuitive Intratim - INFj8198.6 %
Intuitive-Ethical Intratim - INFp5275.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Intratim - INTj172618.1 %
Intuitive-Logical Intratim - INTp8068.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Intratim - ISFj1861.9 %
Sensory-Ethical Intratim - ISFp1441.5 %
Logical-Sensory Intratim - ISTj4604.8 %
Sensory-Logical Intratim - ISTp2682.8 %
Total Votes: 9558
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 35+ 66+ 84+
C66 Although I am an INTJ, I voted for ENTJ's. I believe that INTJ's can make good leaders, but we'd make better second-in-commands. Because I think ENTJ's have an easier time dealing with people (I'm not saying INTJ's are lacking, but it's just not their speciality, per say), they would be better leaders. Leading involves an abundant amount of speaking and connecting, and we INTJ's value our solitude. In my opinion based on how I act when we are forced to work in groups or pairs, I don't usually take charge unless no one else does or my partner(s) proves inadequate. If there is a person willing to take charge, and does his/her job correctly, them I will step down. That's what I think, and I'm not saying everyone is like this, so please don't treat what I say like facts. Thanks   -- Janelle
C67 I am an INTj and we already ARE in power. Keep electing us and we WILL do what is best for the grand scheme of things. But I can guarantee, you won't like the process. -- Anonymous
C68 The answer is obviously ENTJ! Any F's or P's are a definite no, IMO -- female ENTP
C69 ENFp As an ISTp, I initially chose INTj because they are good at doing the logical problem solving that I like to use. However, when I consider the logistics of government and leadership, I feel like I would prefer an ENFp. I don't think it really makes sense to have important decisions left to a close minded individual, no matter how logical they may be. I might trust INTj to analyze war and economic problems, but not with people interaction. In a leader, I want a diplomat and a professional communicator, who can represent us well to foreigners. He will enjoy listening to people. It might be something like the Queen of England. -- Anonymous
C70 INTj would probably be the best in terms of sticking to the policies that they said they would - because of . They would also be good at recognizing potential in people and putting them in the right places . Their way of solving problems would be their creative function ([Ne]), and so they would try to release the potential of certain parts of the country by bringing out it's talents and potentials. An ENTj on the other hand would be better at managing things like money, the budget, and finances because of . They would also probably be better at improving the efficiency and productivity of how things are run. Their creative function wouldn't be quite as useful as any of the other three I've listed (I don't think). INTjs also make better leaders generally because of their self-discipline and ability to stick to what they believe is important, - however the actual social aspect might scare them (this could possibly be alleviated by dualization though - because if an INTj was surrounded by he would be able to understand how he is coming across socially) . Belong to the Reinin dichotomy of democratic would make the INTj probably better also. I've assumed that NTs would be the best because it is necessary to be able to put feelings aside and use logic to make tough decisions (like being objective), and Ns would be the best because politics and the type of information that a president would be exposed to are often more abstract. A good leader of a country should have a well developed interest in political theory, scientific research, etc. I've sort of dismissed INTps and ENTps by fiat because generally Ps don't like to stick to the goals they've established, and being a leader implies being able to structure one's self. Of course, they would still both be suited to the job well and would have different strengths and abilities. -- Anonymous
C71 chose enfj because they're open about they're feelings, honest, and the mix of the feeling and judging functions gives them an added thinking edge... any nt would be a bit cold and harsh. -- Anonymous
C72 i'd trust an ENTJ! the INTJs i know have good plans but they're very stubborn and not open at all. ENTJs are good at seeing past mistakes not being repeated. -- an ENFP
C73 entjs for sure, intelligence + charisma + excellent social skills= great leader. intjs wont be able to pull it of as good as their extroverted counterparts, period. from me an intj -- Anonymous
C74 C3 Has it the most rationally thought out I believe. Hands down worst types for leading would have to be infp, Esfp, enfj, and estp. Irrational types should not be left to make decisions or have influence. Intp would be best bet. -- infj
C75 Supposedly I am INTJ, and you guys are stupid for thinking that an INTJ would be a good leader. Clearly you have never taken socionics types into account when working in a work group. INTJ's get the job done and they end up getting most everything they want out of it, but they are selfish and most have a tendency to be deceitful. They can be leaders, but there are far better choices. Trust me. Those of you fools who masquerade around the internet for false comfort in the fact that you are smarter than anyone else should read this and take it to heart because you are the problem with this country and this world. Stop thinking about your stupid fucking image, get off your ass, and find a way to make improvement for the world's sake. You guys make me fucking sick. -- INTJ
C76 I am INTJ, I still think ENTJs are better leaders. -- Anonymous
C77 As an INFP, I run far, far away from this kind of leadership. It requires too much decision-making. INFPs like to put this off and avoid it, and being forced to make a final decision, especially an important one that affects a lot of people, is extremely stressful. We also have trouble taking criticism, and that surrounds political leaders. I see INFPs as great advisors. We can look at an issue from both sides and look at the big picture in an unbiased way. Then someone who is more fitted to the "leadership role" can use this info to make policy (a word which makes me cringe). -- Anonymous
C78 JFK and FDR were both ESTP. Enough said. -- Anonymous
C79 Why so many votes for INTJ? They'd make "good" leaders maybe, but not the best. They can be very biased and will gladly trample all over people's rights in a 'the ends justify the means' type of manner. I'm INFP but INFPs are too lazy and disorganized to make good leaders. My vote goes to INFJ because they'd be the most ethical while still having the drive to get things done. -- Anonymous
C80 I Belive the best one should be a intuitive , probably a introverted intuitive , because NE see the instant /extroverted situation . An extroverted feeler probably will considerate the well fare of the people or a extroverted thinker who could be a great logical decider . a introverted too would be great since it will add a more reflective nature. Probably a P cause the leader should be able to deal with changes in the middle of the path . With this I believe an intp ( cause can handle better other people , without take what other says so serious , like an infp will) -- An Brazilian infp
C81 None of the above; it's wrong to impose one's leader upon another-that person then becomes a ruler. If you want to follow a person, follow them, just stop making me follow them, too; I shouldn't have to expound how this is unethical. -- ENTp
C82 This is a fascinating question. Maybe different types should lead during different eras. Social and cultural values shift over time, but the best thing, in my opinion, is to have multiple types in leadership roles. Progress and strength comes from having different opinions and approaches. Otherwise, you may neglect what might actually be the best option. That's why totalitarian leadership is so destructive. Perhaps that betrays that I am an Ego type. Not to mention that in any given country there are going to be multiple groups with differing visions about what it means to run a country smoothly, in the best interests of its citizens. Leaders have to be fair to as many people as possible, without necessarily catering to the lowest common denominator. After all, people might think they know what's best for them, but that might not be best for their neighbor. I think the West tends to value tough, sober-minded kinds of people. So you see ENTj's, ISTj's, ESTp's, and ESTj's in office. But I think times are changing and new kinds of leaders are desperately needed. I'm talking about people who put people first and are able to have broad and inclusive policies in everyone's best interests. No more muscle-flexing, so to speak. I think the world needs more ENFp's, INFj's, and INTj's in positions of leadership. -- Anonymous
C83 I vote ENTj -- Anonymous
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