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Which Type would you trust to lead your country?
Ethical-Intuitive Extratim - ENFj99610.4 %
Intuitive-Ethical Extratim - ENFp4274.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Extratim - ENTj142714.9 %
Intuitive-Logical Extratim - ENTp7097.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Extratim - ESFj1721.8 %
Sensory-Ethical Extratim - ESFp1521.6 %
Logical-Sensory Extratim - ESTj4434.6 %
Sensory-Logical Extratim - ESTp2963.1 %
Ethical-Intuitive Intratim - INFj8198.6 %
Intuitive-Ethical Intratim - INFp5275.5 %
Logical-Intuitive Intratim - INTj172618.1 %
Intuitive-Logical Intratim - INTp8068.4 %
Ethical-Sensory Intratim - ISFj1861.9 %
Sensory-Ethical Intratim - ISFp1441.5 %
Logical-Sensory Intratim - ISTj4604.8 %
Sensory-Logical Intratim - ISTp2682.8 %
Total Votes: 9558
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 35+ 66+ 84+
C35 I am am ENTJ. I enjoy my INTJ AND INTP relationships. However, I tend to disagree with their profile description which states that they have NO DESIRE to lead. This is reflected by the poll above. Perhaps the question should actually be "what type should be the president". This would require a Rational Leader Type. An ENTJ President, would surround themselves with Intp/j's, and Infp/J's, thus giving many different options to accomplish the goals set about by a Nations needs/desires. It simply isn't a view most can understand. Entj's have the passion to influence many. Something (IN's) simply don't have. -- Anonymous
C36 INTP here. Not only would I want an INTP to lead the country, I would want it to be ME...LOL! -- Anonymous
C37 Why not an INFJ? They are naturals for both avoiding initial conflict AND resolving actual conflicts in ways that suit most people involved. -- Anonymous
C38 I'm an infp, so I'd trust an infp because they'd be 100% hands off. Compared to an ESTJ or an ISTJ who would both try to crush the population under their boots. -- Anonymous
C39 I don't think INTj's would want to lead anything anyway. It's too much work. -- Anonymous INTj
C40 It's not that they have no desire to lead. I hate to lead, yes, but in life or death circumstances I quite often relish the moment of leading and it usually has favorable results. I have been attacked twice in the last 4 years and in the first instance the guy went to jail, in the second instance the guy was allowed to keep causing problems for others. One out of two isn't too bad. The name of the officer in the second case was Doolittle of all things. If I was in a position of authority I would review Doolittle's record and probably can him. I would not want to keep the leadership position though. I like to lead for the moment, but not continuously. Only as long as the moment actually requires it. -- Lux
C41 answer the question was depend upon what you are and in which country do you live.Entj are excellent leaders but most of them have tendency to dictatorism. When u need establish a new country you need an entj but when u need an organizer you have find enfj -- Anonymous
C42 ISTPs would be the best, if you could find one to take the job. -- ISTpJim
C43 I voted entj, but i think istp's and intp's also make great leaders! I think it's good for leaders to be people others are able to look up to and istp's and intp's are very, um, good people with the best intensions. So i would easily trust them! -- Anonymous
C44 It is obvious that xNTx would be the best choice. Sensory people can't see the big picture, the possibilities the future.... Feeling people make decisions based on personal values instead of logic... ENTjs are not interested in becoming politicians because they can earn more money elsewhere... INTps are not good politicians because people fall asleep when an INTp speaks... ENTps are not really interested to lead... -> INTj -- Anonymous
C45 INTJ and ENTJ when the country is up, ESTP and ENTP when the country is down. INTP's are great, but you gotta somehow make them lead. The secret is having a balanced crew. INTJ's can fail at that. -- Anonymous
C46 None of the INTJs read any of other comments and wouldnt care what they said anyway! -- Anonymous
C47 That's funny that ESFp got the smallest number of votes. Isn't that Bill Clinton's personality type???????? -- INFp
C48 looks like people are voting for themselves! I stick to ENfj and Entj -- Enfp
C49 c3 You stated that Only an INTp leads without actually ever wanting to lead...Well, INTJs prefer the background but will step and lead when called on or needed to do so. They also examine every angle of a problem and have already figured out the solution when they begin to speak. They also do not feel threaten and will acknowledge great skills in others. That means that they will not only recognize the strength that others bring to the table, but they will effectively place them in the position they would work best....thus the INTJ scores you see above. -- Anonymous
C50 I agree C15 -- Anonymous
C51 ISTJs should win this... N's are too unpredictable, ISTJs are more stable. -- Anonymous
C52 INTJ's do make great leaders. Just look at JFK who was an INTJ. In my opinion, the only problem is that INTJ's refuse to do the crap they need to do to get into high positions, which requires them to lose their independent mindedness and free nature. -- Anonymous
C53 You're all wrong, ISTj with a pannel of INTp counsellors. ISTjs are great, they explain things, are duty bound, good at explaining things, work hard and did I mention that they're very good at explaining? They're charismatic but not obnoxious. They're also very traditional. Their only problem is their pessimistic ignorange/apathy of potential solutions. This is where the INTps come in. Given a "panel of experts" consisting of INTps they would churn out countless solutions to complicated problems. The implementation of which should never be left in their hands. Everything would flow in a two way fasion. A speech written by the president (for the sake of this scenario) would be poorly grammatized and too simple for a world leader. Filtered through an INTp it would come out beautiful, flowing and oh so slightly erotic, but difficult to catch. I did however, vote for an INTj, because they are so boring and predictable we would know exactly what they would do once in office. This is of course just a wishing scenario because INTjs would never really make it. If they ever started planning on world domination they would have to answer the question "Why bother? Let the world rot. It doesn't deserve to live in my beautifully designed system." If we look back upon our INTx leaders we realize that a lot of them never really wanted it, it just happened to them i.e. Thomas Jeferson. Hopefully one day an INTp will transcend the formula and chose to implement their world domination scheme, ending poverty, famine, and all diseases. They will also end global warming by funneling all the heat into hell which will have frozen over. -- Mythikh
C54 I am an INTJ and Im new at this. so before I even voted I didnt know I was a INTJ and I still pick myself !! :] haha i rock. -- Anonymous
C55 XNTJ is the best with strong Ni -- Anonymous
C56 leadership is a hard business and you have to know who to trust and who not to, having definite set preferences ahead of time will allow you to know exactly where you stand in future dealings with other people, the sort of professionalism and attitude they have reeks of influence and personal strength of will, and when you're a power figure, that also often translates to charisma I would trust an INTj to be a leader, I didn't say I'd like it, but I do tend to like being able to trust people, so I probably would -- Anonymous
C57 first of all, totes agree w/ C53.... esp about the panel of INTps... either that or the other way around.... with an INTp in charge as a benevolent supreme ruler, and then alot of ISTjs to implement his grandiose schemes. -- brononymous INTp
C58 JFK was an INTJ.... -- INTJ
C59 If I were to rule a country, I'd rather not. -- INTP
C60 No ENTps are born leaders. An ENTp,s personality draws people in, it attracts followers to them in a way.ENTps are extremely good problem solvers and always see both sides of things before making a decision. They need people to support them especially in their ideas which they generate frequently and this is where they gain almost all of their motivation and inspiration. Like it says on the type descrption ENTps use a chaotic and destuctive element creatively, generating great reform from the destuction, and because of this trait they often become leaders. -- THE ENTp
C61 you'd want an ethical type, else you'll get wars and greed. an extravert to deal with everyone, a J to set a good example, and an N so that they understand situations better and aren't just pushy for the sake of pushy -- Th
C62 Teddy Roosevelt was ENTP... -- Anonymous
C63 Intj are the most trustable. -- Anonymous
C64 Its really a hard question. Its clear many leaders and people in positions are ESTp. A leader must be a person who could defeat these types. And be logical as well. And better having intuition. Hence the choice could be ENTj. But, they not idealists; which some might concider it as a benefit. Me myself, i'm an INTj and do not like ENTj much. They do run buissinesses well, I do not know for states. If not them- perhaps ISTj. But NOT ESTp or INFp- they ruin the atmosphere of the society and often found to be corrupted and stick to the chair. an INTj could be a great leader in calm conditions I think- otherwise it might lose proportions as Robespierre. (?) -- anonymous INTj
C65 C25 Clinton was an ENFJ...and he was too busy shagging Monica to get any real work done. No thank you! -- Black Knight (INTJ)
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