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Question #1245170557Tuesday, 16-Jun-2009
Category: Religion Typing Fictional characters
What is Jesus' personality type? Anyone can give a well educated guess? -- Anonymous
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A39 Jesus human personality was without doubt INFJ! He often went into the wilderness to be alone and pray. He was deeply reflective. He was a super intuitive. He reduced the complexity of all the Judaic laws to two simple principles...including loving others as you love yourself. He was a deeply feeling empath. When everyone was about to stone the woman to death, he said let he who is without sin caste the first stone. He empathised with the hurt and downtrodden. INFJs have great intellecual capacity of a highly intuitive nature equally weighted with a highly compassionate nature. Jesus was a J. He saw his life in terms of a grand plan. Need I say more!!!!!! -- Anonymous
A40 a39, Jesus was also quite a ruthless guy. I mean, follow these bunch of rules - if you don't then you go to be tortured (hell) for ALL ETERNITY? Even if I was the most horrible human being alive, the worst I could do would be to torture someone for the stretch of their lives, but to torture someone for ever sounds pretty cold don't you think? -- Anonymous
A41 A40, no, not when you put it in perspective. Its like saying hey, sin has entered the world and there is only one way to end it and thats by Jesus' death on the cross, there is no other way. So we can choose to have our sins atoned for...or not. He died, on the cross to save us, what measure can be more drastic than that. So if someone refuses the atonement, who really is responsible for the eternal torture, the sacrifice (Christ), or the person who rejects the sacrifice? -- Anonymous
A42 Here are some interesting links regarding Jesus (they may also shed further light on His type): -- Anonymous
A43 Perhaps this link on identifying types of religions might help: -- Anonymous
A44 For some reason I've often considered Jesus to have possibly been an ENFp. That or maybe an ENTp. He was probably not a Gamma, and I don't think he valued Extraverted Sensing, whether in his ego block or quadra. I could definitely be wrong about this. Perhaps it is merely based on my limited knowledge of socionics and Jesus. Regarding temperaments, the Ep (EP) temperament of Explorer seems plausible. I have to agree with the people who think Jesus was a Delta type, and he may very well have been an INFj. In fact even ISTp wouldn't surprise me, although no doubt most people wouldn't see Jesus as an ISTp. So ultimately Delta NF, or at least NF, would probably be considered the likeliest candidate by the majority. Yet Beta NF wouldn't surprise me either. For example here he is listed among the ENFj's: -- Anonymous
A45 a41, plenty people have had worse deaths for nothing. -- Anonymous
A46 You guys are thinking too hard. Who is comparable to Jesus? The answers easy: Joe Dirt, Joe Montana, Joe Flacco, Jose Guillen, John Lackey. Therefore his type is jjjj -- Jesus
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A47 a45, I am not implying that people have not died for nonsense reasons. Its the type of world we live in, sin effects everybody the reason Jesus wants to save us from it. So to fix the sin problem, His death really was worse because He carried every sin of everyone person that has ever lived. I am not trying to debate or be argumentative just stating for example if one could become a millionaire by going to a certain bank, but that person chose not to go. It wouldn't make sense for them to keep saying I am broke, I have no money, etc when the solution to the problem has been provided, yet they won't cash the check. But back on topic, I don't think Jesus could be catagorized or limited to a "personality type". I sure some traits can be identified, but we are talking about the creator that has created people of every type long before it was recognized the way we look at it today. -- Anonymous
A48 a47, Jesus :rolleyes: -- Anonymous
A49 Was Jesus an enlightened being, or a (symbolic) "child sacrifice", not too far off from the infanticides of our history, that have spanned from early/pre-history to the early 20th century and beyond. Here are some links: So one of the questions could be whether we view Jesus as victim or saviour. -- Anonymous
A50 Jesus Christ, ENFJ, "The Altruist", Self-Sacrificing, Aggrieved, Pedagogue, Actor. Their "prime directive" is to be helpful to others, they are ethical, honest, and trustworthy. Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, and many others. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness. -- jgbr
A51 God doesn't have limitations or strengths and weaknesses. He is a deity -- Anonymous
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