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Question #1245170557Tuesday, 16-Jun-2009
Category: Religion Typing Fictional characters
What is Jesus' personality type? Anyone can give a well educated guess? -- Anonymous
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A30 For Jesus to be genuinely human (although he was/is also divine) Christian doctrine would cause us to insist that he had a specific personality type (if that is a part of being genuinely human). Yes, his person is regarded to be totally, 100% divine (second person of the trinity), but he was also 100% human (can't get into the nuts and bolts of it here). To cut the long story short, ... whatever type Jesus was (and he would have to be one and not all of them nor none of them) would have gotten to the point of being totally aware of its vulnerable/weak function and, without trying to get a (total) control over it, to be aware of the purpose it might serve in relation to his divinity and the divine in general. Remember that weakness - his own and that of others - played an important part in Jesus' life and teachings and ministry... and not always in a manner that is appealing from humanitarian perspective; e.g. see his answer to John's disciples when sent by the imprisoned John who was about to be executed ... not the most charming really. I think an inkling into what his (literary) vulnerable function was (i suppose opinion/hypothesis would differ from gospel account to gospel account since the biblical portrayals are different in significant ways) one would need to find moment when Jesus' toes are being stepped on (metaphorically) - when he gets angry, enraged, uses humor to get out of a tight situation, forgives others (where most of us would have blown the fuse), etc... when he blows the fuse and when he he should, but does not. But also remember that Paul (the apostle) also insists that we do not know Christ in the flesh anymore - which to me means (in this context), trying to type Jesus is not so much about Jesus as it is about ourselves trying to see ourselves through the prism that he provides us. Otherwise, for reasons divine and mundane (as literary criticism may show) we are bound to fail or to be self-deceiving. For me to be perfect in a manner that makes typing relevant means (in a significant way) knowing one's vulnerable function well and trying not so much to fix it as to know what purpose it may serve if one's life is to be meaningful and exemplary. ... and yes, I do believe that perfection is possible, but not only in our own human power. I would even argue that we want to be perfect (all in our different ways - perfection is the most diverse, yet socially and spiritually harmonic thing ... in my opinion) and can be perfect, but not through our sheer human power - otherwise judging-Se virtuosos (efficient use of will-power over self and the world around) would have an unfair advantage! -- Anonymous
A31 I really don't know. Maybe he is an INFj or an ISFj but I truly beleive he had very well developed functions, call it sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking. I wonder what would be God's personallity type. Maybe EISNTFJP hahaha. -- Jd
A32 A31: EISNTFJP LOL:-) A15: Krig, we obviously understand Fi and Fe differently. And I understood why you think you are an INTj because of this post of yours. You don't seem like my Conflicting type to me at all. You seem like my Dual but what this site describes as my Dual isn't the INTps I know. So I'm confused. But I'm sure I'm not an ESFj, I am sooooo much p and Se. Some of my reactions to your posts: you claim morality is the question of Fi – I think it is also Fe. I used to think it was Fi like you, but have met some Fes who were concerned with morality and expressed it very easily in Fe terms. The Fe morality cares about man’s good relationship with society and God, while Fi morality is more about being faithful to your values. „Fe is communicated mainly by tone of voice and facial expressions“ – I think both Fi and Fe are communicated by tone of voice. But it is definitely Fe that is communicated by words. I’ve created a kind of a chaotic explanation of the difference between Fi and Fe: I perfectly understand the concept you draw. It’s logical, makes perfect sense as a theory and I admire it a lot. But my experience is different: I wrote that „cheer up“ would be an Fe appeal because I am an Fi and I haven’t ever said it. Also because IMO, no introverted function can be addressing. Addressing is the duty of extroverted functions. Also explaining something in clear words and step by step. That’s why I think you’re an INTp because you are very good at clear explaining, which is Te (at least to me). And that’s what makes ESFps so bad at explaining because Fi is a function that provides wholistic understanding of moral values, emotions, aesthetics etc. but doesn’t teach you how to express them, let alone address someone or something by them. That’s what makes Fis, for example, so good at realizing they’re in love. Fi people have this inner concept in them but as it is introverted and wholistic, they aren’t able to devide it into smaller definable concepts or describe it, only defend one small part of it with the help of their Te when it gets offended; or present something of it clumsily (especially EFps) in sudden outbursts like „I love blue colour!“ But even in those cases we only use our Se or Ne to express our Fi. And as I understand judging functions as those controlling our words and pre-thought deeds and perceiving functions as functions controlling our facial expressions and spontaneous actions, logically Fis end up as the people who communicate F through tone of voice, „express love through deeds, not through words“ and „the more they love someone, the less are they able to tell them“. Fes also express their Fe by facial expressions and tone of voice, but in their case, as it’s a result of an extroverted judging function, if they’re smiling the’re smiling AT the other person, if they shout they shout AT the other person, deliberately, to address them, while we Fis smile to express our good humour, we shout to express our anger. Practical example of what I’ve written so far: my ESFj granddad is always willing to tell everyone the story of how he fell in love with grandma. He tells it to express his love for her, clearly, step-by-step and like a fairy tale. He also knows very well what caused his interest: she was Christian and had the haircut he liked. Whereas when someone asks me how I met my ex, I get all red and say: „In a bus.“ And I don’t know what caught my attention. I know deep inside it was probably a combination of many factors, but I will never be able to tell exactly. In communication with other people, one day I claim it was his looks, the next day I say it was his Nokia mobile phone, the next day it is his Finnish accent. See? I am falling back into using specific Se things again, even in the F area of love matters. Fi is there because if it weren’t there wouldn’t be anything to tell, but to tell it I need Se. Not mentioning that I need the Se tendency to show off to gather the courage to tell the story. And it is similar with addressing. I don‘t feel the need to cheer people up or to address the sense of aesthetics and morality in them, but my extroverted nature and my Fi tells me to do so. But the only thing I can do is to laugh myself, to express my own aesthetics and morality through deeds, music or dancing. That’s where my strong side ends : Fi –to feel, Se- to show, full stop. That’s why I don’t care much if it shows some results in people – that is the quality of an extroverted judging function, which I have only just started to develop (my Te). This is what makes Fis less obtrusive but also less effective than Tes and Fes. And like other Fis, I am afraid of saying or showing too much or too little. Because it isn’t Fi’s forte to open up properly. Only as we get older we learn how to extrovert our Fi and improve our ability to express it through Te and Ne/Se. - Whereas Fe, as far as I know, is more direct and more sure of itself. EFj people are happy so they say it. EFjs want everyone to be cheerful so they say it. EFjs think you are being inappropriate so they say it. Fes also always primarily care about people, unlike Fis who care primarily about finding out what they like or dislike, and in more areas than people: also colours, films, animals... Which of course makes Fes think Fis are impractical and Fis think Fes are limited. Fes make differences in the way they speak depending on to whom they speak: if they speak to an animal, they speak to it as to an animal; while for Fis, animals, children or adults doesn’t make much difference and the manner of their speaking depends more on their current mood or on their personal like/dislike of their interlocutor. – Well I hope it’s intelligible. I’m afraid the Fe part is quite simplified, especially INFps can be quite an exception, so if an Fe comes with something more specific I won’t object. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A33 I think the most famous picture reminds me of a INFP. Seeing how that was 1500 years after the guy, and now 2000 it is hard to tell. I do think we at least wish him to be INFP. Actually we wish him to be divine. All I really know is the Son of God wasn't an ENTP, that's for sure. -- ENTPee
A34 Jesus was weak because he believed in a god. Only idiots believe in god. I say he's an intuitive introvert cause they're the most likely to be stupid over this having to believe stuff. Some F type yes because T types know better deep down. Not only that but mentally sick, because who in their right mind thinks they're a god themself? Completely nuts, deluded. -- Anonymous
A35 Many details are sketchy, but I've read a book by Knight and Lomas (The Hiram Key, I think) that gives some details about the historical Jesus (basically nothing like the Biblical figure). I think he was an ENFj: charasmatic, temper, long face (admittedly thin evidence), dogmatic/finatic, gathered and led many followers, grand scheme to overthrow the Romans. -- econdude is back
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A36 XXXX perfect and balanced -- Anonymous
A37 A19- I couldn't have said it better myself. A36 I enjoyed your response as well. A35 Jesus is God (God the Son, of the Trinity), so I guess you can say he believes in Himself. Weak? Well not everyone can walk on water, raise the dead, heal the sick, and defeat an enemy that wants to destroy our souls. The simple fact that He spoke (created with His Word) the world into being is just scratching the surface of His power...INTJ -- Anonymous
A38 I'd say Jesus was INFj, for a lot of the reasons already given. Also Romans 1:3,4 describes Jesus "was made of the seed of David according to the flesh" King David, imo, was an ESTp. A King whom God selected to reign on earth, and direct ancestor of the Messiah. King David, living by the Grace of God, through all his sins, was forgiven. Now God, must have sat back and said whooaa...let me try this again, I'm going completely in a different direction with Jesus...and therefore created him an INFj. -- Anonymous
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