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Question #1245170557Tuesday, 16-Jun-2009
Category: Religion Typing Fictional characters
What is Jesus' personality type? Anyone can give a well educated guess? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 30+ 39+
A1 INFJ. -- scarletdragon
A2 INFj? -- Anonymous
A3 If he was 'perfect', and the son of God, I suppose he didn't have a type, as all types have flaws... -- Simon the INFp
A4 All or none! He could show the best without the worst of every personality type. In the same way he had the 9 types of the enneagram! -- Piccolo_michel
A5 I've been thinking about this myself, too. I haven't figured out a definitive answer, but I have some theories. The thing I'm most sure of is that he was some kind of intuitive type. He focus was always on "the kingdom of Heaven", and not on his immediate surroundings and circumstances. Due to his frequent use of stories and metaphors, I would lean towards Ne, but I'm not certain there. For his other Ego function I suspect either Fi or Ti, which correlates with Ne as his perceiving function. I would lean toward INFj or possibly INTj, but that's just a very preliminary speculation. I could easily be swayed if someone brought up some relevant evidence... -- Krig (INTj)
A6 I would guess INFj also, but definitely NF no matter how I look at it. Very idealistic, and concerned about the welfare of people. -- Anonymous
A7 A5: Like his actual existence? -- INFp guy
A8 Yes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was likely INFJ. -- Steven (ENFp)
A9 Why not ENFj not INFj? I'd be interested on hearing about that. -- Anonymous
A10 @A9 - Jesus, as described in the Bible, does not strike me as an Fe type (like ENFj). He is not portrayed as going around laughing and cheering people up, or being very concerned with expressions of emotion or passion. Instead, he is portrayed as going around giving sermons on morality and ethics, something much more characteristic of an Fi type. Furthermore, some of his behaviour seems generally introverted - he's always going off by himself to pray, and when accused in court he either remains silent or says very little. He does give speeches in front of large groups of people, which could be construed as evidence of extroversion, but then again, Abraham Lincoln also gave speeches in front of large groups of people, and there seems to be a pretty good consensus that he was INFj as well. -- Krig (INTj)
A11 A7: Not relevant in this context. Whether the Bible is Truth or fiction has no bearing on the personality types of the characters depicted therein. -- Krig (INTj)
A12 Krig, what you say doesn't describe Hitler either, who's typed mostly as ENFj. You should probably look deeper into your typing method here. You're description of Fe if anything sounds like Fe/Si not Fe/Ni. -- Anonymous
A13 A11: That's quite true. I suppose I was going for levity points -- INFp guy
A14 I agree with A3 and A4 - all types have weak functions, but Jesus is perfect, so he is the ideal that has managed to use all functions for the best. A10: Jesus isnt mentioned explicitly to laugh but he says things like (sorry for not exact English translation): "Cheer up, because the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived", and he does visit a number of social events like weddings or feasts, which might show he uses Fe as much as other functions. Btw, IMO cheering people up and laughing are more EFp matters than EFj. They are the ways of indirect communication, while EFjs like to communicate directly, through words. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A15 Ezis: At first I was thinking along the same lines as you (shouldn't a perfect being be equally strong in everything?), but I decided to examine the text and see if the evidence suggested anything, and it became apparent that there were strong suggestions of INFj there. It makes sense upon further consideration - even a perfect human is still human, with a human personality. [insert line break here] I think you and I may have different conceptions of how Fi and Fe express themselves. As I understand it, Fe is communicated mainly by tone of voice and facial expression. It's Fi that is mainly communicated directly, in words. I would call "Cheer up, because the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived," an Fi statement - it's addressing the listener's internal emotional state. If an Fe type wanted to cheer someone up, it seems to me they would be more likely to crack a joke or do something goofy (or express compassion by their expression and tone of voice, depending on the situation). In other words, they would try to influence the exterior emotional atmosphere. I would say that EFps and EFjs probably laugh and cheer people up about the same amount, but in different ways and for different reasons. -- Krig (INTj)
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A16 A12: On the contrary, while Hitler didn't go around laughing and cheering people up, he was certainly very concerned with expressions of emotion or passion. His speeches are pure angry Fe, whipping up the crowd into an emotional frenzy. (I'm not convinced Hitler was actually an ENFj, by the way, due to the fact that his public persona a carefully crafted façade. Still, his public persona was certainly ENFj, and that's what we're talking about here anyway.) Not all ENFjs express Fe as strongly, but when it is expressed, it takes the form of emotion/passion, in various positive or negative forms. In Jesus' speeches he doesn't seem to me to be appealing to emotion or inspiring passion; his focus is always on ethics and morality (i.e., Fi). -- Krig (INTj)
A17 There is no specific type that can collectively cheer people up, it's all a matter of type preference -- An INFj
A18 He seemed pretty passionate during his scene at the temple. Hmm, i'll maybe come back to this at a later date and put forward some more points which may be valid. Jesus was keen on rousing people to his cause, as to his emotional expressiveness, I think it could be fair to say that it's there in his religious fevor to raise such a following. It does seem to down to XNFj. As to 'morality', Martin Luther King, ENFj, was certainly a moral type. . -- Anonymous
A19 May I mention that our perspection of Jesus being an INFJ may be scewed by the VI depiction found in the early paintings of christian martyrs. The INFJ hidden agenda is getting healthy. Despite his fasting, 40 days in the wilderness, denying himself to save humanity from sin by taking up the cross, and so on may appear as INFJ; however, Jesus allowed Mary Magdaline rub precious oil on his feet. He allowed himself to enjoy life, but only the joy is in righteousness. I've pondered if Christ was tempted not only by turning stone in bread or have all the power of the world but by every single possible lust we could encounter in the world. Why would the devil not try to tempt Christ with every temptation he could weild. If the Holy Spirit in Christ name can complete us as a whole person, maybe we are supose move beyond human nature (aka. socionics)into God's nature (perfection). -- firefly7 (INTJ)
A20, pretty convincing tbh that Christ isn't real. -- Anonymous
A21 You can embed youtube you know

-- Anonymous
A22 A20: Right, and I suppose you found Loose Change, Michael Moore, and The DaVinci Code "pretty convincing" as well, eh? -- Krig (INTj)
A23 A18: I can see a case being made for ENFj, but I do think INFj is more likely. For one thing, he seems more Ne than Ni to me. His use of comparisons and stories, his ability to grasp the main point of things ("what is the most important law in scripture?"), these seem more Ne to me. And his passionate scene at the Temple was triggered by his Fi moral outrage at the moneychangers, who he felt were offending God. It looks to me more like an example of an Fi type accessing their strong but unvalued Fe when the situation calls for it. His admonitions to people were not "show more passion in your external activities" (Fe) but "be more moral, especially inside in your heart" (Fi). -- Krig (INTj)
A24 Agree 100% with A3 and A4! Jesus is perfect so he has all the personalities minus all their negative sides! He has the 17th Myers-Briggs Type Indicator! Called "the best"! -- Anonymous
A25 This discussion might be better if we think of Jesus, not as son of God (which is something that no one can provide adequate evidence for), but as a historical figure of the past who is very likely to have actually existed, based on official records from that time. Paintings aren't a great source, since they are mostly a product of the artist's interpretation. The Bible is by no means a reliable source either, but it's probably the most extensive source of material we have on the guy. I agree with A23 about his being an INFj. -- S
A26 I think a problem here could manifest in that there seems to be an association of Fi with morals. To presume that Fi=morals is an incomplete understanding of the function. Any type can be moral. Perhaps the cause of this interpretation is a result of posters with unvalued Fi, but that is perhaps speculation and I do not mean to offend. The question should be raised on the emphasis Jesus puts on Se. The scene in the temple I equate to some form of Se expression. Jesus had quite a ruthless side to him, that is, *everyone* had to obey a certain chain of things in order to be exalted into heaven. This general line of thought would go against Delta Fi, and Te in valueing in general. As a side note, I agree that it is better to discuss Jesus the person, not Jesus the idea of an aspect of a deity. -- Anonymous
A27 Excellent response, A26. Although, I would associate the "ruthlessness" you refer to with Ti, actually, rather than Se. (Se="force" is also an incomplete understanding, from what I've been observing over time.) -- Anonymous
A28 I have to admit that I have been suspecting the incident in the temple to perhaps be a demonstration of Se PoLR fwiw. A27, I agree with you on both counts too, and thank you for the compliment. In short, Jesus displays a Ti philosophy overall, I therefore go for INTj. More so in short (lol), perhaps INTj-Ne to give the chap a sub type? (I think I have reasonable train of thought behind it) heh. I can't really support ENFj too well overall I don't think. Interesting thread. -- Anonymous
A29 A28, it sounds plausible, as trying to demonstrate a melding "sacrifice" with "justice" were major doctrinal themes that emerged from his life - or so Paul emphasized in the letters. But I have also considered INFJ for Christ, due to the very *personal* nature of giving himself (and notice the hidden agenda gone awry). Notice, too, how the HA of his dual in either INxJ type case would be, "to be perfect" ... -- A27
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