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Question #1191877812Monday, 8-Oct-2007
Category: ISTp
I am ISTp .. How do I stop running away when people want to get to know me too personally. This applies to partners, family and work collegues, who all develop perspect for me, then want to get to know me deeper then I mess things up intentionally to keep distance. Any ISTp out there with similar issue? Any advice esp. from my dual would be useful -- Cyclops
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A41 >A-40 < 34, I'll try explaining: The basic philosophy behind giving help or assistance: 1; I believe in the idea of helping people, I consider it beneficial, and consider that benefit as an objective thing, that is, a general useful accomplishment\product of consideration, I also believe that discriminating factors as to the extent you know the considered person, what level of appreciation, race, political conviction etc, should not be considered, although it may be unwanted\undesirable breakpoints in some of these factors since we are humans. However, I do not appreciate such discriminations, and as a conviction I believe not considering them. 2; The accomplishement in forming a decision to aid someone based on the forementioned premises, is forming a sense of gratitude in it's own. That is, the eventual gratitude experienced is already there when the decision is made and acted out, since the fidelity in following an idea or conviction has already been established, consolidating an idea. The act as such doesnt need to be completed and the product of the act recognised by the receiver of the aid, to form a sense of gratitude. It has been there for quite a while already. If the receiving party though responds with gratitude, then it is a bonus, but as many already are fully aware of, that doesnt happen to be the case in each and every instance. Which might lead to severe dissapointment and desillusions if experienced repetitive. So my rethorical question is; In the case of following two approaches for giving aid, a; driven by the recognition of gratitude after the help is given, or b; driven by the recognition of the gratitude in following an idea of the premises in 1, which would have better sustainability in the long run? Now, I do believe most people follow a mix of the above, consciously and\or instinctively, so the sharp division given here seldom comes to play, and the question as such is somewhat pure theorethical. But it serves to explain why I emphasise what I have written about the subject. And no, I do not consider actions driven by the feeling of a desire to help people because it makes them feel good, are actions of any sizeable amount of degraded value. This is not a moral issue for me, it is an issue of sustainability. And I experience my fair share of "nice tap on the shoulder" trying to follow it. And that somehow answers your second question, so something good comes out of it, allright. Taking that factor completely out of the equation, envision a world devoid of gratitude in every aspect of human activity and consciousness... ?... that is not considered sustainable nor imaginable by my mental powers at least. I'd put money on that such a system would lead to an absolute guaranteed failure in the unconceivable eventuality it would ever start forming. -- ENTp
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