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Question #1191668675Saturday, 6-Oct-2007
Category: Theory Stereotype
Which type is most likely to write idealistic blogs and, when presented with a less wishy-washy view, retort with "Who are you to question me?" The two people I've gotten this response from were both IxFx's. Definitely IFs. There's just something about their brand of thinking that makes me want to roll my eyes, even though I'm also inclined to the spiritual, kinda... I'm INTp. -- MD
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A1 let that not avert u from spirituality. some of the greatest philosopher critics where those who refined and 'logicavized' there opponents views, and became the owners of that system. I can tell u that earnestly, intp to intp. I don't care more or less, SJs also seek and do actions which would destroy us (hiring there own type etc. always INNOCENT seeming!), and soon u would find that u don't care about the views of IFs, because they get whatever they want anyway. They idealize there opinions, present it, u see the holes, but they will still get the rewards related to whatever they idealize and think they represent the system. As an INTP, let me give u my heart opinion,.. u will only get what u want, if u structurally secure in whatevr u do,.. cause last time i checked, intps were still the least likely type to receive anything. so go cause havoc, that is the INJUNCTION life seems to give us... and than u will speak to your destiny as Nietzsche said in relation to something, i forget what.., oh, it was chance he spoke to -- @sirac
A2 Probably some Fe, this looks like a Te versus Fe thing...but I am not sure. A1: Is there any objective statistics that shows how much which type gets? If you feel you cant receive anything its probably because you dont even believe you could receive something. The world gives to those who hope to get, and those neednt all be structurally secured. I read thats its difficult for INTps not to see limits of everything. But still, you could try hoping to receive something and stopping complaining. -- Ezis
A3 i usually request that speaker's "calibrate" their terms and contexts with mine in advance as a pruning mechanism to avoid butting idiolects with a ranter. but to the point of the question: Nietzsche seems to appeal readily to INTp spirituality (the eternal return is an Ni dominant concept). maybe consider that, and leave F-types as they are ... but if you can't, then try functional analysis. AUX. Ne can read/decipher/create contexts well whereas DOMINANT Ne is the big-picture seeker and potential seer. assuming ESP, mind-reading, or anything remotely akin exists, it's an Ne dominant phenomenon. -- Anonymous
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A4 A2: I doubt sirac saw it as complaining. I actually found what he said rather encouraging, as in effect he was letting me know it is all right to be a smart mouthed INTp. And I really disagree that hope will get you anywhere. The world does not give to the hopeful any more than to those without hope. Hopeful people are the ones ho will feel most acutely the cold edge of reality. More s if said hope leads to excessive and pointless ambition. Better to expect nothing and just be what you are. EExpect the worst, and all the surprises will be pleasant ones. -- Anonymous
A5 hope keeps us believing. Do you work to earn a living or do you be funded off bank of mum and dad. Without hope you truly will never receive or at least believe you will. Listen to Ezis she means well -- Anonymous
A6 i am genuinely struck. but in my defense, i stick to what A4 said in my defense...that is he [as a INTP?] found it rather encouraging. OR that could be a misconception...perhaps what i said was not structurally suited to INTPs, rather, because i used all that 'benevolent from the heart language', even though i am a rotten reck, and leading others to there demise, he felt asif he could trust me. But why [trust],.. it is an extrapilation of language, for i too respect 'older' people, who formalize in language, what i am already beginning to think. now, i will take u on this twist to demonstrate what i am thinking/doing...'older'...remember this law base from our ancient western texts...'a old man, will ask a babe'...but ask what, and the answer is given....'..where the kingdom of god is.' And, that is not understood in the moralo-centic way of traditional church, but in the Kenneth Copeland way of ..earthly kingdom,with 'supernatural' economy/working laws. And as a narrow INTP, aged by circumstance and weather, i tend to hold it... true my lack of Fi (to which u might attribute my initial downfall, to the stage where i get hardened as now)... for i have a lack of the 'receiving mentology', i tend to receive the other method of receiving rather a bit too ravenously. so in retrospect, my diplomic policy is stated as follows... i still in the 'working arena' care nothing about other types.. they lack facility to appreciate me, and because i can naturally always appreciate them, my policies have tended to be excessively weak/meek, but only up to the point where i recognized my reflex as a pathology. in the personal arena, i can still receive, relations which do fit with an INTP, fit like a glove, when a men is personally satisfied and happy, he will not seek to destroy. so that nulifies your peoples work,money and receiving ANTI-SIRAC son of DIRAC weaponary. But it does not nullify your anti-me people/receiving from people arguement. To this i am wide open, and wounded. ANd u Ezis, preceiving that i would turn the arguement on a personal note, dared not even site me by name, intelligent, but i know ur peoples policy...experience..see..before i mentally acknowledged the fact, i was at ur mercy in a vulnerable sense, but in Te, a great INTP characture, i moved to my strong point (no victim face in me as the Russians would say, but in Japanese, u certainly dis-respected me when u failed to acknowledge my name..notice that in the anime!'s also intp centric, nothing more astounding than Japanese wanting to become a military nation again). so, in the personal arena, u still have strength of argument, this is how i destroyed it. first, i will lay myself open. in personal arenas, i have not received much, there was a heightened stage/season, where i could have received, but due to limitations, i did not receive. so i am slightly older than ur average teen/university age INTP posting here. In surmise, i rather had attained 'maturity[?/rather predisposition, but to what?!]' than a girlfreind (which is actually what i wanted). Pause, here are not statistics, but observation. INTPs are least likely to receive: although, i structurally assert that, in those word terms, i am one of the more moderate INTPs, there are even intps posting here, where u see the preparations for death is ample (& reaching it alone),.. and i take them on in ATTACK MODE, cause the arguement is inconsistent, for if they had ever experienced true HOPE loss (rather than toy with it as a conceptualization), they would be dead, for the mind and body is one, ur body seems to give way under it. Also, here are the facts as is ezis: of all introverted and therefore less socially inclined types, INTPs seem to suffer most. Other introverts are grabbed hold of by Extroverted duals (they have been excluded from ur 'stat' analysis, would u not agree), cause in terms, these are cross-inserted by saving factors, such as S/N and F/T exchanged by partners (the N/F in an Extro would tend to precipitate meeting reactions of duals). Here as INTPs, we sit with none of those advantages. Also, have u read the latest hidden INTP agenda threads, i am not alone in seeing the intense negative aspect when it comes to meeting a dual (that was my surmize, INTP PoLR is not lack of F; in contra to ISTPs who feel the Fi PoLR in relationship, INTPs take the biggest knocks in pre-relational phase, this can even be assisted by there conceptualization of relationship outcomes and mate, for which we have the intense reflex that loyalty should be expressed, and i know all of u other Socionics Types might be googly eyed with that noble facet, but ESFPs in reflex refuse, for they are power politically minded although aiming toward Ni [so they feel regret for inviting the reaction/the INTP approach], but that is honest and we INTPs experience that with joy in retrospect, and always seem to lose more of our original societal idealizations, not losing spirituality, for that is how we work). But the giving role suits us, and admittedly, i would never be strong, if i did not admit myself of my own strength. To long, an INTP suffers, realizing the need for dual exchange, they can circumvent themselves to the point where there strengths are obligatory...we are all conceptual [as INTP], none of our maturity rests in accumulated F S vectorized or J stability experience, which is why we are younger seeming, ..yet we do need to take the reins of our full and only rest phase in our self-provoked conceptualization (for we do not add to ourselves apart from this, for there is no SFJ vector rest).. which, for me is good, i still keep my bias and nerve as have intrinsically developed. that is why i am here, laying down critical analysis so-that especially N and Ts are not lured into irrational policy making, defeat is okay, so-long u are not defeated at expense of yourself. this ground work feels good, i am laying the foundation for my next season of activity.. then i am sure i will grab a girlfriend. i notice being noticed (and really, as salvation goes, INTPs are not interested in power, that is natural to us (least we think so, it is actually Se aiming), salvation is relationship to us), notice being noticed, but now i care little, until i can come to the place where i can grab one of those old potential girlfreinds, or be so strong that i can enter another arena and grab the best of there crop. No, i don't complain EZIS, it's mere listing, my day is already over in that sense, perhaps it would invoke u ESFPs and others to be more considerate of INTPs, and for them, the INTPs.. it will search and approve there correct dispositions, with which they might acheive that which i did not get right in the day. (but obviously as i am very much still living and alive, being a greedy bastard allows me to push out my INTP-centric-info which gives them whatever, i don't care, but it gives me the ability and a few other advantages [ironing out my mental fruit-load] for this day, and the up-coming day) -- @sirac
A7 Very nice. Of course she means well. I did not imply otherwise. Assureedly hope will keep us moving forward. My point is that despite this, there is no gaurantee you will receive what you seek. Hope provides fuel for action. Reality settles with equal weight on all. Expect little, yet hope for much. A man is at his most dangerous when he has little to lose and much to gain. -- MD
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