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Question #1191668675Saturday, 6-Oct-2007
Category: Theory Stereotype
Which type is most likely to write idealistic blogs and, when presented with a less wishy-washy view, retort with "Who are you to question me?" The two people I've gotten this response from were both IxFx's. Definitely IFs. There's just something about their brand of thinking that makes me want to roll my eyes, even though I'm also inclined to the spiritual, kinda... I'm INTp. -- MD
Your Answers: 1+ 8+ 22+
A8 A7 I presume you also the same as A2 as you answer as you would - you therefore agree then that those who hope for more receive more-'hope provides fuel for action..hope for much' Therefore you do not disagree that hope gets you noplaced, after all, due to clarity, ..'i really disagree hope gets you anywhere' For Sirac..refute this if you may, your not all bad or you would not display insight eternal to us all -- Anonymous
A9 You. -- ISTp
A10 When it comes to subjective, idealistic people, it is highly dangerous to interact with them on principle because you're counting on them to care about what matters to you. If they don't care, then they will miss your point entirely and use any means necessary to do so. -- The Sum-Total ENTj.
A11 A9: Yup. A8: I said it provides fuel, yes. But fuel alone gets one nowhere if one fails to use it correctly. One can sit around hoping money will appear in the bank, does this increase the probability that such will come to pass? Nope. Will hoping that cute girl over there will walk over and speak to one make it so? Pathetic fantasy. My house on fire, does hoping the firemen will get me out guarantee that they will? Idiotic. Hope alone gets us nowhere. Seeing light beyond the tunnel does not mean you are progressing towards it. Hope is useful only in conjunction with other elements. A10: I noticed a hundredfold times. -- MD
A12 I would suggest that we utilise that fuel as a trigger to engage drive without the engine stalling.. For instance one approaches said girl with the hope of a positive reply, no matter how many variables we factor in, we in the end it is still chance, and in that chance we still have to hope to success. I suggest eventually all ventures come to chance, and in the final unknown, do you not think it comes to hoping that chance brings success? If you do not agree, what do you therefore purport?? -- Anonymous
A13 sirac posts rants on this site constantly. considering also some of the other nonsense being posted here ... i'm gonna venture a guess and say this is the neglected middle-child thread. sirac performs the charity of telling everyone how malicious he is and doesn't spare us a demonstration: he proceeds to misspell machiavelli but doesn't follow the credo: do not reveal a plan until it's ready for execution. btw, that's so not be fended off with a cute smile saying "semper fi lassy." so do you kick garbage cans to show your disdain? but thankfully A11 has just discovered that "hope is useful only in conjunction with other elements" ... very astute. A12, you're chances are a few hundred yrs behind you if you really speak like that. plainly: what you don't have you don't want, right?...wait, or can't have! that about sums it up for this thread. -- Anonymous
A14 I would say definately some feeling type..perhaps even isfj who with weakened could not handle even handle that - - MD am I on the right ms close to a particular type? A13 it is your turn to rant no ? -- Anonymous
A15 Definately where inferior mode is would give said answer, they are so lacking in this area.. -- Qi
A16 A13 - ha ha ha ha ! Quite amused -- ISTp
A17 i have posted at many forums,..i rant...perhaps it is limitation in what can be said...maybe even my ignorance which makes it seem as a rant. for instance that previous post had to include 'periferals' and a little socionics.. the periferals are the problem... for i have to convince...and show where certain concepts came from (without redescribing concepts, but refering to the most popular advocation of a concept). But thats not anything...still i seem to be embarassed...whatever...seemingly still proporting my communication limitation. The socionics thing was's still a complaint based on socionics theory..but there is more than one way to get things in life, so i leave that be. I still stick to the basics of my premise..intps seem to receive less (in those ideal socionics conditions..that is why i say 'other ways'),have a weak mechanism when it comes to distraction. And plan, yes, truely, few can see till something is upon them, in other-words..claim the cities, cut off the arteries. whatever, i can't withdraw. How the **** did this thing become about HOPE?..what the? thats less than socionics, i also merely showed what hope system an intp might be more inclined to grasp (a conceptual rather than 'feelings' hope which resides in 'good society'). This was about the reluctance to see socionic male intp as being realistically in opposition to other socionics types?- agree? what would u say? -- @sirac
A18 I mentioned hope because i sometimes feel an 'underdeveloed' intp gives themselves too much of a hard time by constantly spinning the one concept endlessly round their heads. I 'hoped' to convince MD and such as yourself Sirac by means of an intp logic, that hope is not just a vapid emotion but can be useful in a lifesystem. I could be assuming things about you incorrectly but I think MD has basically got his fingers burnt by an isfj and yourself doesn't always sound satisfied with your lot, just to try and move on and get to a happier place, and maybe a little optimism could help is's just helped me over the years and i'm reasonably happy and satisfied -- An ISTp
A19 sirac, u were a little too theatrical this time but u have *some good points ... sometimes. now what sort of INTp can't match nerves against criticism? ... or lower still, a roast? i understand u MORE than adequately and i have my "armor" on too ... maybe there are still too many chinks in yours. -- Anonymous
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A20 well thanx A18 and A19. i don't want to say anything...that is i don't want to go into structure,...and perhaps am really not inclined to go into it...perhaps now,perhaps permeanantly. Critically, i think we have all lost touch with making any basic points.. now it's just become about astounishment with whoever seems to be on the pedestal, and that seems to be me. So i won't fight, merely recede till i can or am inclined to say something -- @sirac
A21 Oh, points. 1) INTPs seem to receive less in society than other types. 2) Orientation INTPs should take. About 1. first: i refer to second order Socionics Metabolism flows. First order Socionic Metabolism flows, would be that which defines personality..2nd order, would be the social patterns which developes around a type. So, for INTPs, can we agree, or disagree that the pattern of things...suck, and as such 1st order imperitives generally grind to a halt? Or should we just generalize, and say...all suffer...therefore if we know the specifics of how INTPs suffer, what difference does it make? Or is this TRUE, are other types really ever impeded by 2nd Order flows, or does it seem asif this tends to happen more with INTPs. Cause if it does....then there is a problem. Ofcourse...not to be belittled by my discourse...i say i am beyond the time period when 2nd Order Flows would impede me. I will say nothing about point 2. i guess everyone has seen enough of my inclinations...but let that not mask, that i am really a pauper,with too-many 'intellectual credits' and not enough life facts to balance me out....and therefore A19's vector is generally credible...his 'chinks in armour' don't refer to me doing better or anything that provides hope for me in my general abilities...but refers more generally to the disgust preceived in my poverty. Is that not true A19..Foucault (wrong spelling?) said, that machinery has power, as-long as it's gears are i have made the gears plain, and the fight to be had in the correct domain... is that not right... possession being the domain. If u guys would like...we can sensibily extend this post, and i can give those 2nd order FLOWS as i have archived them in my mind, and then we can discuss point 2 the correct orientation of the INTP (without my tumultious anger at what i preceived was a 'from-dual' impediment [refering to ezis, if someone can also preceive that connection] to necassary INTP policy...policy meaning the things done to preserve 1st Order flows independent of 2nd Order happenings). Anyway...till then...that will save our discussion....please note that i did not attack anyone. -- @sirac
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