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Question #1191668675Saturday, 6-Oct-2007
Category: Theory Stereotype
Which type is most likely to write idealistic blogs and, when presented with a less wishy-washy view, retort with "Who are you to question me?" The two people I've gotten this response from were both IxFx's. Definitely IFs. There's just something about their brand of thinking that makes me want to roll my eyes, even though I'm also inclined to the spiritual, kinda... I'm INTp. -- MD
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A22 resp. to 1) more exactly: they have less they consider worth recieving. resp. to 2) there is no sense telling everyone else about your orientation. it maybe better sometimes to not be "known to know"...for anyone who proclaims to be a mach. woe unto him that fails. that you read in silence and don't talk about...unless you do very awful deeds and require a confidant to better tolerate yourself. - NEW TOPIC: this pattern emerges in socionics relations. among other things, POINT 1: **X-type's supervisor (guardian angel) requires the help of their own dual (X-types benefactor) to permanently safe-guard their supervisee**; TANGENT: when it is said that the supervisor understands the supervisee's lifestyle, it is because he/she understands the supervisee's weaknesses and recognizes that they themselves only manage by placing another function (which happens to be the supervisee's PoLR) at the helm. hence, they are found petty by said supervisee. POINT 2: the supervisor requires the assistance of their dual to protect their supervisee because he/she also recognizes (if wise) that the supervisee uses different functions as their own "big guns." the supervisee's base function is possessed strongly by the X-type's benefactor. TANGENT: the "lesson" (implicit of course) that an ISTj has to teach an INTp is how to be more stoical in executive (moment to moment) interaction esp. of long-term plans. POINT 3: socionics functions are exclusive; the psyche seems to operate as a closed system. to have one arrangement, i.e. -Ni-Te- at the helm, is also to have -Fi-as HA. POINT 3: the beneficiary will never BECOME the benefactor because the preferred arrangement of functions in the psyche will not be changed, only their magnitudes enhanced to permit more resilient usage; now based on POINTS 3&4: an INTp being benefactored (gift of stoicism to prevent manic contingency planning/tracing) by an ISTj would not become the ISTj, nor an ESFp previously benefactored (gift of hope to keep cynicism in check) by an ENFj have become the ENFj; but any type voicing their own benefactor's advice to their dual would yield a negative and reluctantly conciliatory reaction. as i see it, that's what happened here. TO SUM: ENFj wants a better version of ESFp for INTp and ISTj wants a better version of INTp for ESFp. in reality, the supervisor/benefactor pair always has "valid" advice for the supervisee/beneficiary pair; but this advice can sometimes impede further strengthening of the supervised type's main functions ... unintentionally reducing their readiness to meet with their dual ... cycle takes downward direction. - don't take this as an attack; if your -Ni-Te- are both in good shape (u won't need to keep tidying your image, it'll show itself and perhaps appeal to your dual as is... but your competence in -Se-Fi- can't be allowed to get TOO weak.) -- Anonymous
A23 Your question on the surface is about idealism, but underneath that, I would paraphrase your thrust as "I've tried to ask for clarification from two IxFx folks on spiritual matters, only to be met with disdain. I think I see flaws in their reasoning, but they think they're above answering me." I would suggest the "uncovered" articles would probably provide a description against which you could compare your bloggers, if you want to take a guess at their types ... but I think the attitude you described implies immaturity, not temperament. I also would like to suggest that spirituality is not exclusively associated with some types and not others; perhaps religious feelings are more associated with certain temperaments (j, for example? I welcome responses) but spirituality is a much broader term. Just thought I'd mention because of the way you ended your question, as if self-conscious . -- iAnnAu
A24 I happen to think INTP's often have sound reason. Unfortuantely some NF's being convinced of their feeling judgement, don't readily want to consider information that may force them alter their view. -- Anonymous
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