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Question #1181034203Tuesday, 5-Jun-2007
Category: ENFp Functions Socionics Advice
Hey everybody, I don't really know how to put this tactfully and elegantly, so I'm just going to plow ahead with a bunch of questions I have about Socionics and myself and hope for some answers. Here it goes: 1) I am consistently scoring as an ENFp on the tests, but when I read the descriptions of the ENFp ability to corral people together, unite groups, etc., I feel like I can't relate. I'm more liable to stand outside of the crowd, and I'm often resentful of others in this crazily superficial and emotionally/spiritually meaningless society of ours. I don't exactly know what the question is here. . .I need advice. I've thought this through for what seems like half a billion years and I just can't seem to come to any conclusions. 2) Is there a clear-cut way to "define" each function? There seem to be so many grey areas when it comes to both Socionics and MBTI, and I'm very interested in *understanding* Socionics so that I can understand how to relate/interact with people and what to say/what not to say. 3) I am very interested in the Wheel of Kaulinauskas (spelling?), I just have problems trying to identify the differences between a function pointing out problems and a function providing solutions. I have a firmly INTj friend whose Introverted Thinking seems to remind me of things I have sacrificed and neglected in my life, but I also have known several dominant Extraverted Thinking types who make me feel uncomfortable with their quick, razor-sharp decisiveness and oftentimes mercilessness. I know one of the Thinking functions would be my "tertiary" (Hidden Agenda) function, but I can't figure out which one! Thanks for taking the time to sift through my rambly questions. And for those of you who leave comments, thank you for enriching my understanding of the world! -- JacuzziMachineDestructoBomb
Your Answers: 1+ 7+ 13+ 15+
A15 Jacu-so-bomb, sorry if the -so- travializes ur name,.. Jacu-zoe-bomb (the formality is only acknowledging of ur position of observer, as by experience, this position is the archtype of strength, and even hatred, so my formality is to that, not patronage of u). last one. first 2 rules: forgetting that INTPs make themselves compatible by there behavior to the dissillusioned and knowledge seeking ESFPs... and that in the average dating to married period, other types including ESFPs have many would-be failures before the Big-Grab, ..intps do pretty well, albeit, only with the big grab. Second rule... in this society, as long as there are many ideas, Socionics types are predisposed to the 'outer-ridges' of society, because admittedly, once that beast of weakness wrings it's weight into a introverted or otherwise predisposed personality, the person itself becomes a little ball of disgust to other members of society (and rightly so, which is why Extroverts and Betas have been the Golden-Mean of Society in general... also rightly so, till idea 'centralization' forces weakness from those members predisposed to it's weight..and my future society is seen to equalibrize between the Quadras once again... in a non-pathological society). Excusing the eventual end, that Aesthetic growth in one of these types eventually exceed the wonder-lust of society, as these men and women are forced to be quasi-giants (and they can be, all the rules in society tend toward much space) i would say, there is still hope for me, and others, who by Jasons words, 'suffer'. So we [INTPs] are lonely, this is not alright, i agree, drastic action should be taken. Jason sayz cut of your arm. And i say no! the act of 'introverted meditation' is by Jasons words, the only means of our salvation (that is salvation by being everything opposite in energy to our present wearisome fate). I logically counter the 'introverted meditation [based toward a-nulling YOUR[any] TYPES PoLR]', with this statement. 'Does it actually work'. Other types don't have to do it, i say. The prise of 'COMPANIONSHIP' is won for them by virtue of there own Socionics Personality, or by that of an Extraverted Dual, who grabs the -SFp -STp -NFx etc. etc. personality. But we INTPs are still outcasts. Would our ESFP grab toward us, or are years consumed by there wonder-lust at society which is Beta ruled (in tendency, lets admit the unsaid, but Gulenko backs me up in his literature). Should i end here, admitting the tradegy, to engender whatever force of agreement (some old civil rights leader reading this?), and having laid the full deconstruction of my disagreement with JASON at his feet. i think not yet. So, Jason, we INTPs are admittedly stunted, we treat people as objects, we even have to post here defending our PoLR function as done elsewhere. we have to repent. Before i repeat my line,... on other types don't do,.. i.e. that is they are at bliss with their Socionic Metabolisms, why should we not as INTPs, ..i will lay another fallacy at your feet. Let me cut to the chase, it does not help that a monarch such as myself continually lowers myself. Your fallacy is the embrace of Feeling. As a Thinking type, you have romantized feeling/ethics. Cry? Oh, Jacu-zoe-bomb, this is my earlier sentiment. Growing up, i come from a religious environment (here i lay my side open to Jason, lets hope he takes the bait, it will give me 20min of bliss to circumvent him when he speaks again, and he has to, or 'turn his back'), in that environment, especially the quasi-mordern christian (which is why i switch my learning environment to those 'money-hungry evangelists' like K.Copeland), where feeling is emphasized as a virtue above thinking.... i suffered, i was ambigious to myself, and my body and soul gave in as u said in your A9 post. i needed a synthesis to construct myself from the floor up, and at that age 15, i started with that christian material earlier discribed. Yes, our ideas build society, but we suffer... but i refuse to go back over ground i have already DECONSTRUCTED as COUNTERFEIT. (if ENFP would have been a virtue to u, as it is to Jason Stratham, good, but as a -T- type, your journey starts where u virtualize yourself, or whatever 'rules of engagement' you can struggle to contenance as real. Either way, i am cleansed from the both of you, Jason will have to cede in the Judgement of Life, as he seems to be-tone me with this 'highness'(which is much ruder than an Englishmens rudeness, religious rudeness?!), and to Jacu-zoe, i am cleansed from u, my mission like the prophets of old, u now have the tools wheather u would be a -f- or -t- type of whatever other orientation. oh, ENTPs are spectacular in there height. There duals propensity, is to 'want to understand', whereas your ENTP PoLR, has something to do with 'willing-ness' to self-destruct, as an ENTPs PoLR is a need to 'be loved'. Accept some non-biblical truths, like, 'u are going to die' and soon you will have the courage to play the world,... after Socionics, more rules become static,... u bet!) -- @sirac
A16 You sound like me and Im an ENFp with Fi subtype. says "Prefers to work on a short psychological distance (unlike the other subtype)", "gravitate towards psychoanalysis" , "They can stand up for others, defending their interests, but find it difficult to stand up for themselves." Find yourself an inexperienced a-holeish ISTp logical subtype and after a nightmarishly horrific time you'll be forced to learn to stand up for yourself. After all the logical subtype ISTp is the yin to the ethical subtype ENFp yang aka "the compatible dual" tragically. -- stuckwithapatheticguyinapatheticrut
A17 You sound like me as well, "inherently allergic to socionics", that's even how I would have phrased it after listening to the posters and sir@c. I posted a question a while back talking about how socionics doesn't quite work for me, and my doubts, I was shot down by a few INTj's and complimented by an ISTp. I also posted one seeking to discover my type. I tested INTp several times but it sounds nothing like me. Some on the sight claimed I was INFp, some claimed ENTp, one even ESFp, and the INTj's said I was an ISTj, haha. I said I was everything at one point or another. Maybe you should look into those two questions, besides, I'm curious about what you'll think. Just look under typing or type me!! or whatever method suites you for the poster "Grant". -- Grant
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A18 Oops I didnt read the question right, never mind, I'm usually good at bring people together. I love togetherness - one main reason why I like small very cozy houses because I like to keep everyone close and not be distant in unnecessarily big living space. -- A16stillstuckinthemiserablerut:(
A19 Yea. I don't agree with the description 100 percent of the INFP. I agree more with mbti. But the relationships between types seem more accurate with socionics. That's just my opinion. Im and INFP. -- Anonymous
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