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Question #1181034203Tuesday, 5-Jun-2007
Category: ENFp Functions Socionics Advice
Hey everybody, I don't really know how to put this tactfully and elegantly, so I'm just going to plow ahead with a bunch of questions I have about Socionics and myself and hope for some answers. Here it goes: 1) I am consistently scoring as an ENFp on the tests, but when I read the descriptions of the ENFp ability to corral people together, unite groups, etc., I feel like I can't relate. I'm more liable to stand outside of the crowd, and I'm often resentful of others in this crazily superficial and emotionally/spiritually meaningless society of ours. I don't exactly know what the question is here. . .I need advice. I've thought this through for what seems like half a billion years and I just can't seem to come to any conclusions. 2) Is there a clear-cut way to "define" each function? There seem to be so many grey areas when it comes to both Socionics and MBTI, and I'm very interested in *understanding* Socionics so that I can understand how to relate/interact with people and what to say/what not to say. 3) I am very interested in the Wheel of Kaulinauskas (spelling?), I just have problems trying to identify the differences between a function pointing out problems and a function providing solutions. I have a firmly INTj friend whose Introverted Thinking seems to remind me of things I have sacrificed and neglected in my life, but I also have known several dominant Extraverted Thinking types who make me feel uncomfortable with their quick, razor-sharp decisiveness and oftentimes mercilessness. I know one of the Thinking functions would be my "tertiary" (Hidden Agenda) function, but I can't figure out which one! Thanks for taking the time to sift through my rambly questions. And for those of you who leave comments, thank you for enriching my understanding of the world! -- JacuzziMachineDestructoBomb
Your Answers: 1+ 7+ 13+ 15+
A13 'not just fight, irrelavate' sorry, i always wanted to say that (or instead of eradicating, irrelavate! haha). thanx to u 'anon' and others, i finally had the courage to publish my name with the quirky @_. Anon, i invite our discussions for the greater good of INTPism, interesting perspective, and rather the more interesting, for whoever cedes will be 'cut down in the retreat'. Mr.original ENFP or something like ENTP, sorry, the last i saw this page was with my post, incidentally today it is at the top of the logs, is when i Intuited your Answer in this recent light, that i realized it was also the perfect responsive answer to my as-yet unnamed nemesis MR.Anon. whatever, sorry, even i am addicted to the 'video-gameness' of posting here. But as u know, the common 'core' of productiveness is that which makes 'money' and can be 'standardized' (so i have to curtail, or move on with this activity soonish, but not before i have openned a new socionics branch today) (and Mr.Anon, let that not so shock u, the 'money' part, despite your seat in lekker 1st world america, the rest of the world struggles with it's developing economies where creativity is feared, much as it was in Freidreich Nietzsche's days in Germany, where he wrote the first 'unabashed' annals of the introvert, or howevr u would class the intellectual in western society. .intp,entp,intj,estj and whoever throws there lot in by mutual sufferance). oh-boy...that is already to-much writing spend on an introduction, who would ever contenance what i have to say next. least, i will pull a strategic manoever first. has any one of u guys, that is Jucu-zo-bomb and Mr.Anon, had an ENTp freind. those intellectuals are quite unashamed that the world revolves around there capability, why should any of the other intellectual types have to suffer and be ashamed? Must I tell my son, or tell my son to tell his son (cause these things skip a generation).. that he must learn to suffer, for in some way he will be lonely, perhaps die alone? no i will not. i am also gods creature, i did not choose my type (or skin, it is similar in analogy to what i say now),.. why is it that it is mutual with suffering. there are many pathologies,.. i was once little, and studied this from mechanism, unaware in my bliss, that my INTP mind and body would have to suffer in societies scrutiny,.. could i have 'curtailed' my intellectual learning sooner,.. sometimes i wish i had. But now i am unashamed, shunned, in sufferance sometimes, living by economizing my mind and actions, and one of the few things i have learned are to do with Pathology. In severity, i have to say, that when society becomes wayward, it's members suffer, and sometimes they pull back. In this present society, us the intellectuals suffer (i only say that broadly to include the original poster), or rather by Mr.Anon/rather Jasons analogy, we the INTPs suffer, and us the Gammas suffer, and thus it is true that eventually our Delta outward flow stops and Beta becomes accursed (take that as literal) and the whole of society should shift and not have this massive toll exacted on it's members. But remember JASON, i am speaking with your words, be-careful, least in this generation u succeed, it will open to subsequent generations those ugly predispositions to which i have been refering. I will stop here. my intp minimal extraneous detail mind has failed me. here i thought Jacu-so-bomb was a third on page poster, he is actually the Original Poster. (i equated the A9 sentiment with the original Question post. Be very careful Jacu-so-bomb, if you would have caused me to disregard u with the A11 post, i would not have thought your solution. Also, this 'all-wise' me sirac thing, anything else, weak and assumptive is boring...sorry mr.ANON[actually Jason], but i invite critisism, cause i am still learning. Although, bar this, i could'ent actually beleive my eyes when your A10 post provided no 'structural theoretical' critisism, but only a weak and affluent religious critisism. But atleast i can respect u now, and will gladly come back to see your replies, excuse my glouting behaviour toward you, Mother Britain has an-dowed me with this irreverance, Mother Russia has also made me bad... sorry, i have read pre-war economics and causes, and the 'masturbating thing' i don't appreciate either,.. so don't become enraged ) -- @sirac
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A14 so here it is. A12 posted...''. so i realized that Jacu-so, had to have a mistyping problem. Guessing that he is an ENTP (but even if he still was a ENFP, the guy would have plenty of 'power', i mean, common, do u know the actor Jason Stratham, his ENFP, you must have seen 'The Transporter' and 'Adrenalin' and have been entranced with his energy, ... which taking away credit from him sothat Jacu-so can also tap into the 'power-principle' is all to do with his E-N-F-P congruency. leka leka haha) now excuse me Jacu-so, as an intellectual yourself, you would naturally excuse me for taking past u now, as i have to touch the principle. how does a -t- type themself mistakenly as a -f-. I realized it is simple, and in short it is the Arch-typical answer against Nemesis JASON (or A10 anon)... but now i have to change my mood, or i will speak in a language unknown to the present company (yeh, intellectuals types have there own short-hand language for speaking with each other, but now i am in INTP back-country, the precise place that has defined world religious politics for the last millenias and made evil man which have executed genocide on humanity by there very blunder (that is policy blunder by intps, opening the pathological doors of humanity to 'self-destruction')... ...yes, i believe INTPs have made a blunder, but it is not the 'formation of america blunder', for many of those intellectuals are unaware of there strength and feed endlessly into the media culture to perpetuate there un-natural forgetfullness. (see, epic language is easier, now i don't have to struggle, hey Jason?)) ..but again i am too long, next post will get to the point, can't have u guys mis-reading me through plain length, if u cannot adopt change in your mode to continue reading length documents -- @sirac
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