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Question #1181034203Tuesday, 5-Jun-2007
Category: ENFp Functions Socionics Advice
Hey everybody, I don't really know how to put this tactfully and elegantly, so I'm just going to plow ahead with a bunch of questions I have about Socionics and myself and hope for some answers. Here it goes: 1) I am consistently scoring as an ENFp on the tests, but when I read the descriptions of the ENFp ability to corral people together, unite groups, etc., I feel like I can't relate. I'm more liable to stand outside of the crowd, and I'm often resentful of others in this crazily superficial and emotionally/spiritually meaningless society of ours. I don't exactly know what the question is here. . .I need advice. I've thought this through for what seems like half a billion years and I just can't seem to come to any conclusions. 2) Is there a clear-cut way to "define" each function? There seem to be so many grey areas when it comes to both Socionics and MBTI, and I'm very interested in *understanding* Socionics so that I can understand how to relate/interact with people and what to say/what not to say. 3) I am very interested in the Wheel of Kaulinauskas (spelling?), I just have problems trying to identify the differences between a function pointing out problems and a function providing solutions. I have a firmly INTj friend whose Introverted Thinking seems to remind me of things I have sacrificed and neglected in my life, but I also have known several dominant Extraverted Thinking types who make me feel uncomfortable with their quick, razor-sharp decisiveness and oftentimes mercilessness. I know one of the Thinking functions would be my "tertiary" (Hidden Agenda) function, but I can't figure out which one! Thanks for taking the time to sift through my rambly questions. And for those of you who leave comments, thank you for enriching my understanding of the world! -- JacuzziMachineDestructoBomb
Your Answers: 1+ 7+ 13+ 15+
A7 ooops, i have made a mistake. i'm sorry. the hidden agenda an ENTp is to be loved, not to know. despite the error, the point still stands (phew). you have probably put yourself in a position to be loved many times, and then done something to destroy this. and you are probably doing it right now, or just about to. look into it and see. -- jason
A8 jason, the all wise. so we intp come to these places to analyse, and so analyse ourselves. very interesting thing...the recurring's monumental the fact that it can just be stated as plainly as u did it. but let now ignore this ENTP guy, perhaps his self-introversion will actually colour the world to his favour, perhaps his duals and near relations will actually love him the more as his hidden agenda requires.... ignore him, for i am about to ask you this.... will our introversion to this point (as intpss) actually also help us to this point. thank-u for coughing in mentioning my name, my said mentra is rather ridicules, and i rarely get it right to read twice what i have written, but answer me atleast in the question i have asked, perhaps we can deconstruct a path for ourselves, (in some learning cultures, they say the path of the teacher is more dangerous/perilous than the students ...will introversion help us ...or are we buying time while we get stronger, and in this enterprise, we seem to despise the failings of others..simply for there lack of determination in structure) -sirac, i may be son of the devil, but i like to think that my lineage is to something greater and stronger. .cool. i await your wisdom -- Anonymous
A9 I guess it's harder for me because my whole life, I've never had faith in myself. My parents were pretty critical and somewhat retarded when it came to raising me, a lot of people used to make fun of me, and so eventually I just stopped believing I was a person. Life became a circus of experiences, for which my body was a navigational browser. I forgot that there were things I cared about, and I never let myself indulge in them because I believed no one would be able to accept them. At this point, I am pretty passive, jumping from experience to experience, unable to tell the difference between boredom and depression. I am addicted to video games, as they provide an escape from reality and a different, constantly changing set of rules (unlike the one, extremely complex set of rules provided by life). I don't know whether or not this is me at my best or me at my worst, and that's why I want to figure out my type. . .so I can live the life I want. Some people can turn internally to find what they're looking for, but every day I fall in love less and less, skimming the surface of all experiences for the temporary entertainment I crave. I lose touch with my passionate self. Sometimes I lose the ability to feel. And so the analysis and definition of my personality type is something I'm asking everyone else to figure out. . .maybe it's easier from an objective source. And if I can figure out *one personality type*, then I can understand all of the other ones too. -- JacuzziMachineDestructoBomb
A10 sirac, put away this 'all wise' bull**** - if you really want to learn something then stop masturbating like this, you're going to get all sticky. intp's are flat out incompetent when it comes to feelings. in fact, we are so flawed in this respect, that we build theories and other intellectual constructs to defend ourselves. fortunately/unfortunately, the western world - which is pretty grotesque in its greed and consumption - is a nice haven for INTps and any other type that wants to reduce people to commodities and figure out where the ROI is on any given project. so we are useful, we are usually profitable, and we perpetuate the mythology of the "strong loner." basically, we can hang out with ourselves for days while other people would go nuts in mere minutes. we can outlast others in terms of solitude, and for the time being, this is something 'interesting' in the western world. it's different and it appears strong. but it's not - we both know that. it's pure incompetence. we simply don't know HOW to love other people. we may know the lexical history of the word love, and how it is expressed in various kinds of music, art, bla hblah blah. but we don't know how to love, and this is because at a very early age, we took a short cut - and it is defensive and protective, and it is all total bull****. sooooo...we congregate on websites like this one, or wherever else geeks hang trek conventions, Barnes and Noble...and we build elaborate communication patterns (like you are - i'm irritated at what you're doing simply because it's a projection and i don't like seeing it in myself) so that we can distract and confuse people into not looking at us and going: are you even HUMAN? for an INTp to get 'through' this and tap into love is not merely rare - it is miraculous. i would say out of 1000 INTps, 1 will make it. maybe less than that. it starts with looking directly at your own inner emptiness, staring at it, and yes, crying because there is a big part of us that we have totally, utterly neglected - just as we were neglected in some way as children, we have learned (in a very mechanical, boring way) to neglect a part of ourselves. so we replace feeling with thinking - love with knowledge. and since you can't do to others what you don't first do to yourself, we do this to everyone we meet. we can get married, we can have all kinds of friends, but we reduce them to the same empty commodities that we are inside. when we stop, we stop. but you have to see it to stop. do you see it? or are you going to back up, change tactic, reframe this and go on your merry, superiour way? -- Anonymous
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A11 A10, he's probably going to argue with you. Just so you know. I think there's a lot of validity in what you posted, though, and I know it may not have been your intention to enlighten me, but you've certainly succeeded. I can imagine that INTp universe of substituting logic for love because I have done something similar with *being* loved. I've tried to boil it down to a science, tried using different gimmicks and strategies to get people to love me, but it hasn't really worked. I've found that only by being myself can I truly be accepted for who I am, and even that is rare because so many people are mistrustful, fearful and resentful towards my Intuitive nature. You have given me a lot of food for thought, so thank you. -- JacuzziMachineDestructoBomb
A12 By the way you write and reason, I also don't think you are an ENFP. I'm not a specialist, but maybe you should try and make a test once more - give the answers which suit _you_ and not the ones that describe your wanna-be self. -- Anonymous
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