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Question #1165878633Monday, 11-Dec-2006
Category: ENTp Personality Relationship Advice
I am a female entp and I have had difficulty in the area of finding men who do not think im weird, or arnt able to handle the unusualness of my personality. Is this a common problem with female entps (are men always expecting SFs?) or is this my own problem? what type be a good match for me? thank you -- joanne
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A49 To original poster. According to the Keirsey site, the most compatible mate to a an ENTP is an INFJ. Being a male INFJ myself, I'd have to completely agree with the site. I read the profile of the ENTP and said to myself "YES, that's the perfect girl for me!" For the longest time I didn't understand why I didn't find most girls attractive (I'm 100% straight). Attractive in a relationship sense of course . They just didn't intrigue me. Now that I know I'm only looking for a very small fraction of the dating pool (very few people are ENTP's, and very few ENTP's are girls) it all makes sense. Although I still like to wear the pants in the relationship, I hate it when the girl just sits there and makes me do it all by myself. I find 'normal' girls boring. I love the uniqueness of the ENTP girl. Some ENTP girls may feel they are too boyish, but I like that in a girl. They are sensible. They think like a boy which makes things SOOOO much easier! We can think on the same brain wave. They are easy-going, and don't nag. Which is VERY helpful because I want the least amount of maintenance in a woman that I can find. Since I'm introvert, I love how the extrovert in the ENTP compliments me. I enjoy having friends, but don't have the energy to find and maintain them. The ENTP mate solves that problem. ENTP's are also good conversationalists, which make for a lot of fun talks. We INFJ males are quite rare, so let me help you find us. Your looking for a guy who is quiet at first. We are very private people and won't share our innermost emotions unless we trust you explicitly. "Nerdy" is an accurate description of our behavior, but other personalities are nerdy aswell. INFJ males usually relate better to women so they will have plenty of friends that are girls. Some of them may be interested in us but we don't pay much attention to them in a romantic way. We're just not interested in normal girls romantically. We are very hard to find because we enjoy doing fairly reclusive things. We find peace in solitude. For instance, I play a lot of World Of Warcraft. I enjoy perfecting my character on the screen, it gives me a strange sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Same with Dungeons and Dragons. But I also hang out with girls plenty. Because of that, I'm not the smelly nerd with no sense of hygene. I'm clean, and can dress pretty nice. I've been described by 'normal' girls as being "sensitive" and "caring". I hate it when they use words like that because it makes me feel like a wuss, but I thought it might help to get a girls perspective on what a INFJ male is like. They also always comment on how great a friend I make. They love that I'm a boy, but can still be a close friend. They often say I'm "one of the girls". They mean it in a fond way, but I still hate when they say it. Wuss Factor. So ask your girlfriends if they know anyone like that. Some normal girls find me too "sensitive" to be romantically interresting. Which is fine by me because those girls usually go for the idiot alpha-males that cheat on them. But whatever. Hoped my input helped. -- INFJ Male
A50 I'm an ENTp female with a hopeless obsession with ESFp guys. Not having too much luck. I'm really awkward around them and if I squirm my way into a relationship with one I find myself over-estimating his loyalty and then getting jealous, and then I start coming up with elaborate evil schemes to either cause him pain or win him over.. which backfire.. and I'm back to square one. But ESFps are so wonnnderfully attractive and interesting........ -- Anonymous
A51 Yeah A50, totally. -- Anonymous
A52 A49: You have stolen the contents of my mind. I find in general that most Exxp girls are the ones I would describe as "interesting". As you say, most women are just not a good match for us! -- INFp guy
A53 I'm an entp female and I love intjs. they will tease and argue and pretend that they cant stand me, but i know that they actually can, they just think it's more fun to mess with me. which amuses me -- Anonymous
A54 Joanne .. I'm an ISFP female and my "first love" was an INTP who dumped me for an ENTP. Don't worry .. there are men out there. Good luck! -- Anonymous
A55 I am an ENTP female and I attract a lot of men. I really do. And they are all very different from each other. Unfortunately, most of the men who like me for my curious and mysterious nature, tend to be dissapointed when they get to know me. I'm not what they thought I would be or they don't understand me. They often lose interest in me or they try to stick around for the sake of companionship, which I'm won't settle for. I find that the men who really understand me are the same ones who find my nerdiness, strangeness, quirkiness and randomness to be funny, entertaining and clever. They appreciate my unique personality and they tend to be INTJs, INTPs and INFJs. Typically, these types are, as I am, unusual, clever and quirky themselves. Good luck, they are also few and far between! -- entp
A56 To A45 & A46... Here here!! C'mon if anyone should be able to clone themselves it's us. I have a lot of trouble in relationships also... but if I'm totally honest, it's my fault. I have been married, I've had boyfriends in between, marriage almost feels like death to me. It might be what a couple of other people mentioned. The compromise & boredom that comes in the day 2 day after the lust wears off. I'm totally girly in appearance & I'm sure it's the only reason I've had all the male companions I have had, cuz lawd know's I don't suffer fools lightly and I can't stand the double-standard most men have. btw A46 I'd totally do myself too... -- Anonymous
A57 ENTP female = hard. Being a ENTP male is hard enough. My idea, recently validated by a ENTP female, is to make lots of friends with anyone who shows intrest in you, and you in them. Being a ENTP female means many will be weary, but those who do show intrest are obvious. I've found that the majority of my current friends are IxxP's that were friends of friends. Then don't be fake around them. Then hopefully someone pops out and you make babies. -- ENTP
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A58 I'll give you a good advice. Go to bed with them and they will never notice that you are weird. -- :-)
A59 Maybe it's all in your head? I never think I'm weird, and so men don't either. I've even been seeing a guy lately and we've been getting closer. -- entp
A60 Dear A49: You might like ENTp females, but /we/ are not really big fans of the INFj's clinginess, neediness, and endless over-the-top desire to please. Please don't take that the wrong way, I'm sure there are many girls who do like that- But ENTPs are not it. -- ENTp female
A61 I'm an ENTP woman in her early 30s and, without meaning to, has turned out to become a heartbreaker of sorts. I take forever to decide and commit but once I'm in a relationship, I am very intense and can be very serious. The older I got, the more free-spirited and ENTP-ish I've become, fortunately (or unfortunately for the men). Am very feminine on the outside, with a fun-loving spontaneous streak, but in terms of making big decisions, I am logical and intuitive. In other words, I can wrench myself out of a relationship, no matter how difficult or attached or in love I am, and in a relatively short time, I can forget and move on. But now, more independent than ever, I don't know who or what type of guy would make me want to settle down, or would make me feel like I'm not giving up my freedom and every beautiful thing that I have, but instead have someone I could "share a life of possibilities with." And THAT is key. -- Anonymous
A62 I am an ENTP Teenage Female, I have no problem attracting men, and aquiring many of them, but since they are all so attracted to me, I find it hard to find a particular type that i click with the best, so I have become a heart breaker, and women see me as cold and heartless. But just because I am primarily a thinker, doesn't mean I'm incapable of emotion. It truly pains me to hurt people they way I often do. It's not intentional, But as a female who gets along much easier with men, I come across as a hussy. I Value emotional response and expression, but I have low tolerance for whining, and emotional spouting. -- Entp Teen Girl
A63 A60: The poster was actually an INFp. -- INFp guy
A64 A60: I completely agree. My last ex is an INFJ and I couldn't stand always having to "wear the pants" in the relationship. He helped me to get in touch with my emotional side a lot more but I felt like I was always having to explain my reactions to things (reactions that would without fail hurt him and make him withdraw) and it got very tiring. In group situations I always felt like a babysitter and not a partner. I need someone who won't let me walk all over him. It was nice for a while because I never really had to compromise but eventually I realized that I needed someone who could challenge me. I've been very attracted to ENTJs in the past but I think they're a little too judgemental and unfeeling. At least in my expenience. I've meet an INTP recently that I really connect with. He has that T which is so important to me and I get to be the center of attention without him being uncomfortable with it. -- Anonymous
A65 As an female ENTP I have often heard of guys that I think to much. And sometimes as an ENTP women you feel odd, when people react to things you say or do with the look in there face like: What planet do you come from?! But at the same time there seems to be lots of guys out there who are attacted to a women who dare to show her "weirdness". That makes them at ease with there own peculiar ways. So I think that we ENTP women should just hang on, and be proud of our individuality because we have the minds that most other women donĀ“t have. -- Anonymous
A66 Im a 12 year old guy thats an ENTP that lives with my twin autistic brother. Off with that, my free time is usually spent doing projects but never finishing them. On to girls, I havent had a gf yet although I do like this girl at school. Sorry for being off topic. Back to people, maybe only 1 of my friends is an ENTP. To clear things up, lets just say that ENTPs are NOT SHY TEENS. I have a ton of friends and have no trouble making them either. I LOVE POSITIVE ATTENTION I CRAVE IT! Anyways, if I like a girl it takes some time to figure out who I like. One more thought, I was born at 27 weeks, not 40 and so I didnt show ENTP signs until probably 5 or 6. Before that, I was developmentally delayed so my personality had no traits until then. -- Anonymous
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