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Question #1165878633Monday, 11-Dec-2006
Category: ENTp Personality Relationship Advice
I am a female entp and I have had difficulty in the area of finding men who do not think im weird, or arnt able to handle the unusualness of my personality. Is this a common problem with female entps (are men always expecting SFs?) or is this my own problem? what type be a good match for me? thank you -- joanne
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A25 ..did'ent read any of comments, so i will give a candid answer as i am sure that is what u expect. ..A8..foolish, and disheartening u may say ENTPgirl, to think of such a compromise. i am a intp male, & have a entp freind... of that, i can say, that if u want a world that understands u, u may need intp's who are out there(who are learned, life experience buys 'unlocks' in the types of freinds u can have)..the combination is definitely not for hetero-sexual relations.(bad A5!..haha, but this is what people sometimes seem to imply...there blatant non-understanding statements!) as two males, our friendship is mutually accomodating, for he vocalizes, and i seem to know some of the 'other things' of how we will own and dominate the world and get all the females. Ok. of your femine problem. u may say that it is not my problem, as a 'for-sure' NT, i seek the SF female. let me tell u, there are many SF males searching for SF females. there is this great Augusta article, from one of the Socionics 'all-Russian-literature-translation' websites..found as a link on, where (entpfemale, u still with me?), he goes into the sexual psychological program of females, and the types of males they come to desire if they have a brush with there same type or conflicting quadra.... ...article is written in a quadra per fashion.. each quadra has two female sexual programs, and four programs in total. (maybe Augusta, very subjectively viewed his universe, which is why the article so-much works with the subliminal stand-point that the female is the 'back-stage-mover' and actual provocateur) Second observation, which might be useful to u the female personality (for lets forget the judgement points that a personality is programed to move to, Estrogen and body and psyche, definitely develop a program for the female __considering the men who said otherwise, and that ur stands is almost neutral.. buy my knowledge for now..someday i might buy yours when i need it) ..2nd op__ countries like say Argentina, Europe-Spain, where the female population is high, and where males ar'ent the individualist hunters as they are here where NT are vs SF of the same sex (trying to throw out of area, the Secular mindset is a evil, which is why homosexualism is beginning a boom in every society which 'knowledge' degrades in such a manner), in those countries, u will notice that there are no such bias and distinct views of dividing SF and NT females, all compete with the fullness of what they have. look at the Las Ketch-up sisters. 3rd thing.. and this is a bit of a mystery, cause i am just beginning to toss it around in my mind, dual pairs..share some same sexual characteristics.. that being a dual of the same sex... a mystery, cause to see the relation, u need to view human behaviour in a statistical randomness factor..and ignore some of the usual characterizations __sorry u can see i am a bit of a biologist. which is why a entp physisist math boff, is a good freind of mine, perhaps he could explain it more coherently for your entp mind. sorry, of this world it is said, which is probably why some of your circumstances are as they are: Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until: finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and if he is troubled, he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All. -sirac son of -- Anonymous
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A26 I'm a male ENTP and I feel that being WEIRD and UNUSUAL are some great attributes that would find someone who is truly interested in you. I'm not quite sure what you are looking for exactly, but if the men find you too weird, then they probably aren't really worth going for (unless you seek stability, in that case..). I would say to go for someone who is logical as well, yet could help round you out a bit. I've always gotten along and grown from my interactions with INTJs and ENTJs. But yeah, like anything.. you guys should share some common interests at first; find people who like being weird and unusual. How do you specifically come off as weird? -- blackthorne
A27 sirac son of- i just wanted to add, but i see there are other questions which go quite indepth for the ENTp, but my 2-cents statement, is that these 'drawers out of people'..are centre stones of our society, and often the leaders of there social circle, i apologise entp-female, i said that u where not 'shy/repulsed' that these guys say u 'male-like' and that u seem to be neutral, the reason for ur neutrality is ENTp based, cause u guys are not shy, or repentive of your position, which is why i said now, Centre Stones. okay. on this sexual compeditive thing. i noticed that your dual ISFp, sometimes state that (that is isfp females state this, males may actually be more subliminal,cause they role based) they prefer ESFj. the E factor is universal..or rather stays as an attractant factor. the females u say this, are dillusioned, they want an embodiment of the SF factor (so it is not the male societal dumbness wanting a SF factor, but a proper psychological longing). in your sexual program. it would be beneficial if u played yourself better then the EsfJ... better than there ___J factor.. and this u can do, u a entp are's in your nature. just remember, some people say the statistics thing is crap, society would have crumbled if this was the truth... search for these learned opinions and u will find them, also remember, in a society teeming with plenty girls and enough boys... these 'compeditive' factors of which i spoke, would be subliminally incorporated into a ENTP females psyche much earlier in there battle versus the EsfJ. .. furthermore, to end, that quote from my previous post is from the gospel of Thomas, also, isfp..males may not realize it, cause the instinct to incorporate a female into your rather much a thought thing in our Western World. more successful isfp males may have got over this. cause do remember, Introverted programs in boys are an obstacle for themselves which they seek to overcome, sometimes to the 'deadenning' of themselves as individuals. entp female...therefore seek hard as u play the game, and remember to be sensitive..(another reason a isfp can become hardnecked and seek a that gives me slight food for thought in my intp world) ..thanx...this was stimulating. custom solutions -- Anonymous
A28 @Sirac:"entpfemale, u still with me?" I doubt it. I hate to brake this to you. But honestly, all your messages are so messy that they are unreadable/noncomprehensible. I mean that even 90% of the sentences themselves, make no sense. You might or might not have an idea behind them, but it's totally lost in the output. You are kinda wasting your time writing so long and messy posts. -- RR INTp
A29 I am also a *FEMALE ENTP* and I can relate to what you are saying. What I have found is that a lot of my guy friends always think I am weird, but in a good way. Once I became comfortable with my ENTP randomness and accepted it, I realized that others were accepting it too. I ave found our personality keeps people we are incompatible with away, and draws the personality types that we are particularly compatible with close to us(ie: ISFp and INTj's) The sooner you accept that we are amazing the way we are, the sooner you'll start developing amazing relationships -- Anonymous
A30 Totally agree with A29: "I have found our personality keeps people we are incompatible with away, and draws the personality types that we are particularly compatible with close to us." I'm also a female ENTP, and I've found that I don't have much patience for people/potential dates who don't act interested in me. Not what I want, so I keep looking. For you, I'd suggest completely changing the places you meet guys - I love going out and mingling, but most of the guys I run into at bars just aren't my type, even if they are interested. I find myself attracted almost exclusively to introverts, especially INTJs. The ones I've had relationships with are all intelligent and affectionate (at least in private), and sexually attractive. Bonus: I've found INTJs to be very neat and tidy, which is great to counter my messiness and love of clutter. -- Anonymous
A31 I have the same problem. -- entp
A32 I'm a woman who is either ENTp or INFj and I DO relate to the women who have posted here. My hubby is ISFp too and we have THE BEST relationship! It really was love at first sight and we're going strong, 4 kids and 17 years later! We totally accept each other for who we are and talk about EVERYTHING. Those two things make all the difference for us. Well, he doesn't always want to listen to all of my "crazy" ideas, but he "pretends" to listen and sometimes all I need is to talk them out anyway... And his need for small know what that's like! But we respect each other's differences and joke and laugh about them... Accept yourself, Love yourself and the "right" man will appreciate your uniqueness! -- Kelly Jo
A33 AS an ENFJ male, I like an ENTP female alot if only they control not being so tactless to me at times -- ENFJ
A34 Oh ****! I just read my own post and am I ENFp or what!? Now I'm not even sure about my hubby being ISFp... Sorry I wasn't any real help Joanne. -- Kelly Jo
A35 I am an ENTP female, and I undertsand where you are coming from. HOWEVER - you have to just work the odds in your favor and find a guy who is a bit mor rational and bit more unconventional. A lot of men are simply atttracted to the S's anf F's - less work probably. Those men probably wouldn't stimulate you anyway. -- Anonymous
A36 As an ENTP female, I also have this problem. Now, no guy has ever come up and said "you're too weird for me" but I don't get approached (romantically) often. When I do, they tend do be head-strong, intellectuals hell-bent on taming me. My friends tell me I don't get approached much because I am intimidating and since I have that glorious detached quality (that ENTPs seem to possess) most men just don't interest me. Then only time it really bothers me is when I start to feel I'm unattractive, and even then, if more guys were to start approaching me I'd still turn them down, but be thankful my ego had been stroked. -- Anonymous
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