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Question #1135786945Wednesday, 28-Dec-2005
Category: Duality ENFp ISTp Intertype Relations Theory
I have discovered personality typing only recently, but it fascinates me and I've read a lot of different sources of information over the past few months. Most tests I've taken come up with ENFP as result, and I'm quite convinced that's my type. Now some of the things I've read on socionics are really puzzling, especially as to what relationships are concerned. Before I visited this site, I read in various sources that either an INFJ or an INTJ (INFP or INTP by socionics terms if I understand correctly) would make an ideal match. From past experience I find relationships with both of these types rewarding, and even the idea of an ideal match could make sense, especially with INFJ. Worst possible match with ENFP as I read before is ISFJ or ISTJ (ISFP or ISTP here). Strangely enough at socionics my dual is said to be ISTP (which would probably be ISTJ by MB standards). ENFP-INFP is called contrary and ENFP-INTP illusionary! I can't say the negatives summed up are unrecognizable, but I'm naturally attracted to INFP or INTP women and honestly don't feel ENFP-INFP or ENFP-INTP make such a bad match at all. I've never been in a love relationship with an ISTP before but have been with several ESxx and there communication was always a problem. Communication with an ISTP partner could even be worse, would be my first guess... I've also read before that types with a dominant information gathering function best pair up with someone who prefers the same function, but uses it in a different way (introverted instead of extraverted, or vice versa). Personally I feel much more for that idea. Perhaps I am missing vital pieces of the puzzle here, or maybe I have misunderstood the concept of dual relationships, but I certainly am puzzled by what I read here. Any feedback is welcome. -- voot
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A26 I am an INFj in a relationship with an ESTj. While I agree that there is so much more common ground between fellow NFs, I would feel at a loss without my Sensing dual. He is so vastly different from me, and there have been occasions where he can't comprehend my "intuitive ways." However, although it is very satisfying having deep discussions with my fellow NFs, I find that they can only offer similar perspectives on the same topics without me getting a whole lot of new insight (unless, perhaps with an ENFp). Even with an ENFp, I sometimes find the focus on to be overwhelming, and I'm not sure I always agree with their almost haphazard conclusions about people. My ENFp friend is so about taking people as they are, and while I believe that is very important, I also think people should strive to be better than just "who they are." So while it's nice talking to fellow intuitives and having a mutual understanding, without my sensing dual I would be missing out on so much - I really love that ! -- An INFj
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