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Question #1135786945Wednesday, 28-Dec-2005
Category: Duality ENFp ISTp Intertype Relations Theory
I have discovered personality typing only recently, but it fascinates me and I've read a lot of different sources of information over the past few months. Most tests I've taken come up with ENFP as result, and I'm quite convinced that's my type. Now some of the things I've read on socionics are really puzzling, especially as to what relationships are concerned. Before I visited this site, I read in various sources that either an INFJ or an INTJ (INFP or INTP by socionics terms if I understand correctly) would make an ideal match. From past experience I find relationships with both of these types rewarding, and even the idea of an ideal match could make sense, especially with INFJ. Worst possible match with ENFP as I read before is ISFJ or ISTJ (ISFP or ISTP here). Strangely enough at socionics my dual is said to be ISTP (which would probably be ISTJ by MB standards). ENFP-INFP is called contrary and ENFP-INTP illusionary! I can't say the negatives summed up are unrecognizable, but I'm naturally attracted to INFP or INTP women and honestly don't feel ENFP-INFP or ENFP-INTP make such a bad match at all. I've never been in a love relationship with an ISTP before but have been with several ESxx and there communication was always a problem. Communication with an ISTP partner could even be worse, would be my first guess... I've also read before that types with a dominant information gathering function best pair up with someone who prefers the same function, but uses it in a different way (introverted instead of extraverted, or vice versa). Personally I feel much more for that idea. Perhaps I am missing vital pieces of the puzzle here, or maybe I have misunderstood the concept of dual relationships, but I certainly am puzzled by what I read here. Any feedback is welcome. -- voot
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A1 MBTI introvert types DO NOT translate to Socionics types simply by changing the last letter of the acronym to the opposite. Oh no they don't. Amazing how people desire simplicity even if it is untrue.
- It is wrong!
- So what? It is simple!
Well done, that's the spirit. -- Admin
A2 Hmm, didn't mean to try and simplify Socionics and I'm sorry if that's the way I came accross. Agreed, the differences between Socionics and MBTI are quite unclear to me. I thought to have a basic understanding of what the p and j in Socionics mean and how they 'might be' translated into MBTI_types, but basically it's the 'S' part in the ENFp-ISTp match as dual that puzzles me, no matter if that S is used as a dominant or an auxiliary function. Any feedback is appreciated. -- voot
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A3 Apologies for the previous reply, it was not meant to be directed at you personally. You are not the first or the last person who thinks that the conversion is a piece of cake. It must have gone something like this: Yo Chris, where did you get that MBTI introverts need to change their last letter to match Socionics type? I've read it somewhere. Where? On some forum, some guy Bob said it. Where did Bob get this info? Mike told him. And Mike? He read it somewhere too. Where? Kath posted it. And Kath? She read it on the socionics website. On the socionics website? She must have misunderstood something... So maybe it is necessary to make the same point again and again that MBTI/SOCIONICS CONVERSION IS NOT SIMPLE OR STRAIGHTFORWARD until it can't be misunderstood by people like Kath. As for S part in ENFp-ISTp relationship, ISTp's dominant S should theoretically compensate for ENFp's lack of it. It could manifest itself in many different ways. For example, many ENFps could be quite big-hearted and ISTps are usually should we say quite "economical". With an ISTp you would likely to be properly fed and groomed. They are also experts in pleasures based on physical sensations. Because ISTp's S is their area of confidence, ENFp would normally surrender to ISTp's expertise (so they should or it may cause unnecessary friction in Duality Relationship). -- Admin
A4 Apparently, a dual's conscious function takes care of the other dual's unconscious function, and that unconscious function in turn corrects the conscious functions. An ISTp, being somewhat relatively emotionally inhibited, will be influenced by an ENFp's introverted feeling in this way: his hidden agenda is to love others, in order to be loved. An ENFp loves the ISTp, satisfying the ISTp's hidden agenda's purpose. Perhaps this frees the ISTp extraverted feeling function. The other function also relate in probably the same manner, of activation by the dual, and correction of conscious functions. And vice versa. This is just my theory so it may be wrong in many areas, but it makes relative sense to me. -- LoveSeeker
A5 [A4] ENFp merely shows ISTp who or what is ok to love and who or what is ok to hate, since ISTp often unsure about their -- Dr. Zoidberg
A6 Even more the unconscious functions are actually the way a person arranges their life so the dual corrects the way the other partner lives. Also ENFP absolutely pairs with the ISTP. I am an ENFJ and I cannot stand ISTPs and I love ISTJs and I would think with my introverted intuition I would know what the hell I'm talking about. The ENFP doesn't love the ISTP they use their IF to determine what the environment needs and ISTPs need freedom of movement so this type of "love" is preferable to the ISTP. The ENFP is also generally a naturalist and their focus is on health which can compliment the ISTPs tendancy to like to cook and also they will work really hard and the tedancy to eat poorly or use drugs might be there. ALSO if an ENFP arranges their life in an SP fashion that means they "liberate" the ISTP's lifestyle proventing them from being inhibited by routine or people they dont like or constriction. WHEREAS to my type the ENFJ it seems to me the ENFP is lacking in dimplomacy and is sanguine and nosey and inteferes without the intention of preserving the well being of others. -- Tracy
A7 @Tracy: are you out of your nutshell? Calling us ENFp's lacking in diplomacy and nosey as if these are bad things! These are our qualities! And that we interfere without the intention of preserving the wel being of others, that's where you completely go wrong, because if there is a type that promotes other people to realize their potential, it's the ENFp! I usually get along with ENFj's quite well, but I'm afraid you're a little bit too moralistic and opiniated! Pfffff.... -- pm (ENFp)
A8 @A6: The ENFP doesn't love the ISTP? How did you come up with that conclusion? In my experience, ENFps can be selfish or selfless, superficially nosey or genuinely caring; it really depends on what kind of person they are. Don't forget the spectrum! Tracy, I'm afraid that your "introverted intution" is casting a black-and-white view on psychological types. Please have in mind that a person is called "representative of type" for a reason. This is because... their type does not = their total personality. The type is actually a subset of their personality. Although ENFps may possess a set of similar traits with their identicals, each of them will still have attributes unique to him/herself and that includes the ability to love. So, to ignore this and to claim that "the ENFp doesn't love the ISTp" is to paint a caricature of a human being. -- Anonymous
A9 I must say as an ISTP I feel overwhelmed with love from an ENFP or no interest. There is no real inbetween with this. -- Anonymous
A10 @A9. Are you saying that ENFPs demonstrate too much love for you to handle or are you saying that your feelings for an ENFP can be overwhelming? Is it only with ENFPs that you feel this way or do you feel that way with everyone? -- enfp
A11 u see tracy just shows the Enfp's hate Enfj's cause there well, self interested. what perosn is so ethical yet puts themselves above others, im just proving that these interelations are often arguementative, based on what the Enfp beleives is right, protecting the battler at all costs, and the Enfj believes 'it should be like this and i am right'. Enfj's suck, Enfp's are protecting the istp's! cause we love people- u can go be business savvy to someone who cares and look all high and mighty in the mirror when u screwed someone over. -- enfp's- fight the power!
A12 I am an ENFP, and yes I do feel protective of the ISTP. And I am usually if the ISTP has a sexy demeanor or good looks or rough exterior or motorcycle, I am usually attracted. They usually know how to do many things that I do not, on the other hand, I feel a sense of something missing when they don't want to talk values or theories. I feel an intellectual connection to other Ns, primarily NTs, that I don't feel with S people. This intellectual connection, stimulates me, providing that the sex is also good, into a "FEELING" of LOVE. Also, the Ns, speak more gently to me, S people tend to be a bit harsh in the way they speak. I don't like it, it emotionally upsets me. -- Vanice
A13 I agree with Vanice. I am a very strong N when I do almost any test. So, I tend to find "S" folks hard to connect with. The only "S" folks I have found appealling in a romantic sense in the past are ISTPs as long as they have gotten past their really wild days and perhaps explored a more spiritual direction so that there is a values connection to be found. i find that either I really click with an ISTP man or there is no sense of connection. The chemistry with an ISTP can be either incredible or virtually non existant. However, I more reliably connect with "N" people - partculary NTs because the intellectual connection is usually very stimulating and it is just so incredibly easy to spend time with them. So I think that an ENFp-ISTp dual is possible depending on the two people involved but I also think that ENFp with an "NT" or "NF" can be pretty amazing too. -- Rosemary
A14 Again, I think ISTPs are pretty pretty sexy. As a matter of fact, two ISTPS in the past I had incredible relationships with, but they didn't seem to want to date me long term. They seemed to just want me for sex and they both married ESFJs. One of them beat the hell out of the ESFJ and he was NEVER violent with me, so maybe we might get along better. VANICE -- Anonymous
A15 @A14: "One of them beat the hell out of the ESFJ and he was NEVER violent with me, so maybe we might get along better." You realise that sounds incredibly stupid? -- Anonymous
A16 @A13: That's exactly what I meant to say with my original post. I have quite a few ESTp friends and they are lot of fun to do things together. Same goes for ESFp's. In relationships however, after an initial period of excitement over so many interesting differences, there comes a moment where you realize there is no deeper emotional or intellectual connection... no common ground. I need that sort of connection in order to continue to believe in the relationship, and so far it has only occurred in relationships with NT's or NF's. I've recently started dating another ENFp, and all I can say is we immediately connect on a level I've never experienced with sensory people. -- voot
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