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Question #1120401284Sunday, 3-Jul-2005
Category: Theory Gay ENFp
Is there a relation between personality type and homosexuality? -- Richard
Your Answers: 1+ 22+ 40+ 47+ 58+ 86+
A86 Youre born gay lol... if you suddenly changed..that just means you stopped hiding it. Im an Enfp and girls are just about my second most important priority after food...excuse my lack of abstraction. I feel that what that person said in A11 makes alot of sense.. astrology works in to this personality break down as well...being that Im a taurus and an an enfp i feel damn near psychic and I can tell whenever a person is lying or scheming... I know what their motive is, even if they come out with another answer to cover it up. I sometimes almost feel bad that it was so easy to pick off a lie. lol Looking at the subconcsious may be more important than first glance... but that's like anything else...more people should start applying it to their daily life to say, I don't know...THE NEWS!!! -- Free-B
A87 Ok, I'm ISTJ and gay. There must be no corellation. -- Anonymous
A88 i am an estp female and i am a lesbian. so i think andre is a little bit right here at least onto something. -- kim
A89 my ISTP friend is closet gay and so are (most) of his friends, any theories as to this? -- elle
A90 okay so there is no connection between socionic type and sexuality because every type can be gay or bisexual. and if a guy is NF doesn't mean he's more likely to be gay since ST guys can also be homosexual. and the same goes for women, and if they're SF or NT or whatever horoscope they have. -- Anonymous
A91 I read somewhere that all N's are gay... -- Anonymous
A92 There is a connection between personality and the chemicals in your brain. There is also a natural component in homosexuality. Therefore, there is a connection between personality and homosexuality. The strength of this connection is arguable, but it does exist. Also, 16 personality types do not have a chance confiding all people. The ENFp male I can think of was fashion concious and somewhat feminanate, but he was very much straight. The only guys I've found who can pull off berets have been ENFp. One must remember that stereotypes are constructed for a reason. Perhaps the reason is because most homosexuals that have spoken out have been ENFP or whatever type you feel like picking. Doesn't mean too much then. This all from an straight ENTp who doesn't understand how people can't see the other side of the coin. -- Anonymous
A93 Since I have been with one man in my life, and no one else, and I'm a guy, I could obviously be considered "gay". Duh. Yet when it comes to 'sexuality' I differ with the "average" in assuming that "gay" and anal (and/or oral) are synomymous. I never did anal and I never will. For the most part I partook in Frot or Frottage (genital rubbing/penile-penile sex/rubbing) - whatever you want to call it. I suppose people have many opinions regarding this supposedly "gay issue". I, for one, have nothing against "bisexuality". I have had some crushes on "women", yet perhaps I've been too conflicted, shy, and invested in men to pursue them or be successful. Some women may have been interested in me, yet I didn't want to make a mistake by being with them. I'm relatively handsome, yet I have a lot of problems, and that's part of the reason that even my "man2man" relationship ended. So despite my potential "loser status" and occasionally "questionable ethics", I believe that the voice of Men who prefer Frot to anal should be heard. -- Anonymous
A94 I'm ISFp and I'm bi, I know 1 ENFp and she happens to be gay. I don't think your personality type has anything to do with same-sex attraction. -- Anonymous
A95 There are gays of all types. But I think some relationship with masculine-effeminate behaviour could be. There are some ESFjs I know who behave somewhat effeminately, but they're not gay. And some ISTps who behave in a masculine way but are gay or bi. And there can gays and effeminates and viceversa. So in my opinion there's a relationship between type and stereotype. Answer from experience. -- José D.
A96 I am an ENFp and i too have been asked many of tims if i were gay, and im not... -- ENFp
A97 ESTP and INFP! -- laughing
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A98 I'm a male INFj and gay. I also know gay male ESTj, INFp, ISFj, ENTj, and ESTp and lesbian ISTj, and ENFp. If you see some correlation, let me know. Some of these gay guys are the most masculine guys I know, and one of the lesbians (ENFp) is soooo girly! You should never group sexuality with gender stereotypes, because there is no universal stereotype that is always applicable. Obviously, sexuality has little to do with Socionics, from what I see. -- Anonymous
A99 I'm male, 29, ISTP, and totally Bi. People always suppose I'm straight but there ya' go. -- Anonymous
A100 I'm an ENFP and I'm gay. What interesting is that ENFP males will often be seen as effeminate and when they recognize that they are receiving less respect as a result, they can temporarily take on an ISTJ type mentality. -- Anonymous
A101 I'm an ENTJ and gay. Has anyone added up the types who responded? It would be easy to run some numbers if a couple hundred people reported type. I factor we might find more f men and t women, but beyond that wouldn't expect much difference from the general populace. Generally I find many LGBTs a little sensitive or angry about being typed, and not willing to embrace any definition beyond rebelliously queer. I do think Jungian typology is a legitimate map for self-exploration. -- ford
A102 I have no idea if type has anything to do with it, but my ENFP boyfriend just announced that he was gay. -- Anonymous
A103 Is there a relation between personality type and homosexuality? I do not see strong connection between homosexuality and specific types. Any personality type can display such behavior. Homosexuality can be associated with (very) low level type development. Child abuse plays a big role in disturbing generally accepted sexual behavior. There is not so much research in this field, therefore these people will never get the help they may require. -- jgbr
A104 Hmmm interesting stuff guys and girls but i must ask why does this matter? -- Reinventnv
A105 One can be homosexual because of gene factors and early parenting (inborn/continuation). One can also be homosexual because he/she thought it as a viable option and gave it a try and learned to like it (choice/neural training). Anyway, according to my case analysis and my rather loosely constructed theory, I think that homosexuality depends on who you identify as [dominant and/therefore aesthetic], you're natural response is: you yourself over-dominate that figure (aggression), or you submit under the his/her domain (passivity). For example, I, an INTJ male, had a mother who was more dominant and/therefore aesthetic than my father who was less dominant. Thus, I am attracted to females. Which is a way of saying "I've been surrendered my dominance by a female, thus I'm more attracted to females." Of course, this is only a theory with already considered genetic factors and sex hormones that affect me to like females as a male.) -- INTJ male, straight
A106 Well I'm INFJ straight male, who happens to come from the motorcycle fraternity shall we say. I am very much yin and yang. Can be very compassionate and deep in my own way, but can also be very fierce opponent. I have never wanted a sexual relationship with men, as I see them as Brothers. I do have a very deep platonic love for my fellow human beings,(Must be the hippie part of my nature)I see also women as Sisters even if they are my lover. I am also a follower of the teachings of Buddha in my later years 42 yrs old. I lost a real blood brother 12 years ago, which changed my perception on life. Losing people makes you realise how important each and every one of is are. So I do have a deep spiritual love for other men, but it is a spiritual non attachment, a platonic connection of mutual respect, and the kind of love that I felt for my real blood brother. It is difficult for me to put into words, but maybe guys who have been in the forces and have faced death together may understand about this spiritual comradeship brotherhood ethos. But for those guys who are INFJ and are Gay or Bi sexual, in the big picture of things, we all have a similar foundation to our personalities, but that we shouldn't count out our own varied personal experiences of life, that also goes to make up our individual characters. We are also moulded by our life experiences. If you passed me in the street, you wouldn't guess that I was INFJ, put perhaps when you got to talking with me, you might start to wonder, as I am also a poet and artist. So my emotional intuitive side of my personality comes out as spirituality. -- Anonymous
A107 To the people saying ENFp's are gay: What? What!? All the ENFp's I know (including myself) are straight. Yes, the guys are very emotionally intelligent (i.e. sensitive, which is stupidly stereotyped as gay), but to me as a woman I find something about the ability to listen and be someone to lean on insanely attractive. That's ridiculous. -- Anonymous
A108 There is no correlation between type and sexual orientation. There is, however, a correlation between type and perceived femininity/masculinity, which of course would vary from culture to culture. In the U.S. we tend to stereotype gay men as being feminine and lesbian women as being masculine, but there are plenty of exceptions to the rule, just as one can find feminine straight men and masculine straight women. If I were going to stereotype the 16 types based on their perceived femininity/masculinity according to American cultural perceptions, it would probably be divided along the F/T line, with Feelers being considered more feminine and Thinkers being seen as more masculine. Looking at functions, I would say that Se, Ti, and Te are seen as the most masculine qualities here in the U.S. while Si, Fi, and Fe are seen as feminine. Ni and Ne seem to be able to go either way. STs in general come across as very masculine and NFs as very feminine. Of course, there are exceptions. Male ENFps can be extremely charming Casanovas who are able to come across as quite masculine despite their high emotional intelligence, social awareness, and sensitivity, which are generally seen as feminine characteristics. ISFjs are sensitive caretakers, but can also be very protective and forceful, which may come across as either motherly or fatherly. NTs and SFs are able to straddle the line more, but I still think that Thinkers will be seen as more masculine and Feelers as more feminine, in general, here in the U.S. -- Fi-EII
A109 I think ESIs usually look like the gayest type. Wheter they actually are is another matter. -- ILE
A110 Whoever God has completely forsaken haha -- An intp Christian - deal with it
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