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Question #1120401284Sunday, 3-Jul-2005
Category: Theory Gay ENFp
Is there a relation between personality type and homosexuality? -- Richard
Your Answers: 1+ 22+ 40+ 47+ 58+ 86+
A22 I don't think ENFPs have a higher chance of being bisexual or homosexual than other types. But if they are, they are probably going to be more honest about it, where some other types might deny the fact that they have bisexual of homosexual feelings. According to a lot of research, most people actually have some kind of bisexual fantasy of behavior. Apperently a lot of people are not being honest about it, or are repressing such tendencies. By the way, I used to consider myself slightly bisexual for years, and didn't consider that to be a problem. But as a side-effect of going into psychotherapy, I seem to have somehow lost my bisexuality as well, and consider myself completely heterosexual now. So I wonder if my bisexual tendencies weren't the result of neurosis (low self-esteem). BTW, I'm not implying that bisexuality is a neurosis in all cases. -- pm (ENFp)
A23 Absolutely not. -- Tracy
A24 Gay INTP here. My boyfriend is ENFP. -- Anonymous
A25 ISTJ is by far the most masculine of all personality types... so i would agree with ENFPs being gay.. very gay. -- Markus
A26 Would that make ISTJ women gay as well? -- ISTJ
Moderator's comment
Don't take what other people say too seriously.
A27 @A26 I did not take A25s comment serious. I wanted to get him to think about what he was saying. I dont believe type will automatically determine ones sexual preference. It may have something to do with shaping a persons view point though. -- ISTJ
A28 hehe this is all very entertaining. OK lets divide the stereotypes. I think the Enfps and Esfp's are likely to out themselves. Cant people see the conflict of defying a social norm if your a strong judger- J's want to follow structure and have the disciplne to do so. Im gay an Enfp and straight acting- I can tell people in a myriad of ways so it's easy and im confident in myself. i also relate to hardship and the battlers,so im lucky im gay and ENFP- i think type has nothing to do with if u are or gay or not, its all in the brain- its how its expressed where i think types can help or hinder sexuality, and how people manifest different ways of accepting that sexuality through that type- whether it be thinking/feeling, sensing/ or intuition. -- Enfp gay
A29 Introverts, I feel can come off as masculine. They don't express emotion as much as extroverts who often can not control how they sound and what they say. Introverts think before they speak, meaning they might think...(I shouldn't say that, I might just sound gay) -- INTP
A30 Gay IxTx here. (depending on the test, I come accross as INTP, INTJ or ISTJ). Still mostly in the closet, and, AFAIK, none of my straight acquaintances know anything about my homosexuality. A straight coworker of mine is *extremely* extroverted (basically, talks about everything which happens to pass through his head), and if he was gay, he'd probably be unable to keep that to himself. So, I agree with A28 here, that the E types are more likely to out themselves. -- IxTx gay
A31 Jung identified thinking with men, and feeling with women -- especially extraverted feeling -- and this continues today as the T/F dimension is the only dimension of the four reported to have a significant gender bias in the MBTI. Jung also stated that when women did show preference for thinking that their thinking was almost universally of an intuitive character. All of that to say that to the extent that a given homosexual is effeminate, that yes, there probably is a correlation between homosexuality and type. -- metroGnome, the ostensible INTj
A32 As a closeted ENFJ I am amazed that no one seems to mention that the a very large majority of gay men are ENFJ's. Almost all that I know who are ENFJ's are at least bi. I do find that the INTJ's seem to be the most secure with their sexuality, though. -- enfj anon
A33 Hmm, now I'm not homosexual or anything, but as an INTj, sexuality is one thing I can see an INTj overanalyzing. Now do I find women attractive? Yes. Do I find men attractive? No. That still doesn't escape the possibility. Its hard to explain what I mean by that, but by no means is an INTj secure with his sexuality. There is pretty much nothing that an INTj would be secure about sexually just as they see the possibilities in everything else. -- Hitta
A34 interesting. i guess what I meant by secure is that once they make a decision, it seems to stick. Once they have ananlyzed a position, it appears to me that the decision made is concrete. Of course, we ENFJ's tend to be human thunderstorms, so anyone who can make a solid position seems better off than we. Structured creativity is hard to carry around. And the ever present question of whether or not I am who I am suppossed to be doesn't make it easier. -- enfj anon
A35 i'm interested in a prettyboy enfj, i know he's bi/gay.. wish he wasn't, what is it about enfj and gayness? and what can a gay guy offer that a tomboy infp girl can't? -- enfj junkie
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A36 Gay INTj here. A33, I disagree. We INTj's analyze things only to the point that they are useful. Look to an INTp if you want something 'over'analyzed. I analyzed my sexuality probably much less than you analyzed yours. There was no 'do I like women?' There was only 'Ooph, gotta stop looking at that guy, this boner is horribly uncomfortable.' If an INTj is unsure of his sexuality, I'd have to raise my eyebrows and question his confidence, and his right to call himself one of us. A true INTj would give sexuality just as much thought as needed, and come to a solid, unbreakable conclusion. Period. Depressed INTj's tend to lose their j and slip over to p, becoming flaky, sad creatures, that may be the type to question their sexuality. Although I have never questioned my sexuality, I've certainly dipped into p states, I'm sad to say. As for the 16 types and homosexuality, the notion that one type signifies homosexuality is ridiculous. ESFP, I'd say, would be the stereotypical flamingly loud, shallow, flaky, touchy fag. Kind of like my little brother, who has always tried his best to be the opposite of me, and has in personality type succeeded. Talking about the friends or coworkers you may have is practically useless, because each of us samples a different, uncontrolled part of the population. If everybody used their own acquaintances as evidence, no conclusion would ever be reached; it would all be contradictory. Lets not even go into the influence of bias there. All you can go by are statistics, which are messed up by closeted testers. I do find it interesting, however, that INTj's hold the highest percentage of homosexuality in Myers-Briggs testing! I (from my gut feeling, which is much more logic and thought based than most) think that each type probably has an equal smattering of gay, and the higher rate in INTj's is due to the INTj way of thought, which probably makes INTjs more likely to put down the truth on a test. That, I can't back up though. A35, a gay guy has a penis to offer. Me, I fell in love with my INFp straight friend. Yes, INFp and straight. It would hurt me more if I were an F, so I'm grateful. I think I need to find an INFp, they hit it off just right with me. Extraverts suck away my energy like so many leeches, Sensing people... hmm... I can count my sensing friend on the fingers- well, finger of one hand, and Thinkers just dont seem to think quite on my level. INFjs, I've found, are eerily similar to me in how I think, except they're oriented on people. I don't have a problem with them, but I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with one. The only type where I'm not compromising myself, is the INFp. A pity theyre so stuck into the woodwork. -- Michael, iNtj
A37 Masculinity and femininity when it comes to homosexuality, in my honest opinion, plays little part. My brother and some of my friends say that I am effeminiate, and I am appt to mostly agree with them. I am not homosexual, however, I do develope deep feelings for my friends. My emotions and the way I relate to them caused me deep social strife throughout all of Elementary and Junior high, causing most of the populace towards thinking that I was gay. Unable to take the emotional and phycological downtroding of the schools populace, I switched schools in 9th grade. However, it wasn't long before people at the new school started to pickup that I was a little different. One of my friends said that to his grandmother, I was like the granddaughter that she never had. However, I don't show the same projection towards everybody. At work, I project masculine towards most people. But, whenever my emotions run high or I become estatic, this becomes harder to maintain. This is mostly caused by the fact that I self inflect feminine and neutral. (Sorry. I didn't collect my thoughts before writing this.) -- MBTI - isfp
A38 Seems like a long ridiculous argument to me. I wasn't aware that man was so knowledgeble that these labels were final. These Psychologists arent' God. Besides if you fall under one of these labels indefinetly then you will never be able to work anywhere outside them. This creates yet another stereotype. If people arent dividing over skin color, then they will simply create something else to find division over. I am an ENFP, and am not gay. I am assuming it doesn't matter what I say because someone here will say I'm lying. Also I have been in many social situations and have learned to adapt just fine. I played with G.I. joes, Ninja Turtles, and every toy I had was a gun or a sword. I don't see how anything in my life pointed to homosexuality. In the nature vs. nurture debate......nurture seems to make the biggest difference. -- Brandino
A39 A38, you seem to put a little too much importance on your God. He has not provided nearly as much useful knowledge to me as Man has. Don't take people's NFP = gay comments as an attack, for God's sake. Labels are not absolute, theyre both flexible and necessary- they're like words; they are merely a way to describe the world we live in. Man's knowledge, by the way, isn't amazing- that's why man is continually striving to collect, sort, and understand new and old knowledge, hence psychology. As for nurture vs nature, I think that it's a little of both when it comes to personality type. When it comes to homosexuality, I say nature. I'm a gay INTJ, and the only toys I played with in my youth were building blocks and model war planes. Ninja turtles and GI Joes were provided, but I thought that roleplaying was silly and girly. Guns were used to shoot at weak points designed into block structures. I did, however, microwave my sister's barbie at one point. Did seeing a 'female' (with a neuter crotch, of course) doll melt and fizzle traumatize me into liking men? Suuuuuuure. Have fun, and have no worries- the world wont 'nurture' you into being gay. This means you can stop being so stereotyping and paranoid, by the way. The world could use a little less of stuff like that. -- INTJ
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