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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
What type do you think you are?
ENFj - The Actor6745.6 %
ENFp - The Reporter8927.4 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4283.5 %
ENTp - The Inventor10078.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast1801.5 %
ESFp - The Ambassador1871.5 %
ESTj - The Director1791.5 %
ESTp - The Conqueror2462.0 %
INFj - The Empath140711.7 %
INFp - The Romantic166813.8 %
INTj - The Analyst197516.4 %
INTp - The Observer175214.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian3072.5 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker3122.6 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist3202.6 %
ISTp - The Artisan5434.5 %
Total Votes: 12077
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 45+ 71+ 95+
C71 Think of the personality types most likely to go online and learn about personality types- the IN's ehich would account for the skewed results perhaps? And of course the arrogance of the intj assuming that everyone wants to be like him.. -- Anonymous
C72 This list is not indicative of the average population of a given type in reality, merely the average population of a given type who happens to find out about Socionics and actively takes an interest and learns it, and even then who happens to find this website and answer this poll. -- Anonymous
C73 Infj here. Play nicely or I will have my mother come down and talk to you... -- Anonymous
C74 I am an INTP and very pleased. I believe that this personality type allows for great intellectual out of the box thinking. However just because has the underline capability to be brilliant doesn't mean they can access these skills. INTP's have a natural gift but like any gift it must be practiced. Just as an child with no natural athletic talent could improve to the point were he makes the winning touch down in the Superbowl, A personality type such as a ESFJ could win the Noble Prize in Physics. They just have to work harder and possible fight there natural tendencies. I would also like to address the INTJ's out there. I am engaged to an INTJ and she is a wonderful person we are alike in many ways and she can understand me when I get all philosophical its great. But the reason we work as well as we do is because I get her to leave her box every once and a while and she figures out how to make since of my hypotheticals, and can find good and useful applications for them. So all you remember all you INTP's out there you are only as good as the INTJ's that can apply your genius. -- Anonymous
C75 I am a True intj so i voted it and i was like WTF.... but then again it is the people that look for this find it -- Anonymous
C76 As an INTX, I am profoundly addicted!!! -- Anonymous
C77 INTJ = Gregory House FTW -- Anonymous
C78 It's a freakin intuitive party on this website. PS ENTp's are most definitely the sexiest -- Anonymous
C79 Okay, pretty much everyone is lying!!! As much as a title sounds awesome, everyone, the consequences are way worse. Such as an INTP (me), we are typically unemotional, detatched, logical, and break too many rules. So stop lying!!! We have our weaknesses, as well. INTP's are supposed to be 3-5% of the population. Not everyone who looks up the MBTI system is introverted, nor intuitive, so it's unlikely that most everyone who is on this website has those two traits. -- Anonymous
C80 haha, all those intuitive types and hardly any sensing. -- Anonymous
C81 I am INTP. What I find amusing though, is that N seems to be over-represented, despite being of only a 25% prevalence among general population. What I find even more amusing though, is that I happens to be more prevalent even than the respective Es. Perhaps the reason for this is that Ns, more specifically INs happen to be less understood by the ES majority who only seek things in the now, and thus, are more inclined to question why they don't fit in. In that regard, it can be hypothesized that the Ns have a much larger tendency to seek information on the internet, rather than to seek communication through the internet. Of course, it is all theory, but everywhere I look, even within chat rooms, there seems to be a trend in which Is are most prevalent, followed by Ns and then by Ts. Perhaps it indicates that these types, face the most difficulty adapting to society, and thus are more inclined to seek answers. I am finding the deeper I go into the Jungian/Socionics typology, the more applicable it gets. It is quite a useful tool, as it classifies based upon how you place value onto things, rather than on how you behave, and thus, allows understanding. -- Kitsunay
C82 i get ENFP on all the tests, plus all the bios for ENFP describe me pretty well. (: -- an ENFP
C83 i've been tested several times and th result was always INTJ -- Anonymous
C84 Perhaps the reason why there is such a high percentage of INTJs in this poll is that perhaps they are the ones who are the most interested about researching such things, and therefore more of them visit this website -- Anonymous
C85 Most of the NFs aren't even going to be on a site like this, because they're not comfortable thinking of human relations as a formula, The SJs are out being boring and noti interested in psychological theories, because they're not practical, and the SPs are too busy getting laid right now, so here we NTs all are, voting in this poll by ourselves. INTPs and INTJS especially, two types known for pretty much living on the internet. And both types likely to be interested in a method of understanding human interaction as a formula. So yeah, definitely not an accurate sample for representing the population at large. -- That one INTP dude.
C86 Perhaps the reason why there is such a high percentage of INTJs in this poll is that perhaps they are the ones who are the most interested about researching such things, and therefore more of them visit this website -- Anonymous
C87 Я, наверное, здесь один единственный русский, да? Ну да неважно. Оказывается альтернативного варианта "Гексли", то есть "The Reporter" довольно много... -- Anonymous
C88 When you're an introvert, you're going to be on the freakin' internet. When you're an introvert and an intuitive, you're going to be looking at sites like this one. Duh... Explains that INTj, INTp, INFp percentage. This survey is on the visitors of this website, not the nation's population. -- Anonymous
C89 What is to be noticed: Among the "S" types ISTps are those who are the most interested in Socionics! -- Piccolo_Michel
C90 I'm an INFP & I understand why INxx's would look into this more. My mom's an ESTJ & she would NEVER have known anything about personality type (beyond "irresponsible, immature little bitch" - we don't always get along) if not for my curiosity. -- The Person Your Parents Warned You About (INFP)
C91 Why is everyone repeating what has already been said a million times over, for Christ sakes take a look at the comments. . I guess immature INT's are too full of themselves to read what others wrote. Go Figure. LOL The polls seem to confirm what you'd expect from a comment section dominated by INTs. Everyone wanting to give their two-cents but little to no one bothering to truly listen to the thoughts of others. . And what's with this "Sexy" typing. Don't be ridiculous, you can't possibly believe physical or psychological attraction can be crowned by one type. I'm sure the Prince Charming to Quasimoto ratio is almost equal in every type. Not everyone looks good in a certain build, you have genetics to thank for that. While some physiques that seem unattractive on paper can very well be pulled off by some individuals. . And as far as psychological sexiness goes, that also can't be quantified; as both are a matter of preference. Some Women/Men find T's attractive some find F's. -- An Official INTJ
C92 I'm not sure what's up with all this 'I'm the sexiest & most logical/brilliant because I [believe I] am this type' drama non-sense is about (I'm sick & tired of all this arrogant BS.), but I'm not the least bit surprised that the top 4 represented types on this poll are also the rarest two-letter combination according to MBTI national population (I know, I know, this is a Socionics poll): all of the IN introverted intuitives...or that 7 of the top 8 are N's. N's, in general, are more theoretical/speculative/abstract than S's. And I's, in general, tend to operate more in their own introspective thought/feeling processes from which to make sense of things than E's do. It seems, to me, that Socionics ultimately caters to INxx theoretical/introspective sensibilities with its goal of helping people to understand other people & their various interactions & processes (much like any personality or career typing tests generally attempt to do). For that reason, I'm also not the least bit surprised that the LEAST represented on this poll is also the most COMMON two-letter MBTI type combination: ES. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
C93 why it always seems to me that all the intj's here are trying to prove themselves to be the most logical and intelligent species created by god...Well i have 2 intj friends who are highly sarcastic and funny(atleast i feel so). but 1 thing is sure they never brag about their intelligence and judgement. They ,according to me, are the most receptive of all types and never indulge in argument which is totally of base like this one... Estp -- Anonymous
C94 I always test as ENTp, but I really believe I'm INTj. Everything about INTj just fits me better. Or maybe when ENTp's get tired of interacting with stupid people all day, we turn into INTj's. -- Anonymous
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