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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
What type do you think you are?
ENFj - The Actor6745.6 %
ENFp - The Reporter8927.4 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4283.5 %
ENTp - The Inventor10078.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast1801.5 %
ESFp - The Ambassador1871.5 %
ESTj - The Director1791.5 %
ESTp - The Conqueror2462.0 %
INFj - The Empath140711.7 %
INFp - The Romantic166813.8 %
INTj - The Analyst197516.4 %
INTp - The Observer175214.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian3072.5 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker3122.6 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist3202.6 %
ISTp - The Artisan5434.5 %
Total Votes: 12077
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 45+ 71+ 95+
C45 I test INFp but I think I am ENTp. But my parents and teachers made me believe I am shy, introvert, a whining baby, etc. But I am highly inventive and curious, and though I have problems with relationships. I found myself well described in ENTp worst case. INFp worst case was very foreign to me. When I like you you are always welcome, I am not using people per se I really like them, I would hate to give them nothing but my silly smile in return as in INFp worstcase description. And I sadly second C44. These are just models and we are just the mice invented our own rat race. -- Anonymous
C46 i love how such a arrogant idiot can say that one type is more brilliant then another when the word brilliant means showing intelligence and know type is more intelligent than another that isnt what the myers briggs test on, if you were wondering what test intelligence it is a IQ test not a personality test, so in conclusion C1 think (considering your dominant function is to think introvertely)before you talk or in this case type -- ENTJ (the man)
C47 I love how so many ppl here say that INTP's are the sexiest, esp. when they aren't described as particularly good looking on this site: rounded shoulders, unproportional neck, sorrowful eyes, large nose, jaw that hangs down. -- Anonymous
C48 I'm not sure where INTPs are suddenly getting this huge rep. I never considered them to be sex symbols at all, more nerdy than anything. Hmm. Or are they just all mutually feeding into each others egos because they're a majority on here... C46, do you know if they have researched whether or not there are statistically significant differences between the IQ test scores of the 16 personality types... Because C1 may have been playfully arrogant, but at least his spelling, grammar and sentence structure were of a reasonable standard ('Know' should be 'no', you have omitted many commas/ apostrophes/ capital letters, 'a IQ test' should be 'an IQ test', 'introvertely' doesn't exist and should be 'introspectively', and your paragraph is generally very hard to make sense of). Anyway, the distribution of the poll is loud and clear and interesting for all the reasons mentioned above! -- Kalos Kagathos (ENFP)
C49 I'm a female INTP, and my first preference up to now is the ENTP, challenging and they have 'oomph'. I also get along well with ISFJs, but i've only really known female ones, so not sure what sort of attraction i'd have to male ISFJs. I'm thinking they'd be a bit too soft for me. We're supposed to be great with INFPs as well, but i don't know any male ones of these either.. -- female intp
C50 I think intj's are just more inclined to find this page through research -- Anonymous
C51 Here are some terrible things about me being an INTj: - I have insomnia often. - Therefore, I get sick frequently. - I see someone cute and I don't know how to approach them without freaking them out! (Who cares. I have plenty of videos anyway.) -- Anonymous INTj
C52 Just to let you all know, the percentages are made up to make you feel better about yourselves. You're not special. There are many JUST like you. -- INTJ
C53 -- Anonymous
C54 c51- try thinking that you are an ENTP. the best thing to do is to delude the f*** out of yourself then approach. Pessimism is useless, surprisingly a fair few types are highly pessimistic... -- MATT- ENTp
C55 lol i'm glad your not being pompous about it INTJ's you might have the greatest propensity to understand system's but intj are only the best type on paper. with Extroverted sensing as a point of least resistance the practical application of your prowess is highly limited. yes Aristotle(intj) may have been a foremost mind in the devolopment of natural law, On paper but when it came to it the feather does not fall slower because it seeks harmony with the sky. -- Anonymous
C56 c55-ENTJ -- entj
C57 9:1 ratio of ESFJ's and INTJ's. Good luck ESFJ's in choosing a mate. You have a large selection to choose from. -- firefly7 (INTJ)
C58 i dunno what "i am" used 2 think intp now think istp i guess but can't take it too seriously and i don't think i'm fantastic or special and i don't really think any of you are either, no offense. -- azkepz
C59 INTJs are good with machines, so in 50 years when humans are closer to the Borg due to technology and even more advanced cosmetic surgery, the INTJs may also have learned to understand themselves. They will never understand other people... unless those they seek to comprehend are also INTJs. xNFPs understand everybody! Power to the Intuitive Perceptive Feelers! (ENFP HERE!) Just keep us away from the launch codes - we may get mad and kill the xxTJs... -- NFPs RULE!
C60 I find that I vary between INFP and INTP on every test I've come across to measure such things. My only non-control in the tests is current mood, and I can actually see all the aspects depending on whether I'm in my highs and my lows. Both are pretty rare archetypes, as I've come to find, and can cause no end to frustration in certain circles. -- Anonymous
C61 everybody is GOOD and RIGHT.. thank you. -- ISFp, or "chubby" if you prefer
C62 INTJ's "THINK" they are the most brilliant and logical archetype. However, they are limited in a huge and very real way by their judging function. While they have great internal consistency and are very powerful at analysis, they lack that special something that sets the truly brilliant aside from the simply intelligent and logical. Truly brilliant people are capable of uncomfortable logical and intuitive leaps that are not common to INTj's (outside of box thinking, typified by Einstein who was INTp and his thought experiments). ENTp's and INTp's are a step above INTj's in terms of potential of brilliance. The greatest minds of our time are INTp's NOT INTj's. The quality that lends INTj's strength in analysis is the very quality that holds them back from true brilliance. INTj's limited by what they consider to be real and practical, not realizing that true reality is far more abstract than they can imagine. -- ENTroP
C63 Just a note but the above pole can hardly be expected to accurately reflect the population. After all, not everyone is interested in relationships and understanding themselves. The pole should be looked at more in light of "who's interested in socionics" than "what's the rarest type". I'm an INFJ- THE rarest type, and I'm very well represented. But of course we would be- we CARE! We spend all day trying to figure ourselves and other people out. No wonder we find/seek out socionics more often than ESTJs. What I read from the poll is that Ns (big picture people) care more about the person-behind-the-action than Ss do. -- IndiAnna
C64 INTjs are the most logical "archtypes", but unlike any normal type of arch, they are squares who can't put up with the wit of an INTp and blow their square lids leaving a weak support structure behind. INTps are the most brilliant ARCHETYPE and are in fact rarer. How can I prove this? Why using the INTj's boring old scientific method of observation and experimentation. Look at any message board, forum board, video responses etc. for that one witty comment that ties together the topic, a sexual innuendo, and several cultural references with an incredibly lame joke (possibly about ED) They are probably funnier than the original post/video. That's an INTp, the most epic of which turn into internet memes. If you go to the INTj forums they would crucify this response. If you go to the INTp forum, they would build upon the joke. If you are an INTj, and have enjoyed reading this post, you aren't an INTj. However, if you feel angry at it and think I'm egotistical and arrogant, then I'll use your own lame response to everything "I pay my $X dollars / Y duration, I can do anything I want." -- Mythikh
C65 It's possible that ISTP's or ISTJ's are mistyping themselves. -- Anonymous
C66 as an entp i beg to differ on intj's supposed greatness -- Anonymous
C67 ENTP for the win... -- Anonymous
C68 I voted INFP, because I know I'm an INFP... -- AM
C69 the first poster missed something, it's entirely possible that socionics and other personality typing systems would attract people who like to analyze stuff I'm an INTx here, I get to pick and choose which part of p and j I want no, only kidding, it means they blur and coalesce in some odd and quirky manner in my personality -- Anonymous
C70 Hello, all. As an INTJ, I'd like to apologize to and inform the other types here that all of us are not like the assholes who have commented thus far. We may be arrogant at times, but some of us are clearly more eager to show it. I've noticed that many personalities become interested in psychometric tools such as the MBTI, but ironically often forget the main purpose of these tools: to aid in psychological development. Disregarding other types and/or viewing them as inferior, as difficult as it may be for some, is completely counter-intuitive to this crucial process of development... and not to mention, just makes you look like a douche. -- Anonymous
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