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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
What type do you think you are?
ENFj - The Actor6745.6 %
ENFp - The Reporter8927.4 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4283.5 %
ENTp - The Inventor10078.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast1801.5 %
ESFp - The Ambassador1871.5 %
ESTj - The Director1791.5 %
ESTp - The Conqueror2462.0 %
INFj - The Empath140711.7 %
INFp - The Romantic166813.8 %
INTj - The Analyst197516.4 %
INTp - The Observer175214.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian3072.5 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker3122.6 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist3202.6 %
ISTp - The Artisan5434.5 %
Total Votes: 12077
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 45+ 71+ 95+
C1 Funny that most people think they're INTJ, when the INTJ personality type is found in less than 1% of the population. But being a true INTJ, tested several times, I can understand why most people would want to believe they are one. We are, by far, the most brilliant and logical archtype. -- Anonymous
C2 I've said this before: INTj is one of the types that is most intrigued by abstract theory. That's why there are so many on a socionics website. Notice how the top four are all introverts (a likely group to post on the internet) and the top seven are all intuitives (better with ideas and concepts)! Yet they should be among the rarest types in the real world. But yes, as INTj's we are the most brilliant and logical archtype. -- Anonymous
C3 @C2 How do you know that the statistics on INTj being the rarest type (you refer to) was not gathered in similar way, i.e. under circumstances where INTj type was least presented? THINK! -- Anonymous
C4 You have a point; I have no way of being sure of the type distribution statistics. However, I'm still skeptical that INTx's are the most present types in any random population. The fact that this poll apppeared on a socionics site probably has a greater bearing on the results than actual birthcount. -- Anonymous
C5 I'm INTp, but wish I could flip an INTj switch whenever I wanted to get some things done every once in a while. -- Anonymous
C6 Yes, INTjs are the most brilliant and logical archtype, but INTps are the most brilliant, logical, and sexy archtype of them all! Nyahahaha... -- simoncpu
C7 Yes, INTps are definitely more sexy -- Tasty Yum Yum
C8 INTps FTW even Einstein was an INTp -- Anonymous
C9 It intersesting to see the IN** types overrepresented in this poll. I imagine that Extroverts & IS** types are busy getting on with there lives p.s INTp's ARE the sexiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Tanya
C10 No small surprise the internet is crowded with introverts. -- Anonymous
C11 I think why we see so many of INTJs, INTPs, and others are because the others are not the type of personalities to go no this site... -- INFj
C12 analyst, romantic, observer way to go, we rule the internet! -- kam
C13 360 INFJs...I suddenly don't feel that special anymore. -- joel
C14 how come I always here so many people claiming "x" type (their type) to be 1% of the population? It's okay, you're one of a kind anyway. -- Anonymous
C15 The Jung personality types are dubious at best anyway. Forer effect, anyone? -- Anonymous
C16 lol @ INTj pride -- lol
C17 LII's are pretty cool, guys... -- Anonymous
C18 It was pretty much previsible that INs would be majority here, once we are the ones most interested in self-knowledge and looking the world through the other's eyes. -- Bacellar
C19 Well, certain types aren't gong to believe in all this stuff anyways, and are unlikely to come here. -ENFP -- Anonymous
C20 I find INTj's to be very awkward socially, but when it comes to uncommon knowledge it is INTj's that have that knowledge. -- ESTp
C21 hiyyyyyaaaaaa i am ENFJ add my myspace -- Anonymous
C22 INTJS should really stop being so full of themselves. There's nothing likable about an emotional shut-in. Then again, I'm an asshole so what do I know- ENTP -- rebecca
C23 It's funny, because a lot think that they're INTjs and INTps, when those are two of the rarest types. However, I'm guessing that most ES- and -SF- types either don't know or don't care about Myers-Briggs -- INTp Jacquie
C24 SJ's are too busy trying to change others! They really do not have a need to understand themselves or others. SP's are usually too busy trying to having fun and do not have the time to spend on websites that do not stimulate the physical. INTp -- Anonymous
C25 I think Intuitive Introverts (IN) must look into this stuff more than anyone else. That's why there are more of them on this site. INTP -- Katie
C26 It's funny that the idiot that thinks hes intj would make the mistake thinking that everyone that takes this test believes they are intj and that is why the score is so high, not noticing that all intuitives are scored extra high. Pointing to the possibility that the intuitives are more interested in this (loose) test over other types. Must not be a very decisive intj. Trade mark of classic intp that wants to be intj. -enfp -- Anonymous
C27 I know i'm an INFJ it's pretty obvious -- the old rat bastard
C28 Of course everyone wants to be an INTJ. They just wish they were as good as us! I've taken so many of these tests so many times (and honestly) and I'm always an INTJ. -- Anonymous
C29 heehee. C21's got the right idea. I'm getting hot up in here, too, but I already have an INTJ boyfriend. He is so fine. Solidity is manliness. -- reina (ENFP)
C30 I'm ESFp and supposedly a common type. But this poll is more evidence I should reproduce myself. I knew it! -- MLH
C31 Ha, attack of the iNtuitors. -- (Yet Another INTJ)
C32 Hey C30, as an ESFP myself I only stumbled in here to read about my glorious self (other types Think they are glorious, but we get the real praise!) but um... forgot what I was gonna say.... oh yeah, let's go reproduce! See ya! -- Anonymous
C33 It seems that there are an unusually large number of NT types on either that means that there are WAY too many people trying to pose as NT's who aren't truly NT's but just desire to be such...Or we as NT's are just the dominant type personality that actually seeks websites such as this to observe for those who have similar mind sets... Or the obvious combination of both ideas. -- Anonymous
C34 Who wouldn't want to be an NT? It seems that NTs are most interested in the Jungian personality types of all types, and introverts are probably more likely to express their interest via internet. -ENTP -- Anonymous
C35 think about this, maybe more people who are interested in this type of stuff just happen to be intuitive most of them of which are intj, so this poll is not saying that there are more of some types rather than others, but rather which types visit the site most often -- Anonymous
C36 What's most interesting about this thread is how often the MBTI is mistaken for Socionics. -- Anonymous
C37 14% INFP - can't be true! -- Anonymous
C38 Wow...I knew that socionics websites would be heavily self-selecting for INs, but I had no idea that it was to this extent. INs overrepresented fivefold? Fascinating. -- Anonymous
C39 I have a friend who at ucla whom was learning to program. He's a natural science student in the graduate program. The computer program had to take myers biggs results and calculate the info statistically. To complete the research assignment he had to have 50 people take use the program and it successfully display the results. That being said. There wasn't many Intj's a low majority. It makes common sense that at this moment there would be less extroverted online and more introverted online. I've had a few people take the test out of curiously. Another friend of mine (big computer ...gee literate guy) got really interested in it and sent me info on personality stereotyping. I have yet to find extroverts that spend more then 30 minutes on it after taking the test for me. This is all bottom-down processing by the way. Try it yourself prints some copies go to a area get 30 or so test back tally them up and bingo if its a similar results as above post it on here... but you would have to be way nt to do that. this is a semi sorta science in my opinion. Its useful but experimenting using single subjects based on observable 'behavior' adapting to the environment gives us more of a why we do what we do...instead of wasting time speculating which stereotype every one fits into. -- Trainwreck
C40 One thing this poll does suggest is that ESxx are least likely to be on the internet. Which makes sense to me, as i've always suspected that ESxx types are the most extraverted in the social extraversion definition out of all the types. Have known plenty of ENxx's who are quite withdrawn, but not the ESxx's -- Anonymous
C41 What personality type of woman do INTPs gravitate towards? And what type of woman gravitates towards an INTP? I am an INFP and find them very very sexy and intriguing. -- Juliana
C42 INTPs appreciate the INFPs loyalty and flexibility. Although any F could help them process their emotions (which they are notorious for denying) FJs seek to influence which can overwhelm an INTP's circuits. If you are a true INFP, you will automagically attract INTPs (if you can find one) with your gentle emotional guidance. -- Robin (INFP)
C43 ISFJ only 2%? I thought we were the most common! Well, I feel rare. -- Anonymous
C44 well, I tell you, this socionics/mbti/ennneagram/personality stuff is fun to look at and play with, but it really doesn't have much practical application for work or play relative to other things you with an hour online. -- -intx
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