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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
Which Type do you consider most annoying?
ENFj - The Actor184516.0 %
ENFp - The Reporter7086.1 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4403.8 %
ENTp - The Inventor3773.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast145812.6 %
ESFp - The Ambassador9198.0 %
ESTj - The Director147912.8 %
ESTp - The Conqueror8957.8 %
INFj - The Empath3292.9 %
INFp - The Romantic4864.2 %
INTj - The Analyst4934.3 %
INTp - The Observer2872.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian4754.1 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker2462.1 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist7926.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan3042.6 %
Total Votes: 11534
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+ 67+ 94+ 114+
C67 At first I put ENFP because if you take the attention away from one, watch out! They will do everything in their power by batting their eyes at you and almost rolling in front of you in order to make you pay attention to them. They can be way too clingy. HOWEVER, Damn it was a tossup between that an an ENFJ, and I'm glad to realize how many other people are in agreement with me. BEWARE EVERYONE of the badly developed ENFJ! They will not only as someone said use emotional blackmail against you, but a poorly developed one will even make up stories and lies- whatever they can to achieve power over you through false manipulation. It's pretty sick what I've had to go through actually, as the ENFJ has unfortunately always been a part of my life. They will stoop down to the lowest rung of dignity possible at their own risk, just to make sure that they have this evil power over you. For example, every time a boy broke up with my ex "friend," she would call them and tell them she was pregnant with their baby when she was not. Or my other good "friend" used to steal from my house and even my purse, and when I confronted her on it, she told her friends I was lying about it and got them to come over to my locker and almost beat me up. Even though I hadn't said anything to them in the first place! I see here that I am NOT alone! The four highest rated "annoying" choices happen to be the people in my life that I have the most problems with. The only other type that I seem to have conflict with is a poorly developed INFP, who tends to think that everything I say is attacking their character. I can't usually get a word out without them rushing to their own defense, unnecessarily. -- Anonymous
C68 It really depends on the day and the person for me (and whatever else is going on in my life)...sometimes i annoy myself more than anyone else annoys me. Not completely sure of type, but lately I've had trouble getting along with ISTJs and ENFPs. -- infj
C69 ENTJs are the most irritating of all types. They walk around like they know all there is to be known. They think highly of themselves and can become egoistic to the extremes. Always out for self gain and profit. -- INTJ
C70 My brother is an ENTJ and he's really not all that bad although we just don't really see eye to eye as I'm an ENTP. He's really a sweetheart, and I always wish the best for him. Nothing anyone says here could deter me from thinking that. He's got a good heart, and I'm sure that's the same for a lot of ENTJ's out there as well. -- Anonymous
C71 Lets face it people...who doesn't find their boss annoying?? Come payday however, I'm delighted to be the boss! If I had more ESTJ employees, I wouldn't have to constantly push productivity and that would eliminate the 'annoying' perception. -- An ESTJ
C72 INFp's can really consume the joy out of relationships. Everything that is said goes into the processing room and stays there until it is so twisted and construed that it does not even closely resemble the reality from where it came. There is no sort of feedback that the words that were spoken are being seen as a personal attack. The surprise comes when these words have been reshaped form a nuclear weapon ready to use during the next conflict or argument. These processing times may be days or even decades and when the final product is ready it makes one wonder how they could have sustained a relationship while producing weapons of mass destruction in the underground factory. There is usually not much left after a nuclear response... -- Anonymous
C73 @ C72 this INFp hates conflict. maybe ur describing a poorly developed INFp or mystyped them. I walk away or try to make peace with others as much as possible .... then forgive and forget. I don't believe in revenge. Live and let go. Life's too short. Peace! -- Anonymous
C74 Betas are sooooooooooooooooo annoying generally. although INFps are OK and ENFjs are at least funny... but the extraverted sensing betas just take the biggest liberties and are just disgustingly rude and obnoxious. who do they think they are?????? -- Th
C75 Ti alert!!! Ugh, not ESTjs. My Drama teacher... must be avoided at all costs, because she is one. You know how INTps tend to talk to people with equality? I don't know if all ESTjs do this, but she expects me to bow to Her Highness because she's The Director of So Many Plays and whatever. But I've also been hit on by ESTps with weak Ti... one word: groan. -- INTp girl (we exist)
C76 Oh God Yes, I have to live with myself. -- ESTJ
C77 GAMMAs are generally just horrible to everyone BETAs are pitifully competitive, but i can somewhat stick ENFjs as at least they are mad fun. but ISTjs just get wet for rules all the time, and INFps are skull-numbingly stupid DELTas i can deal with, they aren't imposing of their way of doing things on everyone, and tend to actually have hearts instead of the traditional "BETA" romance which is like a neverending episode of hollyoaks ALPHAs are actually fun and generally quite nice, pleasant people -- i am an aadvark
C78 ESTJ and ESTP are very annoying to me.... -- ~ENFP
C79 @C76 Marry me -- ESTJ
C80 This all seems to be partially subjective and based on a person to person basis.... but I personally have an INTJ friend who annoys me, and, EVERYONE he knows, even other INTJ's I know beyond all reason. It's impossible to sum up how he is so annoying in a few words... but if I must I'll use these: Superfluously rebellious, total ineptitude with real world application of common sense, and incredibly arrogant and inflexible. -- ENFP annoyed but one INTJ in particular...
C81 ESFPs have the biggest mouth imaginable. Cannot keep a secret to save their lives. -- ENFP
C82 Haha. ESTJ got the most votes for being annoying! I had to leave a group of friends due to someone similar to this. I tend to refer to him as Hitler...... -- Anonymous
C83 Wow, didnt know that many people hated enfjs! Im an enfj (sometimes tested infj), and i dontnsee myself as similar from the movie "mean girls" at all. I try to be diplomatic to the best of my ability because i dont like conflict so i dont think i "impose" on others. For me, i find ENTJs annoying cos they're so bossy and refuse to accept that they're wrong. And maybe enfp as a second cos they're so scatter-brained and well..pretty annoying (no off). -- Anonymous
C84 The ISTJ is the most annoying one to me because I had a terrible relation with one- we rubbed up against each other the moment we met and had only gotten worse as time went on. -- An ENTP
C85 ENFPs because of their very selfish behavior and burying problems under a fake smile. - INFP -- Anonymous
C86 ESFj. Too much hyperactivity and incredible lack of logic at times drives any INTp mad. -- Typical INTp
C87 ESFJ hands down. Why? They are manipulative, they don't actually care about you unless you have some use to them. And if they don't like you, they will make sure nobody likes you over something ridiculous. They take things too personal and need to stop blowing things out of proportion. It doesn't matter if they grace you with their hostess type of grace to their guests. ESFJ's will always be the source of someone's dirty work. Such insincerity doesn't deserve people's attention. And yet, people always get fooled by them. It's so disgusting. -- someone that isn't an ESFJ
C88 ENFJs. My old best friend is an enfj and living with her has been a nightmare. Controlling, manipulative, will flirt with your significant other to your face, and not to mention will lie to your face. Fake fake fake, and definitely too sacrificial for other people's fleeting approval, expecting me to be just as masochistic as she was. -- Anonymous
C89 @C28 You bring up an excellent point. As an ENTP I find the ESFx types to be most annoying. They are typically the most ditzy and unintelligent... and they're EVERYWHERE -- female ENTP
C90 ISFJs annoy me a lot, so do ISFPs to a lesser degree. i butt heads with INTJs a lot but that's because we're basically polar ooposites -- an ENFP
C91 Most "j" types freak me out, especially "Tj's" and especially when they're not afraid to say what's on their minds "E," so naturally ExTj's are not my favorite, no matter an "S" or an "N" (but especially "N"). -- An ESFp
C92 haha, whoops! i thought they wanted to know my type T-T -- R
C93 im an istj and seriously, i HATE esfjs. They are so damn annoying i wish i could explode. I'm surprised my ex best friend is an esfj. I just couldnt stand him. So disorganized, so spontaneous, impulsive, undecisive, attention-seeking, fake, etc. Aaarghh. Anyway we are just acquaintances now and he doesnt understand -- Anonymous
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