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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
Which Type do you consider most annoying?
ENFj - The Actor184416.0 %
ENFp - The Reporter7086.1 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4403.8 %
ENTp - The Inventor3763.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast145812.6 %
ESFp - The Ambassador9198.0 %
ESTj - The Director147912.8 %
ESTp - The Conqueror8957.8 %
INFj - The Empath3292.9 %
INFp - The Romantic4864.2 %
INTj - The Analyst4934.3 %
INTp - The Observer2872.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian4754.1 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker2462.1 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist7926.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan3042.6 %
Total Votes: 11532
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+ 67+ 94+ 114+
C37 Wow, a lot of fellow NFs and NTs on here. I tend to have the most problems with SJs. I just clash with them big time. That said, most conflict in my life actually comes from ENFJs, particularly ENFJ women. Anyone see the movie "Mean Girls"? Yeah, those are ENFJ girls for you. They patronize, criticize, belittle and control you. They manipulate you into emotional contracts (read: emotional blackmail). They make difficult wives, controlling mothers, and underhanded girlfriends. So, especially to all the IxTx men, beware of ENFJ women. Now that I've vented my antipathy for the ENFJ, I want to say something redeeming. As emotionally controlling and patronizing ENFJs can be, they are extraordinary comforters when they truly feel needed and appreciated. They are the first to be at your doorstep when you need a shoulder to cry on. They literally dry your tears and buy you a meal if that's what you need. This can make them recklessly appealing if not downright sweet. I think their worst qualities come out when they fear being abandoned and "not needed". So if you must involve yourself with an ENJF, always make sure you let them know your boundaries right away. Don't give in, don't negotiate, not even a little. Have a task for them ready to feel important and needed. Make them feel special. And if you don't want them to know something about your personal life, do not even mention the subject. They will want to know everything. -- Anonymous
C38 ISFPs. They have the ability to irritate me like noone else. And they are boring because they seem to have no opinion on any subject, or they just don't express it. Also ENTJs who think they're better than everyone and don't even try to hide it. But yeah, they're fun... Unless they talk so much that it gets boring. INFPs can be annoying at times, just because they try to be someone they are not and the way they sometimes act is annoying and unnatural. Otherwise I like them. -- infj
C39 I am an INFP and I voted ENFJs... I had an ENFJ "friend" (or who I thought was a friend) and he turned out to be a two-faced, lying, backstabbing prick. I would just like to meet any ENFJ and just punch them in the face. They're smug as hell and have a tendency to go waltzing around like they're some God-like person. They're also biased and unfair. I don't like them. But that's just me. -- Anonymous
C40 I have had some horrible experiences with ENFjs. They always get everyone to agree with them no matter how wrong they are. They always treat me like I'm stupid,too. But that's mostly just the females. -- esfp girl
C41 ESTJs are controlling and bossy -- -an INTP
C42 I am an ISFP so I have no opinion on this topic. lol I am married to an ENFJ and yes .. he does know it all. He is a religious fanatic and since I have become agnostic, things aren't too good around my house. He is not backstabbing prick however. He is overly nice, friendly, charismatic and perfect. A boring person like me can't win in my marriage. : ) -- Jaclyn
C43 I voted ENTj...they're so up their own (you know what) -- infp
C44 some extroverts just need to have the broca's area removed from their brain so they won't talk and be annoying anymore. -- Anonymous
C45 hhmmmmm no estps? -- Anonymous
C46 can anyone tell me please why you think esfj s are so bad are all of them controling -- infj
C47 Every ESTJ I've met, I've disliked... -- an INFP
C48 what is wrong with directors/estj is that they are always stepping on other peoples toes.. and telling them what to do.. i find they tend to be controlling and arrogant.. which, to me, is the most annoying. -- intp
C49 ESFP's and ENFP's annoy the hell out of me, i think it is because they're so obsessed with fashion and are kind of dumb. -- ENTroP
C50 ISFj can be terribly annoying. A few of my mom's ISFj friends have given me lectures about religion, traditions, politics and other "fun" stuff. My ESTj father, however, LET'S ME BE -- INFp
C51 haha. you guys are hilarious. i still love you all (except for those esxj's because let's just admit it- one's just a materialistic bully and the other is a passive aggressive bully). NF's FOREVAAAAA! -- another INFP girl
C52 have to agree with c34, i think i know 3 esfj s and 1 istj. For esfj s though they maybe unhealthy versions, they look down on other people and gossip and group opinions against a person they dont like (even if they hardly know the person,) and then think they are kind as well. Usually also competitive based on petty issues. They are also only worried about self-image, and none of the "bigger issues" they have been know to complete university degrees only to appear smart, caring little for vocation or "difference to the world". And for comparison this resentment is coming from an ENFP lol -- Anonymous
C53 ENTJs are by FAR worse than ESTJs..ESTJs usually will follow the lead of others as long as they have a safety net of people behind their beliefs... ENTJs are dictators, and big know-it-alls like ENFJs. But when you try disproving an ENFJ, they digress for the most part. An ENTJ will get in your face and abuse you until you conform to their standards. You can't have an opinion with them, you are REQUIRED to be a mindless drone who must follow the advice of these 'experts' who will criticize you incessantly until you cry and wimper. ENTJs just LOVE to see that! ~a VERY bitter INFP. 8P -- Drew
C54 infp or estj i am an entp infp+entp = laughing AT each other or ARGUING unless in mellow moods and estjs = stubborn + stupid -- thomas
C55 As C23 so eloquently put, ENFjs are know-it-alls who know nothing. And they whine. A lot. -- an ISTp
C56 ESTJ: SOOOOOO CONTROLING. I call them "Mama". -- Anonymous
C57 Anyone with an EF is annoying to me. My mother is an ENFJ and we're always butting heads (I'm an INFJ). My fiance, on the other hand, is a mild ESTJ. I've been known to put him in his place when he gets overbearing. Also, I may be an INFJ, but my F is so low I sometimes come across as an INTJ. -- Anonymous
C58 i just can't stand NF type coz they always talk about theories... "according to this shithead... blabla" but they basically can do nothing but talking -- Anonymous
C59 ISFJ - they are always playing the victim. -- ENTP
C60 ENTP most annoying, with estp's not too far behind. ENTP- overly sexual, rude, pushy, over-baring and incredibly infantile without even realizing it. ESTP- uhhhhhm. BOSSY, CONTROLLING and above all, obnoxious. -- ISFJ
C61 Even if n types are more likely to comment, it's still fine: ) If s's don't come on here then they won't be able to defend themselves! But they're likable! -- ENFP
C62 Wow...No INTPs are very annoying? I find this surprising, they are so dull and yet they still think they are badass. They rave about stuff no one gives a crap about. When you try and explain something to them they just find it as an insult, as if your trying to say their ignorant. They get so caught up in their own world, and when they come to reality they just crash and take it out on you...whats the deal with that? I have to say I voted for an ISTP but INTPs are pretty annoying too. -- -Yours truley, an INTP
C63 ENFJ's -- Anonymous
C64 man people are annoying. -- ENTp
C65 I love you'se all! -- Anonymous
C66 ESTjs are not annoying - they try to be genial when necessary, humorous when necessary, and yes, they definitely get down to business (sometimes when it's not necessary lol). But annoying? No way. is the ultimate annoying function, so leading-[Fe] types take the cake, in my opinion. They're very controlling, stubborn and have a "look at me!" mentality. They think they know what's best for you and will tell you then get upset when you disagree with them. They claim to have an understanding of people and life and refuse to see that perhaps that is only their individual perspective. They can be fun and very loving, but also domineering and pig-headed. I realize that ESTjs can be controlling, but at least they will listen to you if you have a real case to make. -- Anonymous
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