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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
Which Type do you consider most annoying?
ENFj - The Actor184516.0 %
ENFp - The Reporter7086.1 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4403.8 %
ENTp - The Inventor3773.3 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast145812.6 %
ESFp - The Ambassador9198.0 %
ESTj - The Director147912.8 %
ESTp - The Conqueror8957.8 %
INFj - The Empath3292.9 %
INFp - The Romantic4864.2 %
INTj - The Analyst4934.3 %
INTp - The Observer2872.5 %
ISFj - The Guardian4754.1 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker2462.1 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist7926.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan3042.6 %
Total Votes: 11534
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+ 67+ 94+ 114+
C1 ESTj? This can't be right, or can it? -- Not an INFj
C2 I think it's safe to say that most people tend to dislike an S more than they dislike an N. -- Anonymous
C3 i dont think so. to me its iNFp cause ones my brother and i KNOW how annoying they can be. no offence to nice ones.. lol. -- ssc
C4 C3, you should indicate your own type. ESxj's can definitely be overbearing, what with the lack of intuition and all... -- INFp guy
C5 Tj's are more intimidating because they aren't as interested in emotion and feelings. C3, your brother is probably annoying because he's your brother and you live with him. I know plenty of people that get annoyed by their siblings. Brothers specifically. INFp's are huge people pleasers. I do admit we can get a little too silly at times. -- INFp chick
C6 wats wrong with directors? -- Anonymous
C7 ESTJ are very annoying in my experience. -- an INFJ
C8 ENFJ's are always there trying to change you and show you how to act and live according to their own ideals. As an introvert, I don't readily share my opinions and I don't talk much, and I think that makes ENFJ's feel like I'm an idiot or something and that they must educate me. But from my experience, I can tell they're wrong 95% of the time. It's like they just CAN'T think rationally. ENFJ's are definitely the most annoying to me. -- an ISTP
C9 Not all estj's are bossy, or get in your face. However, the ones who DO do that, are annoying as hell. -- Anonymous
C10 If I want to be annoyed, ExTj (I really don't know if they are S or N, it seems to vary a lot) are working good for me, but even then I'd think: "Oh, you are so annyoing. I like you though." - Because: sometimes the two ExTjs I know annoy me that I can only turn away in disgust, when they simply strive forward and trample on other peoples feelings, but next time when they annoy me I find it somehow endearing, when they show how they care and though can't be of good help, because they are a bit inflexible when it comes to understand people. Either brute Grizzly or clumsy Teddybear. One of my ExTj-buddies has that strange trait: he can make me dizzy with double entendres, but when I come back with one of my own he gapes at me in shock. - I know I annoy them back, because they often don't understand my "moods" and me being "vague", "weak", "foolish" or (shame on me) being "unprofessional". Often they annoy me because I simply envy them for their strength and their power to seize situations and same time being so generous. They sometimes even make me feel worthless by their mere presence, no matter how much they smile at me or nudge me to "get into their boat". - INFx -- Anonymous
C11 I'm not surprised to see ESTj- they can be annoying, expecially to other extroverts. But my mom's an ESFj and frankly I can't stand the influx of emotion everytime she talks to me. And she always is making herself busy for no reason. -- INTp
C12 Wouldn't you think that the composition of the populace that frequents this website should adversely affect a poll such as this? Assuming the net would contain more -NT types (I'm working in Kiersey temperament terms) than the average population, naturally there would be a bias to find extraverting -SJ types annoying. I can see how this would be the natural development of things since NT's DO NOT like the traditional approach of SJ's... and will get seriously annoyed when a SJ tries to impose a certain way of thinking or doing on the innately iconoclastic NT. -- Iconoclast
C13 c8, you hit it right on the nail, I am an ENFj. -- Jas
C14 ESFJ drives me crazy. They feel so superficial and air-headed to me. -- ENTp
C15 C12: Yes, and it neednt be just NTs that cant stand SJs - ESTjs are my beneficiaries and yet I find them ten times more annoying than my super-ego or conflict partners. All my childhood and teenage depressions were caused by clashes with them. The problem is that I think they can make good teachers and leaders, but they think I can make good nothing, and they remember all my minor mistakes for 20 years (as their creative function is Si), which is immensely frustrating. And they have problems that I can understand but cannot solve, which is even more frustrating. -- ESFp
C16 ESFP, big on love, short on respect. A most annoying combination for me. I have a lot of fun with them, because they know how to play... but you know, they play a little too much sometimes, even for me. Abrupt in speech and impulsive in manner, but so damn lovable that I don't know what to do! At least when, let's say an INTJ hurts my feelings by being abrupt, they are going to consider reason & can take the heat I throw back without taking it personally. (But that last part...... well, as an ENFP, a lot of the time I take criticism as an attack on my character, too. :/) -- reina (ENFP)
C17 Directors and Pragmatists are way too serious and commanding for my liking!! -- kattykattyloulou
C18 I personally believe that ENFJs are most annoying, because they cannot think rationally and yet insist that their method be implemented. But I agree that ESTJs can be annoying as well. This poll is skewed in favor of intuitives, however, since most of us are. An SJ might find it irritating that intuitives are too indecisive and touchy feely- ENTP -- Anonymous
C19 It seems as if the collection of people that answered this survey are against the pretty people aka materialistic prone minds. They're `most annoying`,but also the most attended to. How is this hypocritical attitude suppose to help our species understand each other to progress in our development. -- 1 annoying guy
C20 It has more to do with the sex of the person than type. I can like one xxxx as a male but hate most xxxxes as females. -- Anonymous
C21 INTPs are by far the most annoying I have ever met. !!!!!!!! -- Anonymous
C22 Definitely ESTP because they are lyers, then will take advantage of you, and call you names to reduce anxiety of the feelings they have about themselves, making you feel bad in the process but unaware of those feelings they provoct in you. ESTJ's are actually great people and if you want to get work done they are important to have on your side especially if they know what they are doing and have a goal to achieve. -- BB
C23 ENFjs, totally. Damn know-it-alls who know nothing! -- Anonymous
C24 Sarah Palin is ESFJ . . . -- Anonymous
C25 basically the answer to this depends on your type -- Anonymous
C26 @ C2 I think there are just more N types than S types on this website. -- Anonymous
C27 i'm an infp and other infp's annoy me. *chucle* -- Anonymous
C28 Well, ENTPS and INTPs tend to be into the MBTI. Moreso than other types, and as they are the arch-enemies of normality and enthusiasm, of course they would find Extraverted Guardians annoying. -- Anonymous
C29 C21 i really dont understand how, as we are very introverted, and quiet, often daydreaming of somewhere else, and we tolerate annoyance well. Also, we tend to think rationally and fairly, not biasing are opinions based on emotions... and if we find that we are wrong... WE CHANGE!.. we dont stand behind something just because we believe it... and we dont force our beliefs onto others... -- yes, im an intp
C30 ENTJs. Oh my god they are so annoying. They are always claiming superiority over me. -- an INFP
C31 @C27: same here! Most annoying types: ESTPs (Conquerors) and ESTjs (Directors). -an INFP -- Sage
C33 I have to say ENTJ. Codeword: Stalin. They are always in control, thy won't improvise if anything goes wrong, nd it;s always my fault. I also hate ISFJ's, but my prother is the biggest enemy I have and he is one. I hate ESFJ's because they are too conformist and never take time to think. I am divided on ESFP's, as I hate their flightyness, but they put happiness back in me. C32, I'm an INTP, and I have to say that you're just an irrational idiot. ESFJ's are also my conflict type. If I had an AK-47, I would run out of ammo on the first one as I hate them so much. Good thing I learned discipline. -- Braktos
C34 I hate ISTJs because they're boring and controlling and I hate ESFJs because they try to change me. I don't care about ESTJs because I never even listen to them anymore and I just pitty ISFJs because they can never freaking chear up. -- viv the enfp
C35 wait, how are infjs annoying? 0.0 -- Anonymous
C36 i just can`t stand ESFJs!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaarrrggghhhhh they are always seeking approval for every line they say and every thing they do and you need to explain them everything to the smallest detail because they can`t read between the lines.if their feeling side is more developed,beware,you will be the one to blame fo each and every of their mindless and attention-seeking actions!selfless&dependent at their worse! -- intj annoyed by esfjs
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