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Question #1213115778Tuesday, 10-Jun-2008
Category: ESTp Stereotype
Why are ESTps such compulsive liars? I'm serious - this isn't a loaded question. I would authentically like to know this, and the mechanism/motivation behind it. In fact, if you're an ESTp and are willing to go into the ESTp Witness Protection Program and share what the hell is behind this incessant need to lie - about anything; even stupid, meaningless things - then please do so. You may be destroyed by angry ESTps, but you will have sacraficed yourself in advance of greater personality type understanding. A small price to pay. -- jason
Your Answers: 1+ 22+ 42+
A42 Dear OP, remember that you cannot generalize every single person within a type. however, you can think about why people of a certain type are more inclined to do certain things as opposed to others. if you want my opinion, ESTPs may slip in little lies because people belive them. Often ESTPs have many friends so more people will believe them. From my experience with afew ESTPs. It's easier for them to trust you more if you dont really fall for their lies or dont react. -- Anonymous
A43 I don't think ESTPs lie more than others. For myself I sometimes start on a story and I lose my train of thought halfway, and I may slip in an untruth because I don't want to break the "Flow" of the conversation. However when it comes to matters of "duty" and integrity (bills, love matters, etc." I refuse to accept anything less than the truth. I think your question is not so much "why are ESTPs compulsive liars" as "why do ESTPs lie about small things that don't matter" - i.e. why do they lie when you perceive there is no reason to lie. All types lie at some point, but their motivations and situations which give rise to lying may be different. I know quite a few INFPs and ENFPs who lie for a different reason: to avoid conflict or to avoid hurting the other person (which is also a form of narcissism: they don't want the other person to remember that they were the ones who brought the hurt). -- Anonymous
A44 people of any type can lie. we're imperfect ... it's human nature. even tho it's not the right thing to do. i've caught myself lying too sometimes but when i lie ... i do it to avoid conflict or to avoid hurting the other person. -- INFp girl
A45 Because you can't handle the truth. -- Anonymous
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A46 [Dr] House rule: "Everybody lies" (except maybe Abe Lincoln). Truth be told: the best lies ever to be told are 95% true. I DO, however, think that ESTP's seem to have a knack for it (or at the very least, reveling in grand tall tales they like to share with others). Not that that necessarily means that they're the most likely type to lie (especially since T's, in general, value "truth" as being more important than F's value in keeping harmony in tact). -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
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