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Question #1213115778Tuesday, 10-Jun-2008
Category: ESTp Stereotype
Why are ESTps such compulsive liars? I'm serious - this isn't a loaded question. I would authentically like to know this, and the mechanism/motivation behind it. In fact, if you're an ESTp and are willing to go into the ESTp Witness Protection Program and share what the hell is behind this incessant need to lie - about anything; even stupid, meaningless things - then please do so. You may be destroyed by angry ESTps, but you will have sacraficed yourself in advance of greater personality type understanding. A small price to pay. -- jason
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A22 Actually, I find that most ESTps are extremely blunt and straightforward, not necessarily out of ethical scruples with dishonesty, but out of a sense that dithering around with lies is an ineffectual waste of time. ESTps always use a "sledgehammer approach" to getting what they want. And no, they are do not intrinsically desire to have other people like them or to be popular - that is an exceptionally stunted and immature view of the ESTp. -- Anonymous
A23 as an estp, my reply is simple: because we can and nobody can stop us, and people still love us -- thomas
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A24 To be honest, we only lie when we KNOW for sure that it won't screw us eventually. If an ESTP has lied to you, you will not find out. I doubt you're dealing with an ESTP if there are constant small lies that are discovered; if that's the case, you aren't dealing with one of us, we're smooth operators. -- ESTP
A25 The reason some people lie is too simply cover there actions. However a compulsive lier, has a deep routed compulsion, too better them selves in the light of there conversations. A deep routed inferior complex that often can not be repaired. There not evel ther scared of there inself. -- sycotic Danny
A26 I'm an ESTP and I lie only out of necessity and when I'm certain that it won't come out. (For example I used to lie to my mother a lot when I was youngerand lived with her and wanted to go out partying, meet a boyfriend etc.)Not to friends, lovers. And if I have to lie, I plan it to the details, so that all fits and tie all the loose ends. But I like to be honest, brutally honest even so. -- EST:P
A27 I'm an ESTp too. I tend to lie quite a bit (generally small lies, nothing large). I do it to: Test my abilities, entertainment purposes, and sadly, to manipulate people a bit. I agree with A24 though, we are damn good liars. -- Paul, the ESTp.
A28 I'm right on the line of ISTp & ESTp so it is hard to say which one I am for sure... but all tests say ESTp so I'll answer. Myself, and all ESTps I've come across, will do whatever suits their purpose at the time or short term agenda, eg. if lying gets a better result, obviously we will lie. But at the same time, if telling the truth is better, the truth comes out. This only applies to goal behavior and sounds like the universal human behavior. We also can get bored with boring people or situations, and start making up **** just for stimulation, but these lies rarely if ever impact anyone. -- Mike
A29 I work with many ESTp's, more than 10. All I can say, the stupid, lying ESTp, is the one of the worst types. Only brain-damaged ENTp is worser. I am repeating: Lying ESTp = Stupid ESTp. Stupid ESTp's are living in some imaginary world where they are capable of anything, the most competent and powerfull. This accounts especially for criminals. ESFp's with criminal past are the same. Total assholes. Apparently clever ESTp's are OK. They dont lie, they dont want to "dominate" others with their imaginary abilities, they dont punch anybody who says a joke which they dont understand. Stupid ESTp's source of lying is in their perception of the world. In one moment they can be fully convicted of something as truth, but in next 10 minutes they can switch their mind to completely opposite, which has nothing to do with the reality. Stupid ESTp is not directed by his logic, he is missing it, that's the point. Same for ESFp's with broken feelings (for example parents where alcoholics) - with missing real feelings there are just plain assholes, all superficial, just like in narcisstic personality disorder. -- :-)
A30 It's all about maturing and growing up. Sadly society has a tendency to validate the extreme sides of ESTp's and ESFp's. They were the source of middle school drama. Luckily they sooner or later have to mature to being normal people, or they eventually will lose all their friends. The problem with lying and ESTP's is that if they can get away with it, they will continue. Sooner or later someone will catch them, and they should stop. Until then avoid them, unless you like lying assholes. -- ENTP
A31 Extreme ESTPs likely suffer from Sociopathic Personality Disorder. Impulsive, risk-taking, concerned about self-image, obsessed with winning, manipulative, etc. ESTPs may "lie, but not on purpose" because it's simply a compulsion they have. The sociopathic ESTP takes this to a far greater extreme. -- XNFP
A32 A21: "It's done for entertainment because lying about important things will make you untrustworthy. Besides that, because we can. I prefer not to lie because i know i can fool people so easily, it takes the fun out of it." There are people that can easily see through your lies but just don't say anything because they don't want to cause conflict. -- tikru
A33 Why would any ESTP find any INFJs attractive to say the least…the multiple INFJs I have encountered at work and school (including my own sister) are never well put together and are ALWAYS assholes with some type of miserable acne problem that even pro-active can't fix, maybe being one is in your personality as lying is part of the ESTP.. As an ESTP, I am quite offended that you think ESTPs find INFJ personalties attractive. And as for you mr.AJ …i find your personality to be one of the most boring personalities whether you're healthy or unhealthy (maybe thats why you think its so bad to lie because you're not good at it and hate the fact that ESTPs get away with so much), the INFJ personalities that i have encountered (NOT TO GENERALIZE ALL INFJS) ARE overwhelmingly over emotional, aloof, boring, assholes, close minded, doesnt know how to dress, look like **** half the time, manipulative, conniving, spiteful and the list goes on…could this be a pattern of INFJs…oh boy! Maybe people shouldn't be so gullible and so trustful of other people that it's easy to lie straight to your face, if someone is lying to you its as simple as either calling them out about it or brush it off because most likely it really wasn't a big deal so grow up…everyone lies whether it's a "white lie", lying on purpose or not, or simply just lying, EVERYONE LIES. To single out ESTPs as all liars is as unfair as me singling you out as an asshole jason and AJ from post A4 and A15 and the anonymous asshole from posting A8. and as much as i just ****ted on you INFJs, i still dont and wont generalize all INFJs fakers to be losers who cant get a life and most likely still living in your parents basement. do us all a favor and interact with more people so you don't think all of us are the same. AND FOR THE FACT THAT YOU'RE AN INFJ ****TING ON ESTPs…IS IT NOT OBVIOUS THAT THOUGH YOU THINK YOU'RE BEING OPEN MINDED (when in reality you're not) INFJs and ESTPs ARE RELATIONS OF CONFLICTING… NO ****, YOU THINK ESTPs ARE " GAWD, AWFUL" PEOPLE, WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON (personality theory-wise if you want to be technical).So please try to refrain from saying ESTPs find your INFJ personalities attractive because that's a lie on its own, so please don't lie. p.s. not all ESTPs think or believe the ends justify the means -- female ESTP
A34 A33 is an ESFp -- Anonymous
A35 no, not really, my personality IS ESTP. Doesn't mean I share my feelings, you can assume that I'm a feeler, which I take great offense to for you to assume such a thing. Thinkers are allowed to express their emotions without being labeled as feeler. -- female ESTP
A36 I think Thomas (A23), has it spot on. Of course you cannot pinpoint ESTps as liars over the others, but as COMPULSIVE liars, you can. When you get away with something over and over again, and you are much more tactically minded than ethically, compulsive lying is the inevitable result. What can you do about it? I'm an INFp, an ESTp was one of my best friends, and I used soft approaches (making him feel bad; giving him a different perspective). But our close mutual friend, an ENTp, went for the hard approach (making him feel left out and unpopular). He still lied. -- Anonymous
A37 a19 you are not an INFp. To Jason - maybe they don't like you. Seriously, INFj's are not as perfect as they think they are. These posts against ESTp's -and other extraverts - are getting rather annoying! All 16 types have imperfections. NOT ONE TYPE is a compulsive liar, cheater, stealer, etc etc. I thought the whole point of Socionics was to learn how to work with one another and understand ourselves better. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish by putting down other types? -- Anonymous
A38 "I'm serious - this isn't a loaded question." It's a very loaded question. Besides making a crass generalization of an entire personality type, your use of the words "compulsive liar" and "incessant need to lie" speak more about a pathological disorder than a common personality type. It could have been tempered to ask what things ESTp's would lie about, and for what reasons, but as it stands it's just inflammatory. Also, I doubt econdude's use of the words "please" and "perhaps" were shallow covers for his elitism. They're niceties, because this is the internet and being rude would only detract from the poster's argument. And INTj's are usually careful about not saying things to detract from their argument (a generalization I will acknowledge). I can't think of any reason for ESTp's to lie that I couldn't attibute to other types. Maybe their smooth-talking outgoing nature make them stick out as potential liars? -- Random INTj
A39 A10 i lol-ed too hard. im an ESTP, and isnt it better to lie at meaningless thing than lying at important things such as feelings? i would lie for money but never about my feelings. -- Anonymous
A40 I am an ESTp, and I lie, loads, just for the satisfaction it gives me. Knowing I can make people believe my lies makes me feel good about myself, as it means they trust me, and I am a convincing liar. It just feels great. -- Anonymous
A41 my guess is that they do lie more than most types (it has been my experience anyways) and I think it might have to do with a lack of Ne? Estps operate in the moment and will lie to get what they want but fail to see the longterm and/or big picture consequences of what they are doing in the now. For that reason I have always seen estps as kind of short sighted, inefficient and lovers of instant gratification. However, I am not saying entps (my type) dont lie or dont have their own weaknesses. -- Tricia (entp)
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