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Question #1190451255Saturday, 22-Sep-2007
Category: INTp ESFp Duality Dating
I am an INTP (I'm approximately 78% certain) and a male (100% certain, as I have proof :;grins::) I'm really wanting to go and check out some ESFp girls, see what it might be like around my theoretical Dual. So technically I'll be asking a few questions in one. First, have any INTps here actually been in a long-term relationship with an ESFp, and what was it like / what were the stages in the process? Secondly, how can you pick them apart from ENFps and ESFjs, with a focus on meeting them online? Are there any reliable signs, such as choice of favorite quotes in signatures, style of writing, etc.? I'm extremely cocky and sarcastic, some I believe to be ExFxs will frown on it, others will bite back. If that's too much, just please just stick to the basic premise. -- MD
Your Answers: 1+ 20+ 32+
A32 I vote INTp for MD, personally. My boyfriend is an outgoing INTp, and it's a strange combination but I definitely see it in him. They're tricky to type because you feel so compelled to label them ENTp... but social skills and a willingness to interact with others (when necessary, or for a function) are no substitute for natural extraversion. But yes, the N/S difference is the trickiest to tell with ESFps- I'd always tested strongly ENFp my entire life, and about a year ago I became an ESFp. I fought it at first, but after doing my research (very S, ironically enough) I realized that I had changed, so I like to think I have a pretty good understanding of both types. As for looking for ESFp girls online... lots of emoticons. I use them excessively and I can't seem to stop. I feel stupid as soon as I press enter, but I never seem to remember to edit them out, heh. As for sarcasm, I tend to get it (usually), but I'm also a particularly sarcastic ESFp myself. It does take me a second or two longer to register it online, though, so I agree with the people here about it. One good way you might be able to tell the N/S difference would be in hobbies. I'm not sure if this is super-reliable, but it works almost unfailingly with my friends. N types tend to like the IDEA of a hobby or interest more than the actual activity itself, sometimes. For example, I quit martial arts over 5 years ago, but it wasn't until last year I starting admitting that I'm not REALLY a martial artist anymore because I liked the sound of it. I was also fascinated by some philosophies, but I read ABOUT them rather than the texts themselves until last year. There may be exceptions to this rule, but in general S types tend to be more real and honestly active in their hobbies and interests. Hope this helps! -- Lena (ESFp)
A33 I vote INTP for MD as well! Going back to the argument of taking initiative. I too am an INTP who has learned to take initiative in order for my life and experiences to be more fullfilling.Other than the internet sites we have a hard time finding people we can relate to. It is not easy to find what MP said finding the right person to talk to. He articulated my thought so exactly, I feel like he was in my head putting my thoughts together when he said " I'm not interested in what others are doing. I'm more concerned with trying to figure things out, like what type I am. I am usually quite oblivious to my surroundings, even in a crowd, because I'm basically not there. Thinking. i can be VERY talkative around the right people, then II either hope to gain a new angle from the other person, or I just talk, nott really caring if they answer, so long as I get to unload my thoughts and judgments into someone else's head. Emphasis on the fact that it has to be the right person. Also in large groups there is too much information going around. Can't talk and process at the same time. if all I'm hearing is crap (small talk), I might go into attack mode and start picking on all the females present, just to amuse myself, no harm meant. Why don't I always behave in an extraverted manner? Too exhausting. i believe in order to get what you want, sometimes you just have to be cold and hard, even to yourself. Normally I don't give crap about much in particular, but once I have an actual target I can push towards it a little" The whole A27 being more interested in figuring things out as opposed to being interested in what others are doing. We are born with "a type" but we we understand how we can improve ourselves and get the best out of our personality. There are negatives that hold us back from being the best our type can be. All though alot of the responses have been typical of an INTP's personality as we mature we leave some of those inmature qualites behind.I have always wondered what the average of the people who respond on this site are. An INTP's quest for understanding and learning will lead us to step out of our heads so to speak to get additional information. If the information that we are searching for is to understand ourselves eventually we want to put that information to to good use in order to have a more deep and meaningful life. Maybe MD is an older INTP than what had replied to this post or his focus is on understaning himself and others and not computers and math! Not all INTP are FOCUSED on the same things. We may have the ability to master these things but if we are not interested in them who cares if they are mastered. : ) -- NewDawn
A34 Check street corners; you're sure to find a few there. -- Anonymous
A35 ESFP would be more like in between ESFJ and ENFP, from my perspective. light-hearted, rambunctious and free-spirited and L-O-O-S-I-E like ENFP (NOT TO SAY THERE AREN"T LOTS AND LOTS OF ESFJ Loosies. But generally speaking, but ESFP relate more to ESFJ on physical matters, taking care of the house and stuff like that bill paying, etc. . . where as ENFP would probably either spend a good amount of her time either dreaming with other idealists or strategizing with rationalists. But keep in mind, as we age, all the types have had a chance to be around all the other types and picked up alot of learning from them, that might not still be quite as cultivated and their original preferences yet the older they are more balanced. -- VJD
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A36 A35: I think basically you are right, I will just make two remarks: the ENFps I know are probably more active than you imagine, they dont spend much time dreaming (but the ENFps I know might always be exceptions). And I HATE paying bills. I relate to the household care because I have to, having no mother and all, but taking care of it one day in a month would be an ideal state for me. I like my house and have good ideas how to make it look better, and am successful in bringing them to reality, but have to force myself to take care of it regularly. I tend to escape to places where the household care is simple, like hiring a room in a foreign country, and sometimes dream of living in the woods like my favourite writer Thoreau did. It seems to me you deduce the qualities of ENFps and ESFps quite well, but maybe you could get to know more of them? Your knowledge of them seems very theoretical so far. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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