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Question #1182262756Tuesday, 19-Jun-2007
Category: INTj Stereotype
I'm an INTJ and I am everything that generally describes an INTJ person. I've been aware that I'm INTJ for years and been pushing myself to be extrovert but always find it overwhelming to talk about my private life to others. My interests always are so different from everyone else's around me and it's hard to converse with people even if we both try to have a conversation. I get jealous of and ****ed off at people who can go on and on about their lives and just talk about stupid things. Other people seem to make friends with each other so easily. Do all INTJs struggle with this kind of problem? -- Crystal Bent
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A25 A24, wouldn't it be great if we could all be in a position where that did not happen ? Do you think its possible, yes, no ? Do you think what we are seeing is some classic intp skepticsm Not to worry, I can be rather skeptical too - It is just a chance one takes, especially with ones friends and the like ! But as long as there are people like learning around how never give up trying, then the world can't get that bad, no ? -- Cyclops
A26 I can only do two types of conversation. The deeper kind, and the kind in which it's just a play off of each other's imaginations, like discussing the trash gnomes that live in trash cans and use paper cups for hats. In these situations I can be very talkative but if it's a normal conversation about what people normally talk about as small talk, I'm unable to say anything and just sit back and listen, or pretend to listen. It's a tough existence but sometimes you get to be relied on as a 'good listener' and actually hear something interesting and useful once in a while. -- Anonymous
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