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Question #1181034140Tuesday, 5-Jun-2007
Category: ESFp Theory
How accurate do you think the +/- ESFp description is? It makes them sound so business-focused, self confident and aggressive, almost hard-nosed! I thought ESFps were fun, creative, generous, helpful, passionate and compassionate, even shy at times. What gives? -- need to know
Your Answers: 1+
A1 That might apply more to a male ESFp. Doesn't seem to apply well to the female ESFp's I know. -- INTp
A2 @A1 INTp, thank you for sharing your observation. Now I am wondering: what in reality are the ESFp's greatest strengths? -- need to know
A3 Social skills. ESFp's probably have the best social skills of all types. -- Same INTp
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A4 Lots of food for thoughts... Well I've read the article and it seems to me that the "-"s are very correct and the "+"s mostly incorrect... I think the "+"s would relate more to ESTps. Personally, I am as poor both in business and leadership as can be. I think we ESFps are kind of drawn to self-confident leadership, but at the same time we are very democratic and tolerant and sensitive, so all in all we don't make those aggressive leaders. (And that's why I don't consider the "Napoleon" name of the ESFp type at some sites a good choice. I am sure many ESFps would be happier with e.g.Winnie the Pooh than Napoleon. ) A2: greatest strengths? Maybe tolerance, creativity, helpfulness and generosity. Good at gathering precise information in certain fields and presenting it. Putting genuine compassion and interest into almost everything they do even if they do it for the 100th time. Both males and females. A3: I don't dare to think so, but sounds nice, thanks -- Ezis (ESFp)
A5 Mm, the +/= works pretty well for me. I'm not a "stereotypical" leader either, but few leaders ACTUALLY are. I think ESFps tend to use Transformational Leadership and sometimes Charismatic Leadership more than anything else. You can google these for a quick description, I'm sure, if you're interested. I'm minoring in Leadership Studies and I've done WAY too much analysis on typology v. leadership style. And as much as I hate it, I can't take criticism well. I'm getting better because I'm concious of it, but naturally? I'm horrible with it. -- Lena (ESFp)
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