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Question #1130527913Friday, 28-Oct-2005
Category: ISTp ENFp Advice Relationship Duality
Hi! I enjoy socionics, and were encouraged to discover my type - as a matter of fact I'm 100% convienced it works! The only problem I often encounter is finding my dual. I am ENFP (Reporter), and my dual is Artisan... I think I had no luck so far in attracting this particular type.... My best people I get along with and spend most of my time are Peacemakers. I just love these people but finding an just not working...could you suggest to me how do I identify and attract the type I need....I am female (have no problem attracting any type of men but that one... hm...!) -- Ellie
Your Answers: 1+ 13+ 29+
A29 This is a refreshing thread! Every once in a while I see the "I hate ISTPs" post from some jilted ex. That's unfortunate because the oft used "It's not you, it really is ME!" line is the truth coming from an ISTP. See, you can date us and not feel bad if it ends badly. It was inevitable. So you keep looking for your ISTP. Maybe you will find me!, metaphorically speaking of course. -- ISTPJim
A30 I an an ENFp female, and I just realized that a guy I've known for many years is an ISTp. It suddenly makes sense to me now as I have always felt drawn to him. When I first met him I barely noticed him... we worked together for a while and had some interesting banter back and forth with each other. We never really dated, but there was something there long ago. Problem is, I've been stupid. When we started speaking again recently after 5 years, the next day we decided to hang out and I ended up being so intrigued by him that I made a complete fool of myself. I think I may have scared him off... and my ENFp need for validation and explanations has let me to (in his words) bother him constantly. I know I need to back off and leave him alone... which I'm doing more now... but it's very difficult when he hasn't opened up to me (typical ISTp) and I can't stand being ignored (typical ENFp... haha). So have I completely screwed this up for myself or is there anything I can do to get this guy to open up to me? I really think there's something there. I wouldn't have felt it all this time if there wasn't... -- ENFp and Apparently Nuts.
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A31 I totally disagree with A17 who says that ENFP and INTJ make a great pair. No way! I dated an INTJ for way too long in hindsight - 3 and 1/2 years - and by the end I felt he was acting like a father figure and was condescending. He ended up boring me to death too - he walked the same route to work every day and ate the same things day after day and so on and so on. For an ENFP, this kind of obsession with routine is boring! boring! boring! and there's no way I could stick it out with an INTJ as a life partner. Sure it's stable and secure but it became so mundane that I couldn't take it. I don't know whether ISTP is the ENFP's 'perfect' match. I guess you just have to try it and see. I am not like the other ENFPs on this site who say that they have to have lots of affirmations in their relationships. I have enough self-confidence that I don't feel the need to be constantly reassured that my partner loves me. If they want to keep doing things with me and it's fun and energizing, then all's good. Plus the only thing you can be certain of in any relationship is the very day that you are in, so just enjoy it and I bet that ENFPs would have a better chance of making it last with an ISTP. Life is better when you 'go with the flow' and stop obsessing with whether something with last for a lifetime. (I'm an ENFP female). -- Anonymous
A32 The duality relations are screwed up, I don't know who came up with them for this website, but the MBTI ones work much better. As an ENFP myself, INFJ's work well for us, as do, in deference to A31, INTJ's. The thing is, for both, but especially INTJ, you have to be well evolved, and that goes for both of you. I have an INTJ friend who isn't all that attractive, yet somehow, I still find myself attracted to her. It's about the play between your dominant functions. Ideally, they should have opposite attitudes, like, in our case, and , or and , ect. -- Liam, ENFp
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