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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
How certain are you of your Type?
I am convinced I know my Type495361.3 %
I know part of my Type138217.1 %
I thought I knew my Type but now I am not sure111613.8 %
I don't know my Type5186.4 %
I don't want to know my Type1031.3 %
Total Votes: 8085
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+ 69+
C37 C33: This is exactly how it is for me and thats why I can never decide on a type, though the most tough thing(to me) is thinking of myself as a sensor...I wish I could definitavely rule out that possibility, like saying that because I care so much about an impractical self image, I must be a solid N. The test thingy gives me an INTP score nowadays, though aspects of ENFP and INFP fit me(as I see it now), and others have argued ISTJ, which I find scary. People who read the descriptions(and are totally naive) tell me I sound like an "analyst", cept INTJs are just supposed to be near infallibly booksmart and well rounded, or damned good at mimicking it...I'm too lazy. -- Anonymous
C38 C35(Kat): Maybe I'm an ENFP who's often down...when I'm happy I'm very charismatic and people tend to think I'm very social...when I'm not, people think I'm a tightwad. I'm most often down because I'm not sure of my type. But I'll go with ENFP for now...with I tendancies. -- Anonymous
C39 I'm almost positive that most ENTPs are more than aware of their own personality. - ENTP. -- Anonymous
C40 i took the tests several times and according to socionics, i'm ISFP, but according to humanmentrics, i'm ISTP. before the final conclusion, i kept changing between INTP, ISTP, and ISFP on both sites. i felt like i was having a personality crisis being too balanced on the 2nd and 3rd letter. -- - undecided I??P
C41 !!! -- Anonymous
C42 physical description is bul**** this is personality not appearence. if you happen to look like the socionics page describes you as physically, it's incidental.-> INTJ <- oh and ILI and LII are ****** up between wikipedia, and both editions of Please Understand Me. Just take the legitimate test or buy the book(s). -- Prometheus
C43 im dominantly INFJ aside from times of extreme stress when i act like a really frustrated ESTP -- INFJ
C44 INTj, 99% sure -- W-L
C45 I'm not quite sure... I've scored INFP more times than ENFP, but my primary function is Ne, then Fi, then Fe, then Ni and so on.. -- ???
C46 I'm somewhat of an overlapping between INTJ & INFJ, it depends what drugs I'm on.. -- Anonymous
C47 ENTP, pissing off my ISFJ mother for 18 years and counting! -- Anonymous
C48 I believe I am an INFP, of all the types I've read about it seems to fit me eerily well. It's also what my test results were on at least 3 different personality tests, so... for once I think I'm certain about something! Haha... -- Eden the INFP
C49 Very much INTJ, definitely. -- Allie
C50 Eh, I'm not so sure type is real. Seems like some people seem similar looking and may more than chance test the same, but that does not mean everyone is 1 or 16 types and that type does not change, etcetera. -- Victor Sardis
C51 I thought I was INFj/INFJ but after some anti-depression treatmente, I'm more inclined to be a ENFJ/ENFj. Maybe the latter is the truer coz when I was 5, I was the centre of attention of everyone, and almost a social butterfly xd -- José D.
C52 C26: Too many big words. Stop it; it's diligrumbtelous to my cranioulogis. -- ENFP; happy
C53 I am partially sure. . . I show both SLE and SEE tendencies . . . but that is normal I suppose -- SEE
C54 I am definitely an INTJ, it is sooooo me. The only part that I don't agree with is the not taking care of myself (hygiene/health) and my home. Don't know if it is upbring or what, but I love a nice neat and clean home, I can not stand to sweat, smell, or look dis-shovled (even thought I can dress very conservatively)and I do everything I can to stay healty. -- INTJ Girl
C55 I am sure of my type now...INTP...when I first did the test 10 years ago and before I really undstood it, I was typed ENTP but I was convinced I was an ESTP. I thought being an introvert was a bad word, and I figured I was Sensor because of my tendency to observe.... C54 my brother is INTJ and he also likes things nice, clean and organized and also does everything to stay healthy...I think the "not taking care of self and surroundings is refering to times when INTJ's are depressed and not doing well. -- Miss D, INTP
C56 Of course I'm an ENTp! This is the only thing I have never questioned in this life. Too special to not see it! -- Anonymous
C57 where are ESTPs? they are computer illiterate or busy flirting with girls? -- ENTJ
C58 @C21: I personally have a steel faith in the personality types theory. Learning this theory saved my life by helping me understand that I was not alone in my ENTp case in this world. This is also the theory that PROVED me that everybody's different is normal, necessary (yes I happened to need that kind of demonstration to simply accept differences... as simply differences) Remember that this theory only point the natural PREFERENCES or MOTIVATIONS. I don't think there's more functions than those already identified today. Education, surrounding, CULTURE and subculture will make individual of a same type channel the same motivations differently. For example, one type may say that its individuals like to dress up sober. If one individual of this type is raised in a subgroup in the society whick dress up dramatically original, this individual may still look dressed original to many people, you,me while he/she is actually dressed sober compared to his/her immediate surrounding. I use socionics a lot in my day to day interactions and I discovered that sometimes guessing type by quickly checking what appears at first sight is misleading. once you're interacting or working out conflict with somebody, you should take in account a lot and a lot of factors (education, background, experience...) in addition to the type to successfully understand somebody. I think the world is as complex as it needs to be with only 16 types expressing each 4 major motivations within an infinite number of social factors... I'm happy that it's that simple (4 letters and there you go) so that it can be an affordable day to day tool to me. Being able to speed read people and understand exactly what to do with them and when to make sure one is contributing adequately ti their immediate society is a priceless key in life. -- The1millionTalentsGuy
C59 I know what I am and what I am not. -- Anonymous
C60 I am NOT a sociopath. I am an INTJ. -- YelloDevil
C61 Darn sure I'm ISFP. -- Anonymous
C62 I'm an INFJ. 18 "INFJ" results out of 22 tests seems to confirm that. -- Anonymous
C63 FOREVER UNCERTAIN and double checking myself (but i guess that would make me intuitive?) -- T
C64 I dunno, I can be a shy extrovert, but in the end, I'm an ENTP -- emily
C65 Im INFP in MBTI, I test sometime as INFp , INFj or INFx in socionic. The description which fit me more is 1) Eanagram 4w5 2) MBTI INFP 3) INFp or INFj -- INFx
C66 I am either an ENFp or an INFp, i don't know which because i fit both pretty very confusing. -- Anonymous
C67 I'm an IST- something. Keep fudging up the last bit... although, I know I'm not an ISFJ, or an ISFP.. that leaves either ISTP or ISTJ... I just really don't want to be an ISTJ, because they seem way too structured and boring. -- Mike Oxhard
C68 No idea whether INTJ or ENTJ, tests always come either one of them with I/E being 50% to 52%. I believe myself to be an INTJ but my E side is pretty strong and I'm actually a social person. -- INTANONY
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